Чарльз Николл

Charles Nicholl

  • 6 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 64 читателя
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Чарльз Николл - циклы книг | Бумажные издания

  • Леонардо да Винчи. Загадки гения Чарльз Николл
    ISBN: 978-5-389-12168-3
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: КоЛибри
    Язык: Русский

    Перед вами самая полная биография Леонардо да Винчи, величайшего гения эпохи Возрождения. Хотя его достижения и творения на протяжении веков вызывали всеобщее восхищение, этот человек всегда оставался на удивление закрытым, что во все времена порождало многочисленные слухи и версии о его приверженности темным культам, участии в зловещих тайных обществах, причастности к величайшим секретам западной цивилизации. Его жизнь и сегодня во многом остается загадкой. Автору этой книги, Чарльзу Николлу, принадлежит множество открытий, связанных с да Винчи и его ближайшим окружением, – ему даже удалось обнаружить ранее неизвестный портрет великого…

  • Somebody Else: Arthur Rimbaud in Africa 1880-91 Charles Nicholl
    ISBN: 978-0224043762
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Jonathan Cape
    At the age of twenty-five, Arthur Rimbaud—the infamous author of A Season in Hell, the pioneer of modernism, the lover and destroyer of Verlaine, the "hoodlum poet" celebrated a century later by Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison—turned his back on poetry, France, and fame, for a life of wandering in East Africa.

    In this compelling biography, Charles Nicholl pieces together the shadowy story of Rimbaud's life as a trader, explorer, and gunrunner in Africa. Following his fascinating journey, Nicholl shows how Rimbaud lived out that mysterious pronouncement of his teenage years: "Je est un autre"—I is somebody else.

    "Rimbaud's fear of stasis never left him. 'I should like to wander over the face of the whole world,' he told his sister, Isobelle, 'then perhaps I'd find a place that would please me a little.' The tragedy of Rimbaud's later life, superbly chronicled by Nicholl, is that he never really did."—London Guardian

    "Nicholl has excavated a mosaic of semi-legendary anecdotes to show that they were an essential part of the poet's journey to become 'somebody else.' Not quite biography, not quite travel book, in the end Somebody Else transcends both genres."—Sara Wheeler, Daily Telegraph

    "At the end of Somebody Else Rimbaud is more interesting and more various than before: he is not less mysterious, but he is more real."—Susannah Clapp, Observer Review
  • Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe Charles Nicholl
    ISBN: 978-0-22-658024-1
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Harcourt
    Язык: Английский

    In 1593 the brilliant but controversial young playwright Christopher Marlowe was stabbed to death in a Deptford lodging house. The circumstances were shady, the official account—a violent quarrel over the bill, or "recknynge"—has been long regarded as dubious. Here, in a tour de force of scholarship and ingenuity, Charles Nicholl penetrates four centuries of obscurity to reveal not only a complex and unsettling story of entrapment and betrayal, chimerical plot and sordid felonies, but also a fascinating vision of the underside of the Elizabethan world. "Provides the sheer enjoyment of fiction, and might just be true." — Michael…
