ologinova 3 мая 2021 г., 23:25 Пожаловаться Loyalty between two persons in an alliance of true friendship is a noble human endeavor. In true friendship, a human being finds strength. Good times or bad; the highest peak or the lowest valley in one’s life. The Chiffon Trenches Андре Леон Тэлли 4,0
ologinova 3 мая 2021 г., 23:24 Пожаловаться Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele wanted a Bill Blass dress for a cover. But Anna Wintour had asked me to talk about that same dress in my column. There was a big fight in the fashion closet about that dress, and Anna ended up giving it to me and not Carlyne. Carlyne and I didn’t speak to each other for five years because of that… Развернуть The Chiffon Trenches Андре Леон Тэлли 4,0
ologinova 3 мая 2021 г., 23:23 Пожаловаться Life changes. Life has to go on. You have to keep going. I, too, am a sinner, flawed and fallen from grace, getting up and trying for salvation, over and over. The Chiffon Trenches Андре Леон Тэлли 4,0