Джон Харви

John Harvey

  • 28 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 17 читателей
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Джон Харви – лучшие книги

  • Ты плоть, ты кровь моя Джон Харви
    ISBN: 978-5-17-045142-5, 978-5-9713-5798-8, 978-5-9762-3931-9
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский

    Дело об исчезновении шестнадцатилетней Сьюзен Блэклок так и осталось нераскрытым. Главные подозреваемые - насильники и убийцы Шейн Доналд и Алан Маккернан - давно сидят в тюрьме за совершенно другое преступление. Но старая история не дает покоя детективу Фрэнку Элдеру. Он подозревает: прошлое обязательно вернется. И однажды его подозрения перерастают в уверенность. Вскоре после побега Доналда полиция находит чудовищно изуродованное тело еще одной девушки, и Элдер имеет все основания полагать, что следующая в кровавом списке - его собственная дочь...

  • Грубая обработка (сборник) Джон Харви
    ISBN: 5-7020-0901-0
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский
    В книгу вошли два романа - "Грубая обработка" и "Малолетки" - из цикла, повествующего о приключениях инспектора полиции Чарли Резника. В первом рассказывается о разоблачении шайки, в течение долгого времени безнаказанно совершавшей квартирные
  • Малолетки
    Издательство: Новости
    Язык: Русский
    В заброшенном складе на городской окраине обнаружен растерзанный труп шестилетней Глории Саммерс, поиски которой безуспешно ведет полиция. Вскоре исчезает еще одна девочка из той же школы – Эмили Моррисон. Удается задержать убийцу Глории, но он упорно отрицает свою причастность к пропаже Эмили. Резник принимается за дело…
  • Body & Soul Джон Харви
    ISBN: 1785151800
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: William Heinemann
    Язык: Английский

    From the master of British Crime Writing comes Frank Elder’s last case. 'An expertly plotted and moving final act for an old-school investigator of the best sort, from a true master of the genre' Guardian Books of the Month 'This is wonderfully atmospheric crime writing – a tribute to Harvey’s exceptional talent' Daily Mail ‘The heavy manacles around the girl’s wrists, perhaps not surprisingly, looked very much like the ones that had been found on the studio floor. For a moment, she had a vision of the chain to which they were attached being swung through the air, taking on force and speed before striking home.Then swung…

  • Darkness, Darkness Джон Харви
    ISBN: 978-0-09-959095-8
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Arrow Books
    Язык: Русский
    A war between the past and the present, in a place wracked by guilt and vengeance, a country torn into pieces. A brilliant, important and moving book about the legacy of 1984, and where and who we are now.' David Peace.
    The final DI Charlie Resnick novel, from the Cartier Diamond Dagger winner and Sunday Times bestselling author of Cold in Hand.
    Thirty years ago, the Miners' Strike threatened to tear the country apart, turning neighbour against neighbour, husband against wife, father against son - enmities which smoulder still.
    Resnick, recently made up to inspector, and ambivalent at best about some of the police tactics, had run an information gathering unit at the heart of the dispute.
    Now, in virtual retirement, and still grieving over the violent death of his former partner, the discovery of the body of a young woman who disappeared during the Strike brings Resnick back to the front line to assist in the investigation into the woman's murder - forcing him to confront his past in what will assuredly be his last case.
  • Pax Джон Харви
    Язык: Английский
    'John Harvey, who is fascinated by the creative process involved in the making of art, finds the perfect subject in Rubens' painting "Peace and War" and its themes that intrigue and inspire a contemporary English artist. The result is a many-layered novel, impressively skillful and deeply absorbing.’ ANITA DESAI When artist Stephen Bloodsmith creates a series of images inspired by Rubens' trip to London in 1629, he enters a historical world of suspicion and intrigue. But will the manipulations he portrays in art spill over into the real world? When he practises deception inside his own marriage, falling in love with his model even as the romance of his wife Robyn unravels, the corrosive parallels between Bloodsmith's and Rubens' lives – the discovery of intimate secrets, the pain caused by desire and jealousy, the consequences of power and conflict – become hard to live with and impossible to ignore.
    Rubens believed he could make peace between the warring powers of Europe. To succeed he must win over Charles I of England, while in Paris 'the Cardinal' is working to frustrate him. Will nation cheat nation as people deceive one another in their personal lives? At once an intimate portrait of sexual pain in two centuries and a gripping depiction of international deal-making, Pax is a rich, compelling study of desire, power, art – and the search for private and public peace.
  • Fedora John Harvey
    Язык: Английский