С. Дж. Дрюс

C.G. Drews

  • 3 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 83 читателя
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С. Дж. Дрюс — новинки

  • Мальчик, который крадёт дома С. Дж. Дрюс
    ISBN: 978-5-6046067-3-5
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Поляндрия
    Язык: Русский
    Сэму всего пятнадцать, но ему приходится решать взрослые проблемы: что есть, где жить и как защитить брата, который нуждается в особом внимании. И он находит выход из положения. Сэм вламывается в пустующие дома, живёт там, пока может, опустошает холодильники и ищет чем поживиться. И так снова и снова до тех пор, пока он не попадает в суматошный дом Дилейни — семьи, состоящей из отца-одиночки и его семерых детей. И в этом хаосе у Сэма появляется возможность обрести пристанище, а с ним — друзей и первую любовь. Главное — не дать прошлому помешать начать жизнь с чистого листа.
  • The Boy Who Steals Houses С. Дж. Дрюс
    ISBN: 9781408349922
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Orchard Books
    Язык: Английский
    Can two broken boys find their perfect home?

    Sam is only fifteen but he and his autistic older brother, Avery, have been abandoned by every relative he's ever known. Now Sam's trying to build a new life for them. He survives by breaking into empty houses when their owners are away, until one day he's caught out when a family returns home. To his amazement this large, chaotic family takes him under their wing - each teenager assuming Sam is a friend of another sibling. Sam finds himself inextricably caught up in their life, and falling for the beautiful Moxie.

    But Sam has a secret, and his past is about to catch up with him.
  • A Thousand Perfect Notes С. Дж. Дрюс
    ISBN: 9781408349908
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Orchard Books
    Язык: Английский
    An emotionally charged story of music, abuse and, ultimately, hope.

    Beck hates his life. He hates his violent mother. He hates his home. Most of all, he hates the piano that his mother forces him to play hour after hour, day after day. He will never play as she did before illness ended her career and left her bitter and broken. But Beck is too scared to stand up to his mother, and tell her his true passion, which is composing his own music - because the least suggestion of rebellion on his part ends in violence.

    When Beck meets August, a girl full of life, energy and laughter, love begins to awaken within him and he glimpses a way to escape his painful existence. But dare he reach for it?