Люси Скоур

Lucy Score

  • 21 книга
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 430 читателей
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 178
4 173
3 77
2 32
1 22

Люси Скоур – лучшие книги

  • Притворись, что ты моя Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-5-04-117821-5
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Харпер Уайл застает своего парня с другой и в расстройстве выбегает из дома. Мог ли этот день стать еще хуже? На парковке у бара она попадает под горячую руку дерущимся посетителям и теряет сознание. К счастью, в ситуацию вмешивается симпатичный посетитель по имени Люк. Он капитан Национальной гвардии и умеет давать отпор придуркам. Следующий кадр - она у него дома, где Софи, сестра Люка, просит девушку о странном одолжении. Так Харпер отблагодарит Люка за помощь и, возможно, даже спасет ему жизнь. Звучит драматично? Так оно и есть. У Харпер, пожалуй, не бывало раньше таких сложных дней!

    «Если вы хотите прочесть остроумную и сексуальную романтическую историю, то книги Люси Скоур — идеальный вариант». — Red Enigma Book Blog

    Люси Скоур выросла в семье, где любили литературу и искренне верили, что обеденный стол в первую очередь предназначен для чтения. Люси получила ученую степень в области журналистики. После учебы она обосновалась вместе с супругом в Пенсильвании, где она целыми днями работает прямо из дома, но иногда ей мешает их несносная кошка по кличке Клео. Если Люси не занята написанием своих огненных романов, она, скорее всего, будет валяться с мужем на диване в гостиной или отправится в спортзал. Ее мечта — перебраться на парусную лодку или квартиру на берегу океана (например, на тропический остров), где можно без проблем работать, поймав надежный сигнал Wi-Fi.
  • Усе, що з нами навіки Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 9786175230992
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Артбукс
    Вона втекла зі свого весілля, щоб нарешті знайти справжнє кохання.

    Наомі тікає зі свого весілля до сестри-близнючки Тіни (яка ніколи не відзначался хорошою поведінкою) до містечка Нокмаут у штаті Вірджинія. Суперечки там вирішують старомодним способом: кулаками й пивом. Та майже відразу з’ясовується, що сестра ані краплі не змінилася: Тіна забирає гроші й машину Наомі, а натомість залишає її зі своєю донькою. І тепер Наомі застрягла тут з одинадцятирічною племінницею, без машини, роботи, дому, будь-якого плану та змоги покинути це місто.

    Та на шляху їй трапляється Нокс. Цей бородатий перукар не терпить драми й романтики. Найкраще йому живеться на самоті, і ніяких стосунків він не потребує. Проте його світогляд змінює Наомі, чиє життя руйнується на його очах.
  • Защити свою любовь Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-5-04-122509-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Маккензи – бывший военный врач. Она переезжает в небольшой город, надеясь, что сможет начать новую, спокойную жизнь. В прошлом у нее командировки в горячие точки, где она множество раз рисковала собой. Одним из первых важных дел на новом месте оказывается помощь раненым после дорожной аварии. Там она знакомится с начальником местной пожарной службы, Линкольном Ридом, который очень хорошо знает, что значит быть в опасности на работе каждый день. Между ними очень быстро проскальзывает симпатия, но ни один из них не готов ее принять.
  • Things We Hide from the Light Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-1728276113
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    Язык: Английский
    Nash Morgan was always known as the good Morgan brother, with a smile and a wink for everyone. But now, this chief of police is recovering from being shot and his Southern charm has been overshadowed by panic attacks and nightmares. He feels like a broody shell of the man he once was. Nash isn’t about to let anyone in his life know he’s struggling. But his new next-door neighbor, smart and sexy Lina, sees his shadows. As a rule, she’s not a fan of physical contact unless she initiates it, but for some reason Nash’s touch is different. He feels it too. The physical connection between them is incendiary, grounding him and making her wonder if exploring it is worth the risk.

    Too bad Lina’s got secrets of her own, and if Nash finds out the real reason she’s in town, he’ll never forgive her. Besides, she doesn’t do relationships. Ever. A hot, short-term fling with a local cop? Absolutely. Sign her up. A relationship with a man who expects her to plant roots? No freaking way. Once she gets what she’s after, she has no intention of sticking around. But Knockemout has a way of getting under people’s skin. And once Nash decides to make Lina his, he’s not about to be dissuaded…even if it means facing the danger that nearly killed him.
  • Things We Left Behind Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-1728276120
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    Язык: Английский
    There was only one woman who could set me free. But I would rather set myself on fire than ask Sloane Walton for anything.

    Lucian Rollins is a lean, mean vengeance-seeking mogul. On a quest to erase his father’s mark on the family name, he spends every waking minute pulling strings and building an indestructible empire. The more money and power he amasses, the safer he is from threats.

    Except when it comes to the feisty small-town librarian that keeps him up at night…

    Sloane Walton is a spitfire determined to carry on her father’s quest for justice. She’ll do that just as soon as she figures out exactly what the man she hates did to—or for—her family. Bonded by an old, dark secret from the past and the dislike they now share for each other, Sloane trusts Lucian about as far as she can throw his designer-suited body.

    When bickering accidentally turns to foreplay, these two find themselves not quite regretting their steamy one-night stand. Once those flames are fanned, it seems impossible to put them out again. But with Sloane ready to start a family and Lucian refusing to even consider the idea of marriage and kids, these enemies-to-lovers are stuck at an impasse.

    Broken men break women. It’s what Lucian believes, what he’s witnessed, and he’s not going to take that chance with Sloane. He’d rather live a life of solitude than put her in danger. But he learns the hard way that leaving her means leaving her unprotected from other threats.

    It’s the second time he’s ruthlessly cut her out of his life. There’s no way she’s going to give him a third chance. He’s just going to have to make one for himself.
  • By a thread Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-1945631610
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: That's What She Said Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Dominic was staring at me like he couldn’t decide whether to chop me into pieces or pull my hair and French kiss me.

    I got her fired. Okay, so I’d had a bad day and took it out on a bystander in a pizza shop. But there’s nothing innocent about Ally Morales. She proves that her first day of her new job… in my office… after being hired by my mother.

    So maybe her colorful, annoying, inexplicably alluring personality brightens up the magazine’s offices that have felt like a prison for the past year. Maybe I like that she argues with me in front of the editorial staff. And maybe my after-hours fantasies are haunted by those brown eyes and that sharp tongue.

    But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to be the next Russo man to take advantage of his position. I might be a second-generation asshole, but I am not my father.

    She’s working herself to death at half a dozen dead-end jobs for some secret reason she doesn’t feel like sharing with me. And I’m going to fix it all. Don’t accuse me of caring. She’s nothing more than a puzzle to be solved. If I can get her to quit, I can finally peel away all those layers. Then I can go back to salvaging the family name and forget all about the dancing, beer-slinging brunette.

    Ha. Hold my beer, Grumpy Grump Face.
  • Maggie Moves On Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 9781538707081
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Forever
    Язык: Английский
    Can these opposites turn up the heat… without burning down the house?

    House-flipping sensation and YouTube star Maggie Nichols can’t wait to dig into her next challenge. Arriving in tiny Kinship, Idaho, with only a cot and a coffeemaker, Maggie is prepared to restore a crumbling Victorian mansion in four months or less. She has her to-do lists, her blueprints, and her team. What she doesn’t have is time for sexy, laid-back landscaper Silas Wright.

    The man takes flirtation to a whole new level. And he does it shirtless…sometimes pants-less. He and his service school-dropout dog are impressively persistent. But she’s not interested in putting down roots. Not when fans tune in to watch her travel the country turning dilapidated houses into dream homes. A short-term fling on the other hand could fit nicely into her calendar. After all, Maggie remembers what fun is like. Vaguely.

    As their summer gets downright steamy, Silas manages to demolish the emotional walls she’s spent years building, sending Maggie into a panic. He’s the wrench in her carefully constructed plans. With the end of the project looming, she has a decision to make. But how can she stay when her entire career is built on moving on?
  • Rock Bottom Girl Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 1945631449
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: That's What She Said
    Язык: Английский
    “You may be faking the relationship, but you’re not faking the orgasms.”
    Downsized, broke, and dumped, 38-year-old Marley sneaks home to her childhood bedroom in the town she couldn’t wait to escape twenty years ago. Not much has changed in Culpepper. The cool kids are still cool. Now they just own car dealerships and live in McMansions next door. Oh, and the whole town is still talking about that Homecoming she ruined her senior year. Desperate for a new start, Marley accepts a temporary teaching position. Can the girl banned from all future Culpepper High Homecomings keep the losing-est girls soccer team in school history from killing each other and prevent carpal tunnel in a bunch of phone-clutching gym class students? Maybe with the help of Jake Weston, high school bad boy turned sexy good guy. When the school rumor mill sends Marley to the principal’s office to sign an ethics contract, the tattooed track coach, dog dad, and teacher of the year becomes her new fake boyfriend and alibi—for a price. The Deal: He’ll teach her how to coach if she teaches him how to be in a relationship. Who knew a fake boyfriend could deliver such real orgasms? But it’s all temporary. The guy. The job. The team. There’s too much history. Rock bottom can’t turn into a foundation for happily ever after. Can it? Warning: Story also includes a meet-puke, a bouffanted nemesis, a yard swan and donkey basketball, a teenage-orchestrated makeover, and a fake relationship that gets a little too real between the sheets.
  • Pretend You're Mine - The Wedding Люси Скоур
    Язык: Английский
    A Small Town Love Story I only wanted to protect you...
    Luke Garrison is a hometown hero, a member of the National Guard ready to deploy again. Strong, sweet, and sexy, he doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't want one. When the wildly beautiful Harper stumbles into his life, though, he realizes that she's the perfect decoy. A fake girlfriend to keep his family off his back until he's out on another mission. So what if a single bite of her lip sends his mind to wicked places? He can control himself. Can't he? Harper was on her way to starting a new life... again. But something about Luke makes her want to settle down in this small town and make Luke's house a home. When his arms wrap around her like steel, she finally knows what it's like to feel safe.
    Protected. One night of sleeping in the same bed turns into something much, much more... and soon Luke can't keep his mind off Harper's wide gray eyes, or his hands off of her luscious curves. He never thought he'd feel this way about a woman again. But he knows that he can't tell her the truth about his dark past, and she can't reveal to him what she's running from. Anyway, this isn't a real relationship. It's only for a month. Only pretend. Until it isn't...
  • Finally Mine Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-1728282572
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    Язык: Английский
    From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Things We Never Got Over If he doesn't end up naked and spread eagle on my bed I. Will. Die. Gloria is due a happily ever after. She's lost ten years to a toxic, dangerous relationship. Now that she's finally free―and medicating with makeovers and margaritas in her mother's kitchen―she has a long road ahead of her remembering who she really is. She's scarred. But scarred doesn't mean broken. While Gloria's deciding to take the next decade off from men, along comes larger-than-life, hometown hero Aldo Moretta. He's saying all the right things and flirting in all the right ways. He's deploying for six months and wants a date…with Gloria…when he comes back. Swoon. Panic. One kiss, one dazzling, remember-for-a-lifetime kiss and he's gone. But life and happily ever afters don't always take the straight path. When Aldo's deployment is cut short by an injury, it's up to Gloria to be the hero for them both. Author's You will laugh, cry, and fall head over face for Gloria and Aldo. And the evil rescue kitten. Also the four-letter-word-loving, commando-going Mrs. Moretta who's just in it for the cookies.
  • Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 1945631686
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: That's What She Said Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    A nice, normal life. Is that too much to ask? For Riley Thorn it is. Divorced. Broke. Living with a pack of elderly roommates. And those hallucinations she's diligently ignoring? Her tarot card-dealing mom is convinced they're clairvoyant visions.
    Just when things can't get worse, a so-hot-it-should-be-illegal private investigator shows up on her doorstep looking for a neighbor...who turns up murdered.

    Nick Santiago doesn't play well with others. Unless the "others" are of the female persuasion. Wink. He's a rebel, a black sheep, a man who prefers a buffet of options to being stuck with the same entree every night, if you catch his drift.

    When the pretty, possibly psychic Riley lands at the top of the list of suspects, Nick volunteers to find out whodunit. Only because he likes solving mysteries not because he wants to flex his heroic muscles for the damsel in distress.
    All they have to do is figure out who pulled the trigger, keep the by-the-book detective with a grudge at bay, and deal with a stranger claiming he was sent to help Riley hone her psychic gifts. All before the killer discovers she's a loose end that requires snipping.
  • Maggie Moves On Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 9780349434674
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Piatkus
    Can these opposites turn up the heat . . . without burning down the house?
    House-flipping sensation Maggie Nichols can’t wait to dig into her next challenge: a crumbling Victorian mansion in a tiny American town. With only four months to do it, Maggie has her to-do lists, her blueprints and her team. What she doesn’t have is time for sexy, laid-back landscaper Silas Wright.
    The man takes flirtation to a whole new level. And he does it shirtless . . . He’s impressively persistent. But Maggie’s not interested in putting down roots. A short-term fling on the other hand could fit nicely into her calendar.
    As their summer gets downright steamy, Silas manages to demolish the emotional walls Maggie’s spent years building, sending her into a panic. He’s the wrench in her carefully constructed plans. With the end of the project looming, Maggie has a decision to make. But how can she stay when her entire career is built on moving on?
    Maybe the mansion isn’t the only thing due a revamp: her heart has been long neglected.
  • Forever Never Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 9781728282558
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Bloom Books
    From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Things We Never Got Over

    You don’t fall for your brother’s high school sweetheart, your boss’s daughter, or your ex-wife’s best friend. Especially when they’re all the same woman.
  • Комплект из 2-х книг. Любовь и жизнь (Защити свою любовь + Притворись, что ты моя) Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-5-04-188905-0
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Комплект из двух романов Люси Скоур.
    Маккензи переезжает в небольшой город, надеясь, что сможет начать новую, спокойную жизнь. Одним из первых важных дел на новом месте оказывается помощь раненым после аварии. Маккензи знакомится с начальником местной пожарной службы, Линкольном, который очень хорошо знает, что значит рисковать на работе каждый день. Между ними очень быстро проскальзывает симпатия, но все оказывается не так просто.
    Харпер застает своего парня с другой. Мог ли этот день стать еще хуже? Мог. На парковке у бара она теряет сознание. К счастью, в ситуацию вмешивается симпатичный незнакомец по имени Люк. Склейка - и Харпер у него дома. Софи, сестра Люка, просит девушку о странном одолжении. Если Харпер согласится, то сможет отблагодарить Люка за помощь и, возможно, даже спасет ему жизнь.
    Звучит драматично? Так оно и есть. У Харпер, пожалуй, не бывало раньше таких сложных дней...
    "У Люси Скоур просто замечательные истории. Отношения главных героев - это романтика, соблазн и остроумные диалоги." - Professor Romance
  • Riley Thorn i martwy sąsiad Люси Скоур
    ISBN: 978-83-283-8919-9
    Издательство: OSDW Azymut