Генри Адамс – лучшие книги
- 9 произведений
- 7 изданий на 2 языках
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Воспитание Генри Адамса Генри Адамс
ISBN: 978-5-17-170233-5 Год издания: 2025 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский В семидесятилетнем возрасте Генри Адамс написал "Воспитание Генри Адамса" — разосланную по узкому кругу друзей автобиографическую книгу, первоочередная задача которой, как отмечал сам автор, заключалась в воспитании его самого. По своей форме "Воспитание Генри Адамса" — классический роман взросления. Адамс основательно и подробно описывает всю свою жизнь, от юности до старости, размышляет над своими поступками, как осознанными, так и нет, и приходит к определенным выводам. Воспоминания о собственном прошлом дополняются рассуждениями об истории США, довольно критическими наблюдениями за американским обществом и философскими размышлениями…
Демократия (сборник) Генри Адамс, Джоан Дидион, Гор Видал
ISBN: 5-01-001577 Год издания: 1989 Издательство: Прогресс Язык: Русский В сборнике "Демократия" представлены романы американских писателей Генри Адамса, Гора Видала и Джоан Дидион, объединенных общностью темы и авторского отношения к изображаемым явлениям. "Демократия" Г.Адамса (1880) стоит у истоков жанра "политического романа" в литературе США, тему падения политических нравов продолжают романы современных писателей "Вашингтон, округ Колумбия" Г.Видала (1967) и "Демократия" (1984) Дж.Дидион, где дается обстоятельный анализ американских "коридоров власти".
Рекомендуется широкому кругу читателей. -
Democracy: An American Novel Henry Adams
ISBN: 9780375760587, 037576058X Год издания: 2003 Издательство: Modern Library Язык: Английский An immediate bestseller upon its publication in 1880, the anonymously penned Democracy prompted widespread speculation and guessing games as to its author’s identity. It is the story of Mrs. Lightfoot Lee, a society widow, and Silas Ratcliffe, the most influential member of the Senate, who, throughout the novel, pursues Mrs. Lee while at the same time battling her for power. Set in Washington in the 1870s, Democracy presents a scathing and incisive look at the intricate inner workings of politics and corruption that remains relevant today.
This Modern Library Paperback Classic is set from the 1880 first edition and includes a contemporary review from The Atlantic Monthly. -
Democracy / Esther / Mont Saint Michel and Chartres / The Education of Henry Adams Henry Adams
ISBN: 0940450127, 9780940450127 Год издания: 1983 Издательство: The Library of America Язык: Английский This Library of America volume includes the best-known works of Henry Adams, one of the most powerful and original minds to illuminate the American scene from the Civil War to World War I. Now brought together for the first time in a single volume, these works show the many forms—fiction, poetry, philosophical and historical speculation, autobiography—in which Adams gave expression to his vision of the meaning of the unsettling changes in American life and values.
Each of the two novels, Democracy and Esther, chooses a woman on whom to center the effects of social change. In Democracy, Madeleine Lee, an emancipated and idealistic young widow, moves to Washington to learn the nature of political power and is disillusioned upon discovering the intrigues of rampant corruption. The free-thinking heroine in Esther, caught in the warfare between science and religion, finds that she cannot surrender her moral independence, even to marry a clergyman.
Adams, though a man of the modern world, remained in temperament a child of the eighteenth century, his political ideals shaped by his presidential ancestors, great-grandfather John Adams and grandfather John Quincy Adams. The failure of those ideals to withstand the challenges of an industrialized America drove him to seek refuge in the study of the medieval age of faith in France. Out of it came his skeptic’s “Prayer to the Virgin of Chartres.” Her presence dominates the book that followed—Mont Saint Michel and Chartres. In evocative and sensitive prose Adams moves from the architecture, sculpture, and stained glass of Chartres to the religion, literature, politics, social order, and crusades of the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries. Adams translates the poetry of courtly love and recounts the drama of Eleanor of Aquitaine’s life and the timeless love of Abelard and Heloise. The narrative rises at the end to the brilliantly re-enacted drama of St. Thomas Aquinas’ victory over the rival philosophers.
If Mont Saint Michel portrayed a world unified by a common faith, The Education of Henry Adams portrayed a world irresistibly moving toward chaos. The world once unified by the Virgin was now ruled by the impersonal Dynamo and was already confronted by the “metaphysical bomb” of radium and the prospect of infinite energy for man’s use. Adams balances, with extraordinary urbanity and wit, the rival claims he found as much in himself as in modern civilization. Together, these two works still pose an urgent question: can the human mind ultimately control the monstrous aggregates of power which it has wrung from nature?