Кэролайн Ли

Caroline Lea

  • 8 книг
  • 7 подписчиков
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Новинки Кэролайн Ли

  • Стальное сердце Кэролайн Ли
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-921-3
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    После победы Союзников в Северной Африке в 1941г. 1000 итальянских солдат были отправлены как рабочая сила для строительства заграждений на отдаленный остров у шотландского побережья. Их появление напугало жителей острова. После трех военных лет с постоянной угрозой вторжения они боятся пленных врагов и не желают терпеть их соседство. Большинство видит в итальянцах кровожадных врагов, но для двух сестер, Дороти и Констанс, это лишь изможденные, больные и раненые, не привыкшие к холодам оркнейской зимы. Девушки помогают пленным чем могут. Дороти сразу же привлекает Чезаре, совсем еще юного парня, психика которого сломлена ужасами войны. По…

  • The Metal Heart Кэролайн Ли
    ISBN: 9781405944359
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Penguin
    Orkney, 1941.
    Five hundred Italian prisoners of war arrive to fortify these wild and desolate islands.
    Orphaned sisters Dorothy and Constance volunteer to nurse the wounded. But while beautiful, damaged Constance remains wary of the men, Dot finds herself increasingly drawn to Cesare, a young man fighting on the wrong side and broken by the horrors of battle. Secretly, passionately, they fall in love.
    When a tragic mistake from Con's past returns to haunt them, Dot must make a choice:
    Protect her sister no matter the costs, or save the man who has captured her heart?
  • The Metal Heart Кэролайн Ли
    ISBN: 9780241423301
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    Orkney, 1940. Five hundred Italian prisoners-of-war arrive to fortify these remote and windswept islands. Resentful islanders are fearful of the enemy in their midst, but not orphaned twin sisters Dorothy and Constance. Already outcasts, they volunteer to nurse all prisoners who are injured or fall sick. Soon Dorothy befriends Cesare, an

  • The Metal Heart Кэролайн Ли
    ISBN: 0063075490, 978-0063075498
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский
    In the dark days of World War II, an unlikely romance blossoms between a Scottish woman and an Italian prisoner of war in this haunting novel with the emotional complexity of The Boat Runner and All the Light We Cannot See—a powerful and atmospheric story of love, jealousy, and conscience that illuminates the beauty of the human spirit from the author of The Glass Woman.

    In the wake of the Allies’ victory in North Africa, 1,000 Italian soldiers have been sent to a remote island off the Scottish coast to wait out the war. Their arrival has divided the island’s community. Nerves frayed from three years of war and the constant threat of invasion, many locals fear the enemy prisoners and do not want them there.

    Where their neighbors see bloodthirsty enemies, however, orphaned sisters Dorothy and Constance see sick and wounded men unused to the freezing cold of an Orkney winter, and volunteer to nurse them. While doing so Dorothy finds herself immediately drawn to Cesare, a young man broken by the horrors of battle.

    But as the war drags on, tensions between the islanders and the outsiders deepen, and Dorothy’s connection to Cesare threatens the bond she shares with Constance. Since the loss of their parents, the sisters have relied on each other. Now, their loyalty will be tested, each forced to weigh duty against desire . . . until, one fateful evening, a choice must be made, one that that will have devastating consequences.
  • Стеклянная женщина Кэролайн Ли
    ISBN: 978-5-86471-881-0
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Фантом Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Роман в традициях «Джейн Эйр» и «Ребекки» с исландским колоритом. Роуса была счастлива, живя с родителями в их оторванной от остального мира деревне, днем она молилась христианскому Богу, а ночью шепталась со старыми исландскими богами. Но после внезапной смерти отца, оставшись с больной матерью на руках, девушка вынуждена согласиться на брак с заезжим торговцем, предложившим неплохое приданое. Роуса переезжает в свой новый дом, который стоит в стороне от прочего жилья, у самого моря. Мужа ее, Йоуна, почти никогда не бывает дома, на общение с местными жителями он наложил запрет. Молодая женщина существует едва ли не в полной изоляции. И…

  • The Glass Woman Caroline Lea
    ISBN: 9781405934619
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    When Rósa is betrothed to Jón Eiríksson, she is sent to a remote village.

    There she finds a man who refuses to speak of his recently deceased first wife, and villagers who view her with suspicion.

    Isolated and disturbed by her husband's strange behaviour, her fears deepen.

    What is making the strange sounds in the attic?

    Who does the mysterious glass figure she is given represent?

    And why do the villagers talk of the coming winter darkness in hushed tones?
  • The Glass Woman Caroline Lea
    ISBN: 978-0718188979, 0718188977
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Michael Joseph
    Язык: Английский
    Betrothed unexpectedly to Jón Eiríksson, Rósa is sent to join her new husband in the remote village of Stykkishólmur. Here, the villagers are wary of outsiders.
    But Rósa harbours her own suspicions. Her husband buried his first wife alone in the dead of night. He will not talk of it. Instead he gives her a small glass figurine. She does not know what it signifies.
    The villagers mistrust them both. Dark threats are whispered. There is an evil here - Rósa can feel it. Is it her husband, the villagers - or the land itself?
    Alone and far from home, Rósa sees the darkness coming. She fears she will be its next victim . . .
  • The Glass Woman Caroline Lea
    ISBN: 9781405941334
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Rósa has always dreamed of living a simple life alongside her Mamma in their remote village in Iceland, where she prays to the Christian God aloud during the day, whispering enchantments to the old gods alone at night. But after her father dies abruptly and her Mamma becomes ill, Rósa marries herself off to a visiting trader in exchange for a dowry, despite rumors of mysterious circumstances surrounding his first wife's death.

    Rósa follows her new husband, Jón, across the treacherous countryside to his remote home near the sea. There Jón works the field during the day, expecting Rósa to maintain their house in his absence with the deference of a good Christian wife. What Rósa did not anticipate was the fierce loneliness she would feel in her new home, where Jón forbids her from interacting with the locals in the nearby settlement and barely speaks to her himself.

    Seclusion from the outside world isn't the only troubling aspect of her new life—Rósa is also forbidden from going into Jón's attic. When Rósa begins to hear strange noises from upstairs, she turns to the local woman in an attempt to find solace. But the villager's words are even more troubling—confirming many of the rumors about Jón's first wife, Anna, including that he buried her body alone in the middle of the night.

    Rósa's isolation begins to play tricks on her mind: What—or who—is in the attic? What happened to Anna? Was she mad, a witch, or just a victim of Jón's ruthless nature? And when Jón is brutally maimed in an accident a series of events are set in motion that will force Rósa to choose between obedience and defiance—with her own survival and the safety of the ones she loves hanging in the balance.