Эдмунд Уайт – лучшие книги
- 9 произведений
- 28 изданий на 5 языках
По популярности
История одного мальчика Эдмунд Уайт
ISBN: 5-87532-038-9 Год издания: 2000 Издательство: Глагол Язык: Русский Эдмунд Уайт родился в Цинциннати в 1940 году. Преподавал в Йельском и Колумбийском Университетах, Нью-Йоркском Гуманитарном Институте. Был контрибютором The New York Times Book Review, Vogue и Vanity Fair. В 1983 году получил стипендию фонда Гугенхейма и награду Американской Академии и Института искусства и литературы. Роман `История одного мальчика` одно из наиболее известных произведений писателя. Это откровенный текст, раскрывающий психологию современного американского подростка. На русском языке издается впервые.
Иностранная литература №6 (2017) 40 лет без Набокова (сборник) Владимир Набоков, Зигфрид Ленц, Уильям Гэсс, Вивиан Форрестер, Стивен Спендер, Эдмунд Уайт, Ричард Костелянец, Альфред Аппель, Джон Колмен, Роберт Бойл, Джиллиан Тиндэл
Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Иностранная литература Язык: Русский Июньский номер целиком посвящен классику русской и американской литератур ХХ столетия Владимиру Набокову (1899 — 1977) и называется «Сорок лет без Набокова». Предваряет тематический выпуск статья составителя номера — литературоведа, критика, филолога Н. Г. Мельникова (1970) “В одуряюще сложной перспективе памяти…”. В номере читатель найдет: выбранные места из деловой переписки Владимира Набокова в переводе Александра Ливерганта и с комментариями Николая Мельникова - поклоннику Набокова предоставляется возможность вжиться в будни большого писателя. В специальный номер включены также три разных перевода «Баллады Лонгвудской долины», более…
Париж. Прогулки по Городу вечной весны Эдмунд Уайт
ISBN: 5-699-12781-X Год издания: 2005 Издательство: Эксмо, Мидгард Язык: Русский Париж - город, по которому можно гулять бесконечно. Париж - город, в котором царит вечная весна независимо от времени года. Париж - город, прогулка по которому никогда не наскучит.
Эдмунд Уайт, биограф Марселя Пруста и Жана Жене, приглашает на прогулку по Парижу, на прогулку, маршрут которой не вполне совпадает с привычными туристическими тропами. Париж Уайта - не город-музей, где история застыла на века, но живой современный город, лишенный парадного глянца. Такой Париж не разглядеть из окна туристического автобуса, его можно увидеть лишь во время неспешной пешей прогулки, в которой книга Эдмунда Уайта будет неоценимым подспорьем. -
Nocturnes for the King of Naples Edmund White
ISBN: 978-0312022631 Год издания: 1988 Издательство: St Martin's Press Язык: Английский A hauntingly beautiful evocation of lost love, Noctunes for the King of Naples has all the startling, almost embarrassing, intimacy of a stranger's love letters. The intense emotional situation envelops the readers from the first page; like all images in a dream, White's characters are the most real people we know, thought they remain phantoms. Each chapter, each nocturne, is set in a different emotional key, but all are interconnected through such subtle modulations that the final effect is devastating. -
The Joy of Gay Sex, Revised & Expanded Third Edition by Charles Silverstein Harley R. Myler, Эдмунд Уайт, Чарльз Сильверстайн, Фелис Пикано
ISBN: 978-0063029477 Год издания: 2006 Издательство: William Morrow Paperbacks For a new century and a new generation of readers comes a fully revised and expanded edition of a classic guide to gay sex, love, and life.Invaluable as a sex guide, a resource on building self-esteem, and a trusted aid for coming out of the closet, The Joy of Gay Sex covers the ins and outs of gay ... -
The Married Man Edmund White
ISBN: 9780099285144 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Vintage Язык: Английский A middle aged American works out in a Paris gym - an ordinary day, except that he catches the eye of a stranger, Julien, a young French architect with a gleam in his eye. To Austin's amused astonishment, life takes on the colour of romance. As they dash between Bohemian suppers and glittering salons, all they have to deal with are comic clashes of cultures, of ages, of temperaments. But there is sadness in Julien's past and a grim cloud on the horizon. Soon, with increasing desperation, their quest for health and happiness drives them to Rome, Venice, Key West, Montreal and Providence - landscapes soaked with feeling which lead, in the end to the bleak, baking sands of the Sahara. -
The Beautiful Room Is Empty Edmund White
ISBN: 0679755403, 9780679755401 Год издания: 1994 Издательство: Random House Язык: Английский When the narrator of White's poised yet scalding autobiographical novel first embarks on his sexual odyssey, it is the 1950s, and America is "a big gray country of families on drowsy holiday." That country has no room for a scholarly teenager with guilty but insatiable stirrings toward other men. Moving from a Midwestern college to the Stonewall Tavern on the night of the first gay uprising--and populated by eloquent queens, butch poseurs, and a fearfully incompetent shrink--The Beautiful Room is Empty conflates the acts of coming out and coming of age. -
Rimbaud: The Double Life of a Rebel Edmund White
ISBN: 1934633151 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Atlas Язык: Английский The distinguished biographer, novelist, and memoirist Edmund White brings his literary mastery to a new biography of Arthur Rimbaud.
Poet and prodigy Arthur Rimbaud led a life that was startlingly short, but just as dramatically eventful and accomplished. Even today, over a century after his death in 1891, his visionary poetry has continued to influence everyone from Jim Morrison and Bob Dylan to Patti Smith. His long poem A Season in Hell (1873) and his collection Illuminations (1886) are essential to the modern canon, marked by a hallucinatory and hypnotic style that defined the Symbolist movement in poetry. Having sworn off writing at the age of twenty-one, Rimbaud drifted around the world from scheme to scheme, ultimately dying from an infection contracted while running guns in Africa. He was thirty-seven.
Edmund White writes with a historian's eye for detail, driven by a genuine personal investment in his subject. White delves deep into the young poet's relationships with his family, his teachers, and his notorious affair with the more established poet Paul Verlaine. He follows the often elusive (sometimes blatant) threads of sexual taboo that haunt Rimbaud's poems (in those days, sodomy was a crime) and offers incisive interpretations of the poems, using his own artful translations to bring us closer to the mercurial poet. -
A Previous Life Эдмунд Уайт
ISBN: 9781635577273 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing A daring, category-confounding, and ruthlessly funny novel from National Book Award honored author Edmund White that explores polyamory and bisexuality, aging and love.
Sicilian aristocrat and musician, Ruggero, and his younger American wife, Constance, agree to break their marital silence and write their Confessions. Until now they had a ban on speaking about the past, since transparency had wrecked their previous marriages. As the two alternate reading the memoirs they’ve written about their lives, Constance reveals her multiple marriages to older men, and Ruggero details the affairs he’s had with men and women across his lifetime―most importantly his passionate affair with the author Edmund White.
Sweeping outward from the isolated Swiss ski chalet where the couple reads to travel through Europe and the United States, White’s new novel pushes for a broader understanding of sexual orientation and pairs humor and truth to create his most fascinating and complex characters to date. As in all of White’s earlier novels, this is a searing, scintillating take on physical beauty and its inevitable decline. But in this experimental new mode―one where the author has laid himself bare as a secondary character―White explores the themes of love and age through numerous eyes, hearts and minds.
Delightful, irreverent, and experimental, A Previous Life proves once more why White is considered a master of American literature. -
A Saint from Texas Эдмунд Уайт
ISBN: 9781526600479 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: Bloomsbury From legendary writer Edmund White, a bold and sweeping new novel that traces the extraordinary fates of twin sisters, one destined for Parisian nobility and the other for Catholic sainthood
Yvette and Yvonne Crawford are twin sisters, born on a humble patch of East Texas prairie but bound for far grander fates. Just as an untold fortune of oil lies beneath their daddy's land, both girls harbour their own secrets and dreams - ones that will carry them far from Texas and from each other. As the decades unfold, Yvonne will ascend the highest ranks of Parisian society as Yvette gives herself to a lifetime of worship and service in the streets of Jerico, Colombia. And yet, even as they remake themselves in their radically different lives, the twins find that the bonds of family and the past are unbreakable.
Spanning the 1950s to the recent past, Edmund White's marvellous novel serves up an immensely pleasurable epic of two Texas women as their lives traverse varied worlds: the swaggering opulence of the Dallas nouveau riche, the airless pretention of the Paris gratin and the strict piety of a Colombian convent. -
A Saint from Texas Edmund White
ISBN: 9781526600448 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Bloomsbury Язык: Английский From legendary writer Edmund White, a bold and sweeping new novel that traces the extraordinary fates of twin sisters, one destined for Parisian nobility and the other for Catholic sainthood
Yvette and Yvonne Crawford are twin sisters, born on a humble patch of East Texas prairie but bound for far grander fates. Just as an untold fortune of oil lies beneath their daddy's land, both girls harbour their own secrets and dreams — on -
The Unpunished Vice: A Life of Reading Эдмунд Уайт
ISBN: 978-1635571172 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing A new memoir from acclaimed author Edmund White about his life as a reader.
Literary icon Edmund White made his name through his writing but remembers his life through the books he has read. For White, each momentous occasion came with a book to match: Proust's Remembrance of Things Past, which opened up the seemingly closed world of homosexuality while he was at boarding school in Michigan; the Ezra Pound poems adored by a lover he followed to New York; the biography of Stephen Crane that inspired one of White's novels. But it wasn't until heart surgery in 2014, when he temporarily lost his desire to read, that White realized the key role that reading played in his life: forming his tastes, shaping his memories, and amusing him through the best and worst life had to offer.
Blending memoir and literary criticism, The Unpunished Vice is a compendium of all the ways reading has shaped White's life and work. His larger-than-life presence on the literary scene lends itself to fascinating, intimate insights into the lives of some of the world's best-loved cultural figures. With characteristic wit and candor, he recalls reading Henry James to Peggy Guggenheim in her private gondola in Venice and phone calls at eight o'clock in the morning to Vladimir Nabokov--who once said that White was his favorite American writer.
Featuring writing that has appeared in the New York Review of Books and the Paris Review, among others, The Unpunished Vice is a wickedly smart and insightful account of a life in literature. -
Jack Holmes and His Friend Edmund White
ISBN: 1608197255 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Bloomsbury USA Язык: Английский A beautiful novel about an unconventional relationship, Jack Holmes and His Friend charts the friendship of Jack Holmes and Will Wright from their arrival in New York on the eve of the wild 60s, over two decades through the first stirrings of gay liberation and the catastrophe of AIDS. Jack is gay, Will is straight, and Jack will always be devoted to Will, but he will also introduce him to women and help him explore a more free heterosexuality. Edmund White explores identity, sexuality, society, and the sweep of history in this sensitive story of a complicated intimacy. -
City Boy: My Life in New York in the 1960s and 70s Edmund White
ISBN: 9781596914025, 1596914025 Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Bloomsbury USA Язык: Английский An irresistible literary treat: a memoir of the social and sexual lives of New York City’s cultural and intellectual in-crowd in the tumultuous 1970s, from acclaimed author Edmund White. In the New York of the 1970s, in the wake of Stonewall and in the midst of economic collapse, you might find the likes of Jasper Johns and William Burroughs at the next cocktail party, and you were as likely to be caught arguing Marx at the New York City Ballet as cruising for sex in the warehouses and parked trucks along the Hudson. This is the New York that Edmund White portrays in City Boy: a place of enormous intrigue and artistic tumult. Combining…
Hotel de Dream: A New York Novel Edmund White
ISBN: 978-0060852252 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: Ecco Язык: Английский Stephen Crane is writing a new story, and it may be his last. The year is 1900. The famous author of The Red Badge of Courage is travelling to a Black Forest clinic in search of a cure for the tuberculosis that threatens his life. He dictates to his wife, Cora, the story of 'The Painted Boy', inspired by a real-life encounter with a fifteen-year-old newsboy, Elliott, one wintry day in the Bowery. In the story Elliott is both impressionable and elusive. He finds himself the object of the hopeless affections of Theodore, the staid middle-aged banker who sets him up in an apartment and visits him every day. Elliott frequents the Fairy Saloons of turn-of-the-century Manhattan, home to an outrageous, hedonistic group of raggle-taggle transvestites. Slowly, Theodore is drawn into a seedy underworld of secrets and betrayal that endangers their love, their homes, and their lives. The story grows as Crane's strength deteriorates, and the outcome of the story becomes as critical as the author's life itself. Atmospheric and tender, Hotel de Dream is a deftly layered novel of longing, both gay and straight. -
Fresh Men: New Voices in Gay Fiction Edmund White
ISBN: 9780786714216, 0786714212 Год издания: 2004 Издательство: Running Press Язык: Английский Certain to become a literary touchstone, Fresh Men collects the best new writing by emerging gay authors from around the nation. The critically acclaimed author Edmund White, chair of the Creative Writing program at Princeton and the author of more than 17 gay works, selects 20 original stories from the new crop of extraordinary writers. With equal parts sensitivity and irreverence, Fresh Men speaks to the broad range of gay experiences. From stories of coming out, coming of age, self-representation and family to sex and love in the time of AIDS, from living in the closet to loving in a post-gay world, this book highlights the complexities of gay life. This groundbreaking collection also embodies a wide spectrum of literary tastes, from works rich in experimental, transgressive elements to more conventional, traditionally crafted stories. -
Arts and Letters Edmund White
ISBN: 9781573441957, 1573441953 Год издания: 2004 Издательство: Cleis Press Язык: Английский Best-selling novelist, memoirist, and biographer Edmund White displays his sharp wit and boundless erudition in 37 portraits of the writers, artists and cultural icons who have captured his curiosity and imagination for the last 20 years.
White is as compelling as he is unpretentious as he tells of his encounters with some of the most provocative writers, artists, and personalities of our time. Marcel Proust, Catherine Deneuve, David Geffen, Robert Mapplethorpe, Andre Gide, Michel Foucault, Andy Warhol, Vladimir Nabokov, Jean Genet, Jasper Johns, and Elton John are among the cast. -
The Farewell Symphony Edmund White
ISBN: 0679754768, 9780679754763 Год издания: 1998 Издательство: Vintage Язык: Английский Following A Boy's Own Story (now a classic of American fiction) and his richly acclaimed The Beautiful Room Is Empty, here is the eagerly awaited final volume of Edmund White's groundbreaking autobiographical trilogy.
Named for the work by Haydn in which the instrumentalists leave the stage one after another until only a single violin remains playing, this is the story of a man who has outlived most of his friends. Having reached the six-month anniversary of his lover's death, he embarks on a journey of remembrance that will recount his struggle to become a writer and his discovery of what it means to be a gay man. His witty, conversational narrative transports us from the 1960s to the near present, from starkly erotic scenes in the back rooms of New York clubs to episodes of rarefied hilarity in the salons of Paris to moments of family truth in the American Midwest. Along the way, a breathtaking variety of personal connections--and near misses--slowly builds an awareness of the transformative power of genuine friendship, of love and loss, culminating in an indelible experience with a dying man. And as the flow of memory carries us across time, space and society, one man's magnificently realized story grows to encompass an entire generation.
Sublimely funny yet elegiac, full of unsparingly trenchant social observation yet infused with wisdom and a deeply felt compassion, The Farewell Symphony is a triumph of reflection and expressive elegance. It is also a stunning and wholly original panorama of gay life over the past thirty years--the crowning achievement of one of our finest writers. -
Genet: A Biography Edmund White
ISBN: 0394571711, 9780394571713 Год издания: 1993 Издательство: Alfred A. Knopf Язык: Английский A meticulously researched biography of Jean Genet, one of France's most notorious writers. Acclaimed novelist and essayist Edmund White illuminates Genet's experiences in the worlds of crime, homosexuality, politics, and high culture, and gives a compelling analysis of Genet's plays, novels, and essays. Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography.
Hotel de Dream - Ein New-York-Roman Эдмунд Уайт
ISBN: 9783863001964 Издательство: Bookwire Язык: Немецкий