Эмили Дикинсон

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

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Эмили Дикинсон — библиография

  • My Life Had Stood a Loaded Gun Эмили Дикинсон
    Дата написания: 2016
    It's coming - the postponeless Creature. This title features electrifying poems of isolation, beauty, death and eternity from a reclusive genius and one of America's greatest writers. It is one of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
  • The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson Эмили Дикинсон
    Дата написания: 1994
    Initially a vivacious, outgoing person, Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) progressively withdrew into a reclusive existence. An undiscovered genius during her lifetime, only seven out of her total of 1,775 poems were published prior to her death. She had an immense breadth of vision and a passionate intensity and awe for life, love, nature, time and eternity.
    Originally branded an eccentric, Emily Dickinson is now recognised as a major poet of great depth, startling originality and courage for as she wrote: 'Assent and you are sane; /Demure you're straightaway dangerous / And handled with a chain'.
  • Dickinson: The Complete Works Эмили Дикинсон
    Emily Dickinson is the iconic American poet. Little-known during her life, she has since been regarded as one of the most important figures in American poetry. Many of her poems deal with themes of death and immortality, two recurring topics in letters to her friends, and also explore aesthetics, society, nature and spirituality. This meticulously edited poetry collection includes her complete poetical works, as well as her letters and the biography of this powerful author: The Life and Legacy of Emily Dickinson (Illustrated Biography) Poems—First Series: Book I.—Life: Success Our share of night to bear Rouge et Noir Rouge gagne Glee! the storm is over If I can stop one heart from breaking Almost A wounded deer leaps highest The heart asks pleasure first In a Library Much madness is divinest sense I asked no other thing Exclusion The Secret The Lonely House To fight aloud is very brave Dawn The Book of Martyrs The Mystery of Pain I taste a liquor never brewed A Book I had no time to hate, because Unreturning Whether my bark went down at sea Belshazzar had a letter The brain within its groove Book II.—Love: Mine Bequest Alter? When the hills do Suspense Surrender If you were coming in the fall With a Flower Proof Have you got a brook in your little heart? Transplanted The Outlet In Vain Renunciation Love's Baptism Resurrection Apocalypse The Wife Apotheosis Book III.—Nature: New feet within my garden go May-Flower Why? Perhaps you 'd like to buy a flower The pedigree of honey A Service of Song The bee is not afraid of me Summer's Armies The Grass A little road not made of man Summer Shower Psalm of the Day The Sea of Sunset Purple Clover The Bee Presentiment is that long shadow As children bid the guest good-night Angels in the early morning So bashful when I spied her Two Worlds The Mountain A Day The butterfly's assumption-gown The Wind Death and Life 'T was later when the summer went Indian Summer Autumn Beclouded The Hemlock There's a certain slant of light Book IV.—Time and Eternity: One dignity delays for all Too late Astra Castra Safe in their alabaster chambers On this long storm the rainbow rose From the Chrysalis Setting Sail Look back on time with kindly eyes A train went through a burial gate I died for beauty, but was scarce Troubled about many things Real The Funeral I went to thank her I've seen a dying eye… Poems—Second Series (160+ poems) Poems—Third Series (160+ poems) The Single Hound (140+ verses) The Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson
  • «Я надеваю крылья». Перевод Елены Айзенштейн Эмили Дикинсон

    В книгу Эмили Дикинсон «Я надеваю крылья», переведенную Е. Айзенштейн, вошло около двухсот стихотворений американской поэтессы. Ее английские стихи поют хором, их перевели на многие языки, в том числе и на русский язык. В книгу вошли стихи на основные темы: стихи о дружбе, шутливые стихи, стихи о Природе, о Боге.Книга будет интересна студентам, изучающим английский язык, искусство перевода, а также всем тем, кто любит поэзию.

  • The Complete Poetry of Emily Dickinson Эмили Дикинсон
    e-arnow presents to you this meticulously edited collection of the complete poems bu Emily Dickinson, including the extensive illustrated biography of the author: Poems—First Series: Book I.—Life: Success Our share of night to bear Rouge et Noir Rouge gagne Glee! the storm is over If I can stop one heart from breaking Almost A wounded deer leaps highest The heart asks pleasure first In a Library Much madness is divinest sense I asked no other thing Exclusion The Secret The Lonely House To fight aloud is very brave Dawn The Book of Martyrs The Mystery of Pain I taste a liquor never brewed A Book I had no time to hate, because Unreturning Whether my bark went down at sea Belshazzar had a letter The brain within its groove Book II.—Love: Mine Bequest Alter? When the hills do Suspense Surrender If you were coming in the fall With a Flower Proof Have you got a brook in your little heart? Transplanted The Outlet In Vain Renunciation Love's Baptism Resurrection Apocalypse The Wife Apotheosis Book III.—Nature: New feet within my garden go May-Flower Why? Perhaps you 'd like to buy a flower The pedigree of honey A Service of Song The bee is not afraid of me Summer's Armies The Grass A little road not made of man Summer Shower Psalm of the Day The Sea of Sunset Purple Clover The Bee Presentiment is that long shadow As children bid the guest good-night Angels in the early morning So bashful when I spied her Two Worlds The Mountain A Day The butterfly's assumption-gown The Wind Death and Life 'T was later when the summer went Indian Summer Autumn Beclouded The Hemlock There's a certain slant of light Book IV.—Time and Eternity: One dignity delays for all Too late Astra Castra Safe in their alabaster chambers On this long storm the rainbow rose From the Chrysalis Setting Sail Look back on time with kindly eyes A train went through a burial gate I died for beauty, but was scarce Troubled about many things Real The Funeral I went to thank her I've seen a dying eye… Poems—Second Series (160+ poems) Poems—Third Series (160+ poems) The Single Hound (140+ verses) The Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson
  • An irgendeinem Sommermorgen. Poems/Gedichte Эмили Дикинсон
    Zwischen Ekstase, Klarheit und Ironie
    Emily Dickinson unternahm weitere Reisen als so mancher Dichter ihrer Zeit, doch ihre Reisen f?hrten sie in die belebte Stille ihres Gartens und in die Ruhe ihres sonnigen Zimmers, wo sie auf das Leben der amerikanischen Provinz blicken oder in der Ferne die Natur beobachten konnte. In dieser Abgeschiedenheit entstanden poetische Selbsterkundungen, zugleich ekstatisch und n?chtern, ironisch und ernsthaft. Diese Auswahl l?dt dazu ein, die Poesie der wohl einflussreichsten amerikanischen Lyrikerin im Original und in deutscher ?bersetzung zu entdecken.
  • «…И чуточку от вечности» Эмили Дикинсон
    В Америке она известна как «Леди в Белом», «Затворница из Амхерста». Эмили Дикинсон (1830–1886) написала около 1800 стихотворений, но при жизни было опубликовано всего восемь. Лишь после её смерти сестра обнаружила в комоде стопки тетрадей со стихами. В этом издании переводы сгруппированы по основным темам творчества поэтессы.Перевод Натальи Кузнецовой.
  • La poes?a temprana de Emily Dickinson. Cuadernillos 7 & 8 Эмили Дикинсон
    Este es el cuarto volumen de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la traducci?n y lectura cr?tica de los cuadernillos de Emily Dickinson. Cuarenta secuencias po?ticas cortas que plantean una serie de preguntas acerca de las intenciones y los logros art?sticos de la misteriosa autora norteamericana. La traducci?n de este cuadernillo, que incluye un total de cuarenta poemas escritos en 1860, va acompa?ada de un comentario cr?tico. Vemos en el volumen c?mo Dickinson sigue desarrollando sus temas m?s importantes: la l?gica de la renuncia, la tensi?n entre fe y duda, la muerte como una frontera epistemol?gica infranqueable y la met?fora de la resurrecci?n y, al mismo tiempo, c?mo su t?cnica po?tica y el manejo de estos temas van mejor?ndose. En definitiva, somos testigos en este volumen de los pasos que la poeta dio en esta ?poca hacia los grandes logros de su madurez.
  • La poes?a temprana de Emily Dickinson. Cuadernillos 9 & 10 Эмили Дикинсон
    Este es el quinto volumen de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la traducci?n y lectura cr?tica de los cuadernillos de Emily Dickinson, cuarenta secuencias po?ticas cortas que plantean una serie de preguntas acerca de las intenciones y los logros art?sticos de la misteriosa autora norteamericana. La traducci?n de cada cuadernillo va acompa?ada de un comentario cr?tico con el fin de explicar los poemas y establecer el papel tem?tico que juega cada una de estas piezas tempranas dentro de la obra global de la poeta. Los cuadernillos 9 y 10 incluyen un total de cincuenta y un poemas escritos entre 1860 y 1862. En ellos Dickinson sigue desarrollando sus temas m?s importantes -la l?gica de la renuncia, la tensi?n entre fe y duda, la muerte como una frontera epistemol?gica infranqueable y la met?fora de la resurrecci?n- y, al mismo tiempo, perfecciona su t?cnica po?tica y el manejo de estos motivos. En definitiva, somos testigos en este volumen de los pasos que la poeta emprende en esta ?poca hacia su plena madurez intelectual y art?stica.
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