Диана Кук

Diane Cook

  • 7 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 86 читателей
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5 12
4 28
3 28
2 7
1 3

Диана Кук – лучшие книги

  • Новые Дебри Диана Кук
    ISBN: 978-5-04-119360-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Нигде не обживаться. Не оставлять следов. Всегда быть в движении. Вот три правила-кита, которым нужно следовать, чтобы обитать в Новых Дебрях. Агнес всего пять, а она уже угасает. Загрязнение в Городе мешает ей дышать. Беа знает: есть лишь один способ спасти ей жизнь — убраться подальше от зараженного воздуха. Единственный нетронутый клочок земли в стране зовут штатом Новые Дебри. Можно назвать везением, что муж Беа, Глен, — один из ученых, что собирают группу для разведывательной экспедиции. Этот эксперимент должен показать, способен ли человек жить в полном симбиозе с природой. Но было невозможно предсказать, насколько сильна…

  • Man V. Nature Diane Cook
    ISBN: 0062333100, 9780062333100
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    A refreshingly imaginative, daring debut collection of stories which illuminates with audacious wit the complexity of human behavior, as seen through the lens of the natural world

    Told with perfect rhythm and unyielding brutality, these stories expose unsuspecting men and women to the realities of nature, the primal instincts of man, and the dark humor and heartbreak of our struggle to not only thrive, but survive. In “Girl on Girl,” a high school freshman goes to disturbing lengths to help an old friend. An insatiable temptress pursues the one man she can’t have in “Meteorologist Dave Santana.” And in the title story, a long fraught friendship comes undone when three buddies get impossibly lost on a lake it is impossible to get lost on. In Diane Cook’s perilous worlds, the quotidian surface conceals an unexpected surreality that illuminates different facets of our curious, troubling, and bewildering behavior.

    Other stories explore situations pulled directly from the wild, imposing on human lives the danger, tension, and precariousness of the natural world: a pack of not-needed boys take refuge in a murky forest and compete against each other for their next meal; an alpha male is pursued through city streets by murderous rivals and desirous women; helpless newborns are snatched by a man who stalks them from their suburban yards. Through these characters Cook asks: What is at the root of our most heartless, selfish impulses? Why are people drawn together in such messy, complicated, needful ways? When the unexpected intrudes upon the routine, what do we discover about ourselves?

    As entertaining as it is dangerous, this accomplished collection explores the boundary between the wild and the civilized, where nature acts as a catalyst for human drama and lays bare our vulnerabilities, fears, and desires.
  • Smart Environments: Technology, Protocols and Applications Диана Кук
    ISBN: 9780471544487
    Год издания: 2004
    Smart Environments contains contributions from leading researchers, describing techniques and issues related to developing and living in intelligent environments. Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of the design of smart environments, the topics covered include the latest research in smart environment philosophical and computational architecture considerations, network protocols for smart environments, intelligent sensor networks and powerline control of devices, and action prediction and identification.