Майкл Паренти

Michael John Parenti

  • 9 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 17 читателей
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Лучшие книги Майкла Паренти

  • Демократия для избранных. Настольная книга о политических играх США Майкл Паренти
    ISBN: 5-9763-0016-2, 0-312-39250-8
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Поколение
    Язык: Русский

    Принято считать, что США выдают себя за мировой оплот гражданских свобод, тем самым присваивая право "экспортировать" собственный тип демократии в другие страны. Что же представляет собой американская демократия на самом деле и можно ли вообще

  • Власть над миром. Истинные цели американского империализма Майкл Паренти
    ISBN: 5-9763-0017-0, 0-87286-298-4
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Поколение
    Язык: Русский
    Истинные причины многих драматических событий мировой истории: смещение правительств других государств и установление марионеточных режимов, тотальная слежка, миллионные досье, прослушивание телефонных разговоров и вскрытие частной почты,
  • To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia Michael Parenti
    ISBN: ‎ 978-1859843666, 1859843662
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Verso
    Язык: Английский

    Drawing on a wide range of unpublished material and observations gathered from his visit to Yugoslavia in 1999, Michael Parenti challenges mainstream media coverage of the war, uncovering hidden agendas behind the Western talk of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and democracy.

  • Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism Michael Parenti
    ISBN: 978-0872863293, 0872863298
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: City Lights Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    A bold and entertaining exploration of the epic struggles of yesterday and today.

    Blackshirts & Reds explores some of the big issues of our time: fascism, capitalism, communism, revolution, democracy, and ecology. These terms are often bandied about, but seldom explored in the original and exciting way that has become Michael Parenti's trademark.

    Parenti shows how "rational fascism" renders service to capitalism, how corporate power undermines democracy, and how revolutions are a mass empowerment against the forces of exploitative privilege. He also maps out the external and internal forces that destroyed communism, and the disastrous impact of the "free-market" victory on eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. He affirms the relevance of taboo ideologies like Marxism, demonstrating the importance of class analysis in understanding political realities and dealing with the ongoing collision between ecology and global corporatism.

    Written with lucid and compelling style, this book goes beyond truncated modes of thought, inviting us to entertain iconoclastic views, and to ask why things are as they are.

    "A penetrating and persuasive writer with an astonishing array of documentation to implement his attacks." —The Catholic Journalist

    "By portraying the struggle between fascism and Communism in this century as a single conflict, and not a series of discrete encounters, between the insatiable need for new capital on the one hand and the survival of a system under siege on the other, Parenti defines fascism as the weapon of capitalism, not simply an extreme form of it. Fascism is not an aberration, he points out, but a 'rational' and integral component of the system."—Stan Goff, author of Full Spectrum Disorder: The Military in the New American Century

    Michael Parenti, PhD Yale, is an internationally known author and lecturer. He is one of the nation's leading progressive political analysts. Author of over 275 published articles and twenty books, his writings are published in popular periodicals, scholarly journals, and his op-ed pieces have been in leading newspapers such as The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times. His informative and entertaining books and talks have reached a wide range of audiences in North America and abroad.
  • America Besieged Michael Parenti
    ISBN: 978-0872863385, 0872863387
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: City Lights Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Originally presented as radio commentaries in 1996, these assaults on corporate venality, militarism and government indifference to the poor sometimes sound better read aloud than on paper; while heated sound bites are numerous, additional light might have been shed if the polemics were supplemented more frequently by data. Nonetheless, Parenti's (Democracy for the Few) voice is sharp and urgent, providing a short but comprehensive course in radical analysis. He ticks off what he feels are America's problems: a political culture all too ready to worship politicians rather than ask hard questions ("[I]t is the essence of democracy," he cautions, "that we not trust and not have faith in our leaders"); a fundamentally unjust economy in which "pollution, like sin, is regularly denounced but vigorously practiced"; a state shockingly willing to tolerate the murder of left-wing dissidents from other countries; and a narrow-minded, jingoistic mass media that serves as the handmaid of corporate power (why, he asks, did neo-Nazi--but pro-capitalist--David Duke's failed Senate bid receive so much more attention than Socialist Bernard Sanders's victory?). Rather more hyperbolically, he notes that the recent Olympics "felt more like Munich 1936 than Atlanta 1996." Opinionated and angry, but also reasonable and sincerely hopeful in the possibility of a better future through collective action, this is a book Joe Hill would have loved.
    Copyright 1998 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

    About the Author. Michael Parenti, PhD Yale, is an internationally known author and lecturer. He is one of the nation's leading progressive political analysts. He is the author of over 250 published articles and seventeen books. His writings are published in popular periodicals, scholarly journals, and his op-ed pieces have been in leading newspapers such as the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. His informative and entertaining books and talks have reached a wide range of audiences in North America and abroad.
  • Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media Майкл Паренти
    ISBN: 9780312020132
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    Taking a critical perspective on the economics and politics of "presenting" the news, this topical supplement argues that the media systematically distorts news coverage.
  • Демократия для немногих Майкл Паренти
    ISBN: 5-01-002278-8
    Год издания: 1990
    Издательство: Прогресс
    Язык: Русский
    Как и во имя чего функционирует американская политическая система? Каковы главные силы, формирующие политическую жизнь страны? Кто правит Соединенными Штатами? На эти и другие важнейшие вопросы отвечает книга известного американского социолога, доктора философии Майкла Паренти. Автор проводит глубокий критический анализ политической и экономической системы США, уделяя внимание как истокам и истории развития, так и существующей практике, результатам функционирования этой системы. На большом фактическом материале обстоятельно и обоснованно проводится мысль о том, что демократия американского образца - это форма власти имущих.

    Книга представит большой интерес для тех читателей, кто хотел бы углубить свои знания об американском образе жизни.