Майкл Крамми

Michael Crummey

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Майкл Крамми — новинки

  • The Adversary Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 9780385550321
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Doubleday
    Язык: Английский
    From the award-winning, critically acclaimed author of The Innocents (“Extraordinary”— Wall Street Journal ) a dark, enthralling novel about love and its limitations, the corruption of power and the power of corruption.
  • The Innocents Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 0385545428
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Doubleday Books
    Язык: Английский

    From bestselling, award-winning author Michael Crummey comes a sweeping, heart-wrenching, deeply immersive novel about a brother and sister alone in a small world. A brother and sister are orphaned in an isolated cove on Newfoundland's northern coastline. Their home is a stretch of rocky shore governed by the feral ocean, by a relentless pendulum of abundance and murderous scarcity. Still children with only the barest notion of the outside world, they have nothing but the family's boat and the little knowledge passed on haphazardly by their mother and father to keep them. As they fight for their own survival through years of meagre…

  • Rzeka złodziei Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 9788394352301
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Wiatr od Morza
    Язык: Польский

    Michael Crummey, autor głośnych powieści „Dostatek”, „Pobojowisko” i „Sweetland”, w „Rzece złodziei” przenosi czytelników na północno-wschodnią Nową Fundlandię, ukazując ją w czasach, gdy walczyła tam o przetrwanie garstka rybaków i traperów rozproszona na brzegach ogromnej zatoki Exploits, na których spotkać jeszcze można było Beothuków – rdzennych mieszkańców wyspy. Druga dekada XIX wieku. Żyjący w głuszy osadnicy od wielu dziesięcioleci sami stanowią prawo na zajętych przez siebie terenach, na własną rękę rozprawiając się z „Czerwonymi Indianami”. Ci, spychani w głąb lądu przez Europejczyjków, nieudolnie stawiają opór, atakując…

  • Pobojowisko Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 9788393665358
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Wiatr od Morza
    Язык: Польский
    Czy w miłości i nienawiści istnieją jakiekolwiek nieprzekraczalne granice?

    Michael Crummey, autor rewelacyjnego "Dostatku", powraca z kolejną powieścią rozgrywającą się na chłodnej Nowej Fundlandii. Tym razem śledzimy losy dwojga ludzi połączonych w młodości gorącą miłością, później natomiast rozdzielonych mocą nienawiści wsączającej się w ich życie na różnych płaszczyznach.

    Nowa Fundlandia, rok 1940. Młody katolik Wish Furey zarabia na życie, podróżując z objazdowym kinem po północnym wybrzeżu wyspy. W Cove, jednej z protestanckich osad rybackich, chłopak zakochuje się z wzajemnością w Sadie Parsons, dziewczynie zdającej się nie przystawać do oczekiwań purytańskiego środowiska, w którym dorasta. Narastający konflikt między Wishem a rodziną Parsonsów – uprzedzoną wobec katolickiego zalotnika – ostatecznie sprawia, że chłopak ucieka z Cove jako złodziej i niedoszły morderca, zaś Sadie opuszcza rodzinną osadę, by odnaleźć ukochanego w stolicy wyspy, St. John's. Dziewczyna nie zdaje sobie sprawy, jak wiele lat przyjdzie jej czekać na kolejne spotkanie z Wishem…

    Snując fascynującą historię wyklętej miłości, Crummey zaplata misterną sieć powiązań między pozornie nieistotnymi szczegółami, a czyniąc wydarzenia II wojny światowej jedną z osi fabuły, niezwykle przenikliwie zwraca uwagę na kwestię osobistej odpowiedzialności człowieka za otaczające go zło. Czy można wywieść związki między złą myślą a wybuchem bomby w Nagasaki? Okazuje się, że tak.
  • Galore Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 9780385677141
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Anchor Canada
    Язык: Английский
    An intricate family saga and love story spanning two centuries, Galore is a portrait of the improbable medieval world that was rural Newfoundland, a place almost too harrowing and extravagant to be real. Remote and isolated, exposed to savage extremes of climate and fate, the people of Paradise Deep persist in a realm where the line between the everyday and the otherworldly is impossible to distinguish.
    Propelled by the disputes and alliances, grievances and trade-offs that bind the Sellers and Devine families through generations, Galore is alive with singular characters, and an uncommon insight into the complexities of human nature.
  • Galore Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 978-1590514344
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Other Press
    Язык: Английский

    Winner of the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best Book, Caribbean & Canada and the Canadian Authors Association Literary Award; Finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction, the Thomas Head Raddall Atlantic Book Award, and the Winterset Award

    When a whale beaches itself on the shore of the remote coastal town of Paradise Deep, the last thing any of the townspeople expect to find inside it is a man, silent and reeking of fish, but remarkably alive. The discovery of this mysterious person, soon christened Judah, sets the town scrambling for answers as its most prominent citizens weigh in on whether he is man or beast, blessing or curse, miracle or demon. Though Judah is a shocking addition, the town of Paradise Deep is already full of unusual characters. King-me Sellers, self-appointed patriarch, has it in for an inscrutable woman known only as Devine’s Widow, with whom he has a decades-old feud. Her granddaughter, Mary Tryphena, is just a child when Judah washes ashore, but finds herself tied to him all her life in ways she never expects. Galore is the story of the saga that develops between these families, full of bitterness and love, spanning two centuries.

    With Paradise Deep, award-winning novelist Michael Crummey imagines a realm where the line between the everyday and the otherworldly is impossible to discern. Sprawling and intimate, stark and fantastical, Galore is a novel about the power of stories to shape and sustain us.
  • The Wreckage Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 0385660618
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Anchor Canada
    Язык: Английский
    Having achieved considerable success with his first novel, River Thieves, Michael Crummey has written a book that is equally stunning and compelling. The Wreckage is a truly epic, yet twisted, romance that unfolds over decades and continents. It engages readers on the austere shores of Newfoundland’s fishing villages and drags them across to Japanese POW camps during some of the worst events of the Second World War. Haunting, lyrical, and deeply intimate, Crummey’s language fully exposes his characters’ vulnerabilities as they struggle to come to terms with their guilt and regret over decisions made during their impulsive youths.

    In the fishing villages of Newfoundland we come across an itinerant Wish Furey. He’s a drifter and a projectionist, traveling from island to island bringing films to isolated communities. A Catholic in a staunchly Protestant community, working with an alcoholic, gambling partner, Wish is immediately labeled an outsider. On Little Fogo Island, he spots a desirable young woman in the audience and embarks on an unwavering mission to possess her. Mercedes Parsons – Sadie – is equally infatuated and yields to Wish's advances as much as her chaste upbringing will allow.

    Crummey masterfully captures the ferocity of the young romance, the coiled up sexual tension exploding in instances of pure pleasure and ending often in frustration. The pair can steal only scattered moments alone as Sadie’s mother puts up a formidable defense against Wish, whom she believes will bring only trouble. However intent he seems on winning Sadie, Wish's character remains mysteriously closed. He is painfully silent around her family, which only strengthens their mistrust. Crummey seems to purposefully disclose only the barest of Wish's intimate thoughts and motivations.

    While the romance intensifies, Crummey casts his lovers in a wider shadow. He brings to life the Newfoundland coastline, its unforgiving waters, the religious fervor and prejudice of its inhabitants, their ceaseless work, and the collective anxiety about the burgeoning war.

    Unable to defeat Sadie’s mother, and unable to quell his conscience after Sadie's breathless pleading, "Don't make a whore of me," Wish flees to St. John’s and enlists in the British army. Sadie embarks on a frantic pursuit only to find him gone. Defying her family she stays in the capital, building a new life, the reality of Wish's disappearance – the acute, constant ache of it – gradually settling in.

    Wish lands somewhere in southeast Asia and then, finally, in a Japanese POW camp. He suffers agonizing torture under a particularly cruel guard known initially as the Interpreter. We have met the Interpreter already. Crummey has woven this man's narrative through the novel, slowly revealing the origins of his unique hatred toward the Canadian prisoners. Born in British Columbia, Nishino has experienced a harsh brand of discrimination. It is through Nishino that Crummey provides a chilling example of how prejudice can breed exceptionally brutal cycles of violence.

    Crummey unveils the depths of his characters’ personalities with slow deliberation. The layers of their pain, suffering, and love are peeled back with each recounted memory as the novel makes its transition into contemporary times. With each memory that is unleashed the reader comes closer to understanding the choices the protagonists made, the consequences they endured, and their subsequent feelings of frustration and guilt.

    Fifty years after Sadie’s flight from St. John’s, she returns to Newfoundland to scatter the ashes of her dead husband and collides with Wish whom she believed dead. Sadie reflects, “It was like being handed a photograph from a stranger’s collection, one more unexpected glimpse of that face when she thought her memories of it were complete.” Memories can be taken out, tampered with, much like the film of the projectionist.

    It is here that Crummey cracks open Wish's character. There is a flood of revelations; his sexual exploits as a teenager, the bet made that he could conquer Sadie, Nishino's murder, and his own troubling reaction to it. It's a narrative coup. The reader is left, as Sadie is, stunned and grappling with these revelations and how our perceptions of his character have been altered. Wish is angry, sullen, and paralyzed with guilt. Yet he is still capable of love and being loved and Sadie is the only one left to remind him.

    It is a testament to Crummey’s gifts as a novelist that he can flow quite easily through time, across landscapes, and between vastly different characters. He vividly captures the mental and physical anguish Wish experienced in the prison camps, and with calm lucidity explores the motives of a Japanese soldier whose actions seem inhumanly cold and calculating. Crummey toys with the readers’ sympathies, suggesting there are few distinctions between the enemy and us. He incorporates heartbreaking tragedy – the dropping of the atom bomb, lynchings in America, murderous revenge – to underscore the darker side of humanity. Crummey shows that we are capable of violence, but in the end he proves we are also capable of redemption, forgiveness, and can be led, unashamed, back to the ones we love.

    From the Hardcover edition.
  • River Thieves : A Novel Майкл Крамми
    ISBN: 0618340718
    Год издания: 2003
    Язык: Русский

    Amazon.com 2002 Amazon.com/Books in Canada First Novel Award Shortlist: In River Thieves , his first novel, poet and short-story writer Michael Crummey reaches far into Newfoundland's past to tell one of the colony's most tragic stories: