Софи Гонзалес

Sophie Gonzales

  • 13 книг
  • 23 подписчика
  • 3130 читателей
3 200оценок
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3 200оценок
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1 45

Софи Гонзалес – лучшие книги

  • Прекрасно в теории Софи Гонзалес
    ISBN: 978-5-17-139238-3
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Ее любовные советы всегда на высоте. Ее личная жизнь — не совсем. Дарси Филлипс: * Дает анонимные любовные советы (за определенную плату). * Использует свои способности во благо (большую часть времени). * Терпеть не может Александра Броэма. * Нравится ее подруга Брук (которой нравится кто-то другой). * Ненавидит, когда ее шантажируют. Кто же мог знать, что Броэм застукает ее у шкафчика 89, где она ведет свой полулегальный бизнес! Теперь анонимность Дарси под угрозой. Если она хочет, чтобы Александр сохранил ее секрет, то должна стать его личным тренером по отношениям, чтобы вернуть бывшую девушку. Правда, тут есть загвоздка,…

  • Never ever getting back together Софи Гонзалес
    ISBN: 9781250819161
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Wednesday Books
    Язык: Английский
    When their now famous ex-boyfriend asks them to participate in a teen reality show, two eighteen year old girls—one bent on revenge, the other open to rekindling romance—get tangled up in an unexpected twist when they fall for each other instead in Never Ever Getting Back Together by nationally and internationally-bestselling and Indie Next Pick author Sophie Gonzales.

    It’s been two years since Maya's ex-boyfriend cheated on her, and she still can’t escape him: his sister married the crown prince of a minor European country and he captured hearts as her charming younger brother. If the world only knew the real Jordy, the manipulative liar who broke Maya’s heart.

    Skye Kaplan was always cautious with her heart until Jordy said all the right things and earned her trust. Now his face is all over the media and Skye is still wondering why he stopped calling.

    When Maya and Skye are invited to star on the reality dating show Second-Chance Romance, they’re whisked away to a beautiful mansion—along with four more of Jordy’s exes— to compete for his affections while the whole world watches. Skye wonders if she and Jordy can recapture the spark she knows they had, but Maya has other plans: exposing Jordy and getting revenge. As they navigate the competition, Skye and Maya discover that their real happily ever after is nothing they could have scripted.
  • The Law of Inertia Софи Гонзалес
    ISBN: 9781944995874
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Amberjack Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    When James’s boyfriend died by suicide, no one questioned what happened. A foster kid with a checkered past and a history of suicide attempts, Ash was just another number in a system that failed him. But to James, Ash was never just a number, and the facts around his death no longer stack up so neatly.

    Now James has plenty of questions, and the one person who might have held the answers—Ash’s older brother, Elliot—has left town. And if anyone knows where he is, they aren’t talking. As James searches for Elliot and uncovers the tangle of lies and false alibis he left in his wake, he grows suspicious of what really happened on Ash’s last day.

    After all, innocent people don't run.