Frank Fabozzi – лучшие книги
- 2 произведения
- 3 издания на 2 языках
По популярности
Fixed Income Mathematics, 4E Frank Fabozzi
ISBN: 007146073X Год издания: 2005 Язык: Русский The standard reference for fixed income portfolio managers Despite their conservative nature, fixed income instruments are among the investment industry's most complex and potentially risky investments. Fixed Income Mathematics -
Project Financing : 7th edition Peter K. Nevitt, Frank Fabozzi
ISBN: 1855647915 Язык: Русский The eagerly awaited 7th edition of this best-selling guide to project financing is now available. Fully updated and revised the new book includes numerous examples and case-studies, including the Eurotunnel, Dabhol and Hubco deals. These illustrate