Лучшие книги Филипа Силни
- 7 произведений
- 11 изданий на 3 языках
По популярности
Астрофил и Стелла. Защита поэзии Филип Сидни
Год издания: 1982 Издательство: Наука Язык: Русский В 108 сонетах и 11 песнях сонетного цикла "Астрофил и Стелла", написанных в промежуток между 1581 и 1583 г. и изданных впервые лишь в 1591 г., рассказывается о любви молодого придворного Астрофила (что означает: Влюбленный в звезду) к замужней даме Стелле (что означает: Звезда).
"Защита поэзии" Филипа Сидни - это скорее всего теоретический манифест, философско-эстетическое кредо создателей новой английской поэзии.
В издание также вошли приложения:
Основные даты жизни Филипа Сидни (сост. Л.И.Володарская);
Л.И.Володарская. Первый английский цикл сонетов и его автор;
Л.И.Володарская. Первая английская поэтика;
Список иллюстраций.
Перевод В.Рогова, А.Ревича, Л.Темина, И.Озеровой, А.Парина, В.Орла, О.Румера, Г.Русакова, Г.Кружкова, Э.Шустера, В.Леванского, Л.Володарской. -
Astrophel And Stella Philip Sidney
ISBN: 1409948935, 9781409948933 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Dodo Press Язык: Английский Likely composed in the 1580s by Philip Sidney, Astrophel and Stella is an English sonnet sequence containing 108 sonnets and 11 songs. The name derives from the two Greek words, 'aster' (star) and 'phil' (lover), and the Latin word 'stella' meaning star. Thus Astrophel is the star lover, and Stella is his star. Sidney partly nativized the key features of his Italian model Petrarch, including an ongoing but partly obscure narrative, the philosophical trappings of the poet in relation to love and desire, and musings on the art of poetic creation. Sidney also adopts the Petrarchan rhyme scheme, though he uses it with such freedom that fifteen…
Defence of Poesie, Astrophil and Stella, and Other Writings Philip Sidney
ISBN: 0460876597, 9780460876599 Год издания: 1996 Издательство: Everyman Paperback Classics Язык: Английский This collection of works by Sir Philip Sidney includes Defence of Poesie, the most entertaining and penetrating critical essay of the period. Sidney's extraordinary originality, and the impetus given by his writing to those who followed him, make his poetry of lasting value. -
Аркадия Филип Сидни
ISBN: 978-5-369-00760-0, 978-5-16-004574-0 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Научно-издательский центр ИНФРА-М, РИОР Язык: Русский Филип Сидни - один из выдающихся деятелей эпохи Возрождения, политик и воин, родоначальник английского романа и английской поэзии. "Аркадия" - первый английский роман, вобравший все элементы рыцарского, любовного, политического, философского и авантюрного романа. "Аркадия" насыщена любовными коллизиями, кажется, нет ни одного обсуждавшегося в XVI столетии вопроса о любви мужчины к женщине и женщины к мужчине, который не был бы здесь проиллюстрирован.
Книга впервые издается на русском языке. -
The Sidney Psalter Sir Philip Sidney, Mary Sidney
ISBN: 9780199217939 Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Английский 'the highest matter in the noblest form'
John Donne's description of the Psalms celebrates not only the perfection of the biblical psalms but their translation into poetic form by the Sidneys, who turned them into some of the most accomplished lyric poems of the English Renaissance. Although it was not printed until the nineteenth century, the Sidney Psalter was widely read in manuscript and influenced poets from Donne and Herbert to Milton and beyond. It turned these well-known and well-loved Psalms into sophisticated verse, selecting or inventing a different stanza form for each one. This variety of forms matches the appeal of their content: there are Psalms of praise and blame, Psalms of cursing and lamentation, Psalms of joy and exaltation, Psalms that recount history, and Psalms that describe Creation or divine law.
This is the first complete edition of the Psalter for over forty years. The Psalms are provided in an authoritative modernized text, with helpful glosses and notes illuminating points of interpretation, and an introduction setting the Psalms in their literary and cultural contexts. -
The Old Arcadia Sir Philip Sidney
ISBN: 9780199549849 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Английский Philip Sidney was in his early twenties when he wrote his `Old' Arcadia for the amusement of his younger sister, the Countess of Pembroke. The book, which he called 'a trifle, and that triflingly handled', reflects their youthful vitality.
The `Old' Arcadia tells a romantic story in a manner comparable to that of Shakespeare's early comedies. It is divided into five `Acts', and abounds in lively speeches, dialogues, and quasi-dramatic tableaux. Two young princes, Pyrocles and Musidorus, disguise themselves as an Amazon and a shepherd to gain access to the Arcadian Princesses, who have been taken into semi-imprisonment by their father to avoid the dangers foretold by an oracle.
As a vehicle for Sidney's prophetic ideas about English versification, the `Old' Arcadia also includes over seventy poems in a wide variety of metres and genres. In clarity, symmetry, and coherence the `Old' version is greatly superior both to the ambitious but unfinished `New' Arcadia and the amalgamated, `composite' version, a hybrid monster which Sidney himself never envisaged. -
The Major Works Philip Sidney
ISBN: 9780199538416 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Английский This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a unique combination of Sidney's poetry and prose - all the major writing, complemented by letters and elegies - to give the essence of his work and thinking.
Born in 1554, Sir Philip Sidney was hailed as the perfect Renaissance patron, soldier, lover, and courtier, but it was only after his untimely death at the age of 31 that his literary accomplishments were truly recognized. This collection ranges more widely through Sidney's works than any previous volume and includes substantial parts of both versions of the Arcadia, The Defence of Poesy and the whole of the sonnet sequence Astrophil and Stella. Supplementary texts, such as his letters and the numerous elegies which appeared after his death, help to illustrate the whole spectrum of his achievements, and the admiration he inspired in his contemporaries. -
Из «Антологии антологий. Поэты Великобритании». Поэты Золотого века Фрэнсис Бомонт, Филип Сидни, Томас Деккер, Томас Хейвуд, Томас Лодж, Чиди[о]к Тичборн, Джордж Уизер
ISBN: 9785006011427 Год издания: 2000 Язык: Русский Следующий из серии сборников, представляющих в переводах составителя самую знаменитую часть творчества поэтов, собранных в уникальных антологиях — «Антологии антологий. Поэты США» и «Антологии антологий. Поэты Великобритании». -
Arcadia Филип Сидни
ISBN: 978-1377255095 Издательство: Lightning Source UK Ltd The New Arcadia is the version known to the Renaissance and later periods, it is substantially longer than the Old Arcadia. In the 1580s, Sidney took the frame of the original story, reorganized it, and added episodes, most significantly the story of the just rebel Amphialus. The additions more than double the original story; however, Sidney had not finished the revision at the time of his death in 1586.
The New Arcadia is a romance that combines pastoral elements with a mood derived from the Hellenistic model of Heliodorus. A highly idealized version of the shepherd's life adjoins, on the other hand and not always naturally (in its literary sense), stories of jousts, political treachery, kidnappings, battles, and rapes. As published, the narrative follows the Greek model: stories are nested within each other, and different storylines are intertwined. -
Оправдание поэзии, известное также под заглавием "Защита стихотворства" Филип Сидни
Язык: Русский Трактат о поэзии. Трактат делится на три части: 1) изъяснение поэзии как сопутствия добродетели, 2) оправдание различных форм поэзии, 3) оптимистическая 272 оценка прошлого, настоящего и будущего английской поэзии в свете выполнения вышеуказанных задач.