manic_street_preacher 14 марта 2021 г., 20:52 Пожаловаться NEVER be ashamed of your Tenderness. Nor of what you had to do to cover it up. We all have man AND woman inside us. What's wrong in the world is that people have lost contact with the feminine. Withdrawn Traces: Searching for the Truth about Richey Manic, Foreword by Rachel Edwards Сара Хоис Робертс 4,0
manic_street_preacher 14 марта 2021 г., 20:50 Пожаловаться Do you know what it's like to cherish beauty and then see so-called people come and crush it? It burns my skin. Withdrawn Traces: Searching for the Truth about Richey Manic, Foreword by Rachel Edwards Сара Хоис Робертс 4,0