Лучшие книги Стивена Алфорда
- 2 произведения
- 5 изданий на 3 языках
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Edward VI: The Last Boy King Стивен Алфорд
ISBN: 0141976918, 978-0141976914 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Penguin Язык: Русский Edward VI, the only son of Henry VIII, became king at the age of nine and died wholly unexpectedly at the age of 15. All around him loomed powerful men who hoped to use the child to further their own ends, but who were also playing a long game—assuming that Edward would long outlive them and become as commanding a figure as his father had been. Stephen Alford's wonderful book gives full play to the murky, sinister nature of Edward's reign, but is also a poignant account of a boy learning to rule, to enjoy his growing power, and to come out of the shadows of the great aristocrats around him. England's last child monarch, Edward would have led his country in a quite different direction to the catastrophic one caused by his death. -
The Watchers: A Secret History of the Reign of Elizabeth I Стивен Алфорд
ISBN: 1846142601, 9781846142604 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Allen Lane Язык: Английский In a Europe aflame with wars of religion and dynastic conflicts, Elizabeth I came to the throne of a realm encircled by menace. To the great Catholic powers of France and Spain, England was a heretic pariah state, a canker to be cut away for the health of the greater body of Christendom. Elizabeth's government, defending God's true Church of England and its leader, the queen, could stop at nothing to defend itself.
Headed by the brilliant, enigmatic, and widely feared Sir Francis Walsingham, the Elizabethan state deployed every dark art: spies, double agents, cryptography, and torture. Delving deeply into sixteenth-century archives, Stephen Alford offers a groundbreaking, chillingly vivid depiction of Elizabethan espionage, literally recovering it from the shadows. In his company we follow Her Majesty's agents through the streets of London and Rome, and into the dank cells of the Tower. We see the world as they saw it-ever unsure who could be trusted or when the fatal knock on their own door might come. The Watchers is a riveting exploration of loyalty, faith, betrayal, and deception with the highest possible stakes, in a world poised between the Middle Ages and modernity. -
Kingship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI Стивен Алфорд
ISBN: 0521660556, 978-0521660556 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Cambridge University Press This book is a reconstruction of the kingship and politics of the third Tudor king of England, Edward VI (born 1537), who reigned between 1547 (from the age of nine) until his death in 1553. The reign has often been interpreted as a period of political instability, mainly because of the king's age. This book explores how the reign was remarkably stable; and also how, during the reign of Elizabeth I (1558-1603) the Edwardian idea of what it was to be a monarch--and many of the same men who had served Edward VI as councillors and courtiers--dominated Tudor politics. -
Obserwatorzy. Tajna historia panowania Elżbiety I Стивен Алфорд
ISBN: 978-83-89981-96-7 Издательство: OSDW Azymut