Джесси К. Сутанто

Jesse Q. Sutanto

  • 18 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 753 читателя
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Джесси К. Сутанто – лучшие книги

  • Доверьтесь Ченам Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 978-5-17-147214-6
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Для Мэделин Чен свидание вслепую заканчивается сокрушительным фиаско: фатально для нее и летально для парня. Чтобы решить возникшую проблему (труп в багажнике), на помощь приходят четыре взбалмошные тетушки. Однако избавиться от тела оказывается гораздо сложнее. Особенно, когда морозильник для торта (со спрятанным в нем трупом) случайно отправляется на свадьбу миллиардера. Там Мэдди, ее мама и тетушки работают над подготовкой праздника с большим размахом. Это самый крупный заказ для их семейного свадебного бизнеса, который грозит обернуться провалом. Такой исход недопустим, ведь главный девиз семейства: "Не оставляй свой самый важный…

  • Непрошеные советы Веры Вонг Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 9785171546946
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Вера Вонг, одинокая старушка, проживает над своей чайной лавкой в центре Китайского квартала. Хоть она и живет одна, ей ничуть не одиноко. Для нее нет занятия более приятного, чем потягивать улун и следить в интернете за жизнью сына. Как-то утром Вера спускается вниз, и ей открывается прелюбопытное зрелище: посреди ее лавки лежит мертвый мужчина. В его руке – флешка. Вера, вызвав полицию, стягивает флешку из руки покойника. Зачем? Потому что она уверена, что полиция вряд ли сравнится в раскрытии преступления с мнительной китаянкой, у которой уйма свободного времени. Вера знает, что убийца вернется за флешкой. Ей только и остается,…

  • Берегитесь Ченов Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 978-5-17-154427-0
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Мэдди Чен побывала на бесчисленном количестве свадеб, но вряд ли представляла, чем обернется ее собственная. Чтобы ма и тети так же насладились праздником, как и остальные гости, они находят идеальный компромисс — такая же, как у них, китайско-индонезийская семейная компания по организации свадеб. Сначала Мэдди сомневаетсяв выборе, но быстро находит общий язык со свадебным фотографом Стафани, которая напоминает Мэдди ее саму, вплоть до неудачно исковерканного имени. Однако позже, когда Мэдди становится свидетельницей одного подозрительного разговора, до нее доходит, что на этом их сходство заканчивается. В ужасе она не может поверить,…

  • Didn't See That Coming Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 978-0593434017
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Delacorte Press
    Seventeen-year-old Kiki Siregar is a fabulous gamer girl with confidence to boot. She can’t help but be totally herself… except when she’s online.

    Her secret? She plays anonymously as a guy to avoid harassment from other male players. Even her online best friend—a cinnamon roll of a teen boy who plays under the username Sourdawg—doesn’t know her true identity. Which is fine, because Kiki doesn’t know his real name either, and it’s not like they’re ever going to cross paths IRL.

    Until she transfers to an elite private school for her senior year and discovers that Sourdawg goes there, too.

    But who is he? How will he react when he finds out Kiki’s secret? And what happens when Kiki realizes she’s falling for her online BFF?
  • The Obsession Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 1728215161
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Sourcebook Fire
    A classic sort of love story... except somebody might wind up dead.

    Nobody knows Delilah like Logan does. Nobody. He makes sure of it by learning everything he can through her social media and watching her through a hidden camera he has trained on her house. Some might call him a stalker. Logan prefers to be called “romantic.”

    But after Logan sees Delilah killing her abusive stepfather, he realizes there’s still more about her to discover. His sweet, perfect Delilah isn’t so perfect after all.

    Delilah knows she should feel guilty, but all she feels is free. She’s so over the men in her life controlling her. Except Logan saw what she did, and he won’t let her forget it.

    Delilah is done being the victim. And she refuses to be a character in Logan’s twisted fantasy. If Logan won’t let her go… she’ll make him.
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Aunties Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 9780593546222
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский
    What should have been a family celebration of Chinese New Year descends into chaos when longtime foes crash the party in this hilariously entertaining novel by Jesse Q. Sutanto, bestselling author of Dial A for Aunties.

    After an ultra-romantic honeymoon across Europe, Meddy Chan and her husband Nathan have landed in Jakarta to spend Chinese New Year with her entire extended family. Chinese New Year, already the biggest celebration of the Lunar calendar, gets even more festive when a former beau of Second Aunt’s shows up at the Chan residence bearing extravagant gifts—he’s determined to rekindle his romance with Second Aunt and the gifts are his way of announcing his courtship.

    His grand gesture goes awry however, when it’s discovered that not all the gifts were meant for Second Aunt and the Chans—one particular gift was intended for a business rival to cement their alliance and included by accident. Of course the Aunties agree that it’s only right to return the gift—after all, anyone would forgive an honest mistake, right? But what should have been a simple retrieval turns disastrous and suddenly Meddy and the Aunties are helpless pawns in a decades-long war between Jakarta’s most powerful business factions. The fighting turns personal, however, when Nathan and the Aunties are endangered and it’s up to Meddy to come up with a plan to save them all. Determined to rescue her loved ones, Meddy embarks on an impossible mission—but with the Aunties by her side, nothing is truly impossible…
  • I'm Not Done with You Yet Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 9780593546918
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    Some friends--and friendships--are worth killing for in this dark, twisty suspense novel by national bestselling author Jesse Q. Sutanto. Jane is unhappy. A struggling midlist writer whose novels barely command four figures, she feels trapped in an underwhelming marriage, just scraping by to pay a crippling Bay Area mortgage for a house--a life--she's never really wanted. There's only ever been one person she cared about, one person who truly understood her: Thalia. Jane's best and only friend nearly a decade ago during their Creative Writing days at Oxford. It was the only good year of Jane's life--cobblestones and books and damp…

  • Well, That Was Unexpected Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 978-0593433973
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Delacorte Press
    "A delightful, hilarious, captivating love letter to Indonesia, and coming of age in a large meddlesome family, and the thrill of finding your person where you least expect it!"--Ali Hazelwood, New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis

    A laugh-out-loud YA rom-com about a girl who's whisked from LA to her mother's native Indonesia to get back to her roots and finds herself fake-dating the son of one of the wealthiest families there, from the bestselling author of Dial A for Aunties and The Obsession

    After Sharlot Citra's mother catches her in a compromising position, she finds herself whisked away from LA to her mother’s native Indonesia. It'll be exactly what they both need. Or so her mother thinks.

    When George Clooney Tanuwijaya's father (who is obsessed with American celebrities) fears he no longer understands how to get through to his son, he decides to take matters into his own hands.

    To ensure that their children find the right kind of romantic partner, Sharlot's mother and George's father do what any "good" parent would do: they strike up a conversation online, pretending to be their children.

    When the kids find out about their parents’ actions, they’re horrified. Not even a trip to one of the most romantic places on earth could possibly make Sharlot and George fall for each other. But as the layers peel back and the person they thought they knew from online is revealed, the truth becomes more complicated. As unlikely as it may seem, did their parents manage to find their true match after all?
  • The New Girl Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 9781728215198
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Sourcebooks Fire
    Язык: Английский
    Lia Setiawan has never really fit in. When she wins a full ride to the prestigious Draycott Academy on a track scholarship, she's determined to make it work even though she's never felt more out of place. But on her first day there she witnesses a girl being forcefully carried away by campus security. Her new schoolmates and teachers seem unfazed, but it leaves her unsure of what she's gotten herself into. As she uncovers the secrets of Draycott, complete with a corrupt teacher, a golden boy who isn't what he seems, and a blackmailer determined to get her thrown out, she's not sure if she can trust anyone--especially when the threats against her take a deadly turn.
  • Theo Tan and the Fox Spirit Джесси К. Сутанто
    ISBN: 9781250794284
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Feiwel & Friends
    Язык: Английский
    After inheriting a grieving fox spirit, a Chinese American boy must learn to embrace his heritage to solve the mystery of his brother's death in Jesse Q Sutanto's magical, action-packed middle grade fantasy, Theo Tan and the Fox Spirit .

    Theo Tan doesn't want a spirit companion. He just wants to be a normal American kid, playing video games, going to conventions, and using cirth pendants to cast his spells like everyone else. But, when his older brother dies, Theo ends up inheriting Jamie's fox spirit, Kai.

    Kai isn't happy about this either. Theo is nothing like Jamie, and the two of them have never gotten along. But, when they realize the mysterious journal Jamie left Theo is filled with clues and secret codes, it's clear that something strange was going on with Jamie's internship at Reapling Corp.

    But the only way onto the campus is the highly competitive "Know Your Roots" summer camp program, a celebration of Chinese and Indian cultures designed to help connect students with their heritage. Theo and Kai will have to put aside their differences long enough to honor Jamie's last wishes, or the mystery he died for will remain unsolved forever...