И. Дж. Паркер

Ingrid J. Parker

  • 19 книг
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  • 54 читателя
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Лучшие книги И. Дж. Паркер

  • Адская ширма И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 5-17-037476-3, 5-9713-4491-9, 5-9762-0905-X, 978-985-16-0570-1
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский

    Хэйан-Ке. Столица мира и спокойствия. Город, который еще не скоро переименуют в Киото. Резиденция императорского двора эпохи Хэйан, эпохи изысканной поэзии и прозы, изящных придворных дам - и изощренных интриг и преступлений. После нескольких лет, проведенных в провинции, Акитада возвращается в столицу и узнает о совершенных там загадочных преступлениях. В горном монастыре жестоко убита неизвестная молодая женщина... На улицах города вновь и вновь находят изуродованные тела людей... Акитада уверен, что все эти преступления связаны между собой. Он должен найти убийц как можно быстрее, ведь следующей жертвой может стать его…

  • Расемон - ворота смерти Паркер И.Дж.
    ISBN: 978-5-17-043717-7
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Хэйан-Ке. Столица мира и спокойствия. Город, который еще не скоро переименуют в Киото. Резиденция императорского двора эпохи Хэйан, эпохи изысканной поэзии и прозы, изящных придворных дам - и изощренных интриг и преступлений. Юный князь Мидамото просит Акитаду отыскать его исчезнувшего родственника благороднейших кровей. Акитада берется за дело и довольно скоро сталкивается с опасным заговором, который может роковым образом повлиять на судьбу страны. Императорский дом в опасности...

  • Свиток дракона И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-040518-3, 978-5-9713-5645-5, 978-5-9762-2565-7
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский

    Дело об обозах с налогами, уже в третий раз исчезающих на пути в столицу... Такое расследование - идеальный способ разогнать скуку для томящегося от безделья Акитады. Однако в далекой провинции Кацуза его ожидает не безобидная игра c проворовавшимися чиновниками, а смертельно опасная схватка с многочисленными врагами. Смерть Акитады выгодна и шайке бандитов, и монахам-вероотступникам, и высоко поставленным столичным интриганам... А защищать его готовы лишь хитроумный слуга Сэнмэй и молодой телохранитель - мастер боевых искусств Тора по прозвищу Тигр... Втроем они начинают игру со смертью. Но кто победит?

  • Черная стрела И. Дж. Паркер
    Язык: Русский
    Захватывающие исторические романы И. Дж Паркер переносят читателя к жизни в Японии одиннадцатого века во всей ее красочной, вероломной славе.
    В «Черной стреле» Сугавара Акитада принимает свой новый пост в качестве временного губернатора Этиго, ледяной провинции на крайнем севере, славящейся своей враждебностью по отношению к посторонним. Но снег, который угрожает полностью изолировать регион, является наименьшей из его проблем, которые включают — местное восстание, серию жестоких убийств, и тайну, которая столь же стара, как замерзшие холмы и намного более опасна.
  • The Kindness of Dragons И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: B07G2V8BWT
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Ingrid J. Parker Inc. (I.J.P)
    Язык: Английский

    On a visit to a remote mountain region with his children, Akitada hopes to find some peace after the break-up of his marriage. Instead they become involved almost immediately in the random violence that plagues the peasants of the valley. Farmers are murdered, rice stores are burned, and young girls disappear. The local policeman seems honest, but soon Akitada fears to trust anyone. When his retainer is arrested for murder and his daughter threatened by a gang of bandits, he fights back. Powerless and far from court, he must confront the ruthless villain behind the crimes.

  • Ikiryo: Vengeance and Justice И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1973833034
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    Deeply distressed by his wife's adultery, Akitada returns to the capital to patch up his marriage and to help Superintendent Kobe with a case of poisoning. But before he can deal with either, the prime minister orders Akitada to save his dying brother who is plagued by a vengeful spirit from his past. Unable to refuse, Akitada plays a dangerous game to bring justice to the dying man's victims. Soon he is in even more deadly trouble when he tumbles into an affair with a dangerous woman and becomes the target of a cold-blooded assassin.

  • The Shrine Virgin И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1505990157
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    When an imperial princess disappears from the Ise shrine, Akitada, new governor of Mikawa Province, has barely had time to settle there with his family before he is dispatched by imperial order on a secret assignment to find her. The world Akitada finds at Ise turns out to be anything but spiritual. The pilgrimage town is a murky, dangerous place where no one can be trusted and where someone wants him dead. Gangs of robbers work the roads and forests, and two young women are murdered within days of each other. Although Akitada’s mission becomes known, putting his life in jeopardy, he persists with the unlikely help of a dwarf. Meanwhile,…

  • The Assassin's Daughter И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1514635593
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    Язык: Английский

    Fifteen years after the brutal murder of an imperial prince, the crime casts its shadow on Akitada’s family. The case is cold and the assassin dead, but his young wife’s brother wants to marry the assassin’s daughter, and Akitada is expected to clear his name. Worse, in doing so he must either destroy a friend’s reputation or his own marriage. As Akitada searches for the truth among other suspects and unravels the secrets of the past, he stirs up fresh murder and shatters his own happiness.

  • The Island of the Gods И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1522737367
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    From the Shamus Award winning author comes a new mystery set in Imperial Japan. In the autumn of 1033, Sugawara Akitada spends his last year as governor of Mikawa Province amidst reports of piracy and concerns about an uprising. He grieves over his troubled marriage and worries about the murder of the daughter of a local lord. As if things could not be worse, an investigator from the capital arrives to build a case of malfeasance against him, and when he and Tora decide to check into irregularities along the Tokaido highway, they uncover a conspiracy that points to one of Mikawa’s powerful overlords and find themselves in real danger.

  • The Crane Pavilion И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1494935554
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    Язык: Английский

    After the loss of his wife and newborn son, Akitada returns home, ostensibly to care for his motherless children, but really to withdraw from the world into his grief. When his friends and family join in an effort to draw him out of his seclusion by tempting him with a mystery, he responds halfheartedly until he becomes intrigued by the young woman's alleged suicide and the slipshod way in which the police investigated. But more serious problems arise: he faces dismissal and punishment for having left his last post without permission. Then Tora and Saburo are arrested for the murder of a gambler. Their dilemma forces Akitada to delve into…

  • The Old Men of Omi И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1500851957
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    A.D. 1030. Senior Secretary Sugawara Akitada is recovering from a knife wound and still reeling from the loss of his wife. When the Council of State orders an investigation of the claims of two warring temples, he is sent to Otsu to clear up the matter. As it happens, Akitada’s best friend Kosehira is governor there and welcomes Akitada into his large and cheerful family in hopes of healing his mind and body.

  • The Emperor's Woman И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1492260134
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    She was intended to be the emperor’s concubine, but she died at the bottom of a cliff near Prince Atsuhira’s private villa. The palace covered up the scandal. Months later, Akitada is drawn into the case when his best friend is accused of plotting against the emperor. Atsuhira, his alleged co-conspirator, refuses to defend himself. The mystery of the lady’s death unravels slowly, bringing danger to Akitada, whose household is already threatened by an ill-fated relationship between Genba and a prostitute which leads to his arrest for the brothel keeper’s murder.

  • Death of a Doll Maker И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 1492765031
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    An unexpected and dubious promotion sends Akitada to Kyushu, an outpost where illegal trade with China breeds treason and murder. Leaving behind his family, he faces obstruction and hostility at his new post and learns his predecessor, a man of expensive tastes, has disappeared under suspicious circumstances. As Tora and Saburo delve into the underworld of Hakata, Akitada tracks a ruthless traitor. The brutal murder of the Chinese wife of a doll maker sets into motion events that leave a trail of bodies.

  • Death on an Autumn River И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: B006GDO6N2
    Год издания: 2011
    Язык: Английский
  • The Fires of the Gods И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: Sugawara Akitada #8
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Severn House Publishers
    Язык: Английский

    A Sugawara Akitada Novel - Eleventh-century Japan. Sugawara Akitada’s ailing wife is expecting a child, and when he loses his job and tries to confront the nobleman who is responsible for his dismissal, he ends up suspected of his murder. With no income and a growing family to support, Akitada desperately plunges into the investigation of this crime, aided by his faithful servant Tora, inadvertently placing not only his own life, but also the lives of his wife and child, in grave danger . . .

  • The Masuda Affair И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 0727869256
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Severn House Publishers
    Язык: Английский

    A Sugawara Akitada Mystery of Ancient Japan - Eleventh-century Japan. Government official Sugawara Akitada finds a small mute boy on a deserted road. Akitada, still grieving for his own small son, determines to find the boy’s parents. Meanwhile, Akitada’s faithful servant Tora has troubles of his own: he has lost his new bride to a powerful man who pursues beautiful women and will stop at nothing to possess them. The trails of these two seemingly unrelated cases lead Akitada and Tora to the entertainers and prostitutes of the amusement quarter, and murder follows in their footsteps . . .

  • The Convict's Sword И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 0143115790
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский

    The latest in the "terrifically imaginative" (The Wall Street Journal) Akitada mystery series brings eleventh-century Japan to life I. J. Parker's phenomenal Akitada mystery series has been gaining fans with each new novel. The latest, The Convict's Sword, is the most fully realized installment to date, weaving history, drama, mystery, romance, and adventure into a story of passion and redemption. Lord Sugawara Akitada, the senior secretary in the Ministry of Justice, must find the mysterious killer of a man condemned to live in exile for a crime he did not commit. Meanwhile, Akitada's retainer, Tora, investigates the sudden death of a…

  • Island of Exiles И. Дж. Паркер
    ISBN: 0143112597
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Penguin Group
    Язык: Английский

    In Island of Exiles is a 2007 detective novel by I. J. Parker. The story follows Sugawara Akitada, who is assigned by two shadowy officials to investigate the fatal poisoning on penal colony on Sado Island of the exiled and disgraced Prince Okisada. The suspect is the son of the local governor, the officials thought he might have been framed as part of a treasonous plot. Akitada is forced to carry out an undercover investigation, taking on the guise of a convict sentenced to exile on the island. It becomes a perilous task, as the convicts on the island were treated "cheaper than dirt", expendable slaves to work the mines.