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William Carlos Williams

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Уильям Карлос Уильямс – лучшие книги

  • Избранное Уильям Карлос Уильямс
    Год издания: 1984
    Издательство: Молодая гвардия
    Язык: Русский
    Уильям Карлос Уильямс (англ. William Carlos Williams, 17 сентября 1883, Резерфорд, Нью-Джерси – 4 марта 1963, там же) – один из крупнейших поэтов США. Входил в круг имажистов, был близок к кругам нью-йоркского литературного и художественного авангарда (Дюшан, Пикабиа, Уоллес Стивенс, Марианна Мур, Мина Лой и др.). Во время поездки в Европу в 1924 познакомился с Джойсом. Переводил Филиппа Супо (1929). Оказал огромное влияние на многих молодых поэтов – поколение битников, школу Черной горы, нью-йоркскую школу, многим из них лично помог. В поэзии отошел от литературности Паунда и Элиота. Двигаясь в русле авангарда, обратился к сугубо локальным темам и частной повседневной жизни своих современников (памятником им стала эпическая поэма Уильямса о рядовом американском городке Патерсон, 1946-1958).
  • Spring and All William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 9780811218917
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: New Directions
    A beautiful facsimile of the 1923 original edition which is considered "one of the greatest poems of the twentieth century". (The New York Times)

    Spring and All is a manifesto of the imagination ― a hybrid of alternating sections of prose and free verse that coalesce in dramatic, energetic, and beautifully cryptic statements of how language re-creates the world. Spring and All contains some of Williams’s best-known poetry, including Section I, which opens, “By the road to the contagious hospital,” and Section XXII, where Williams penned his most famous poem, “The Red Wheelbarrow.” Now, almost 90 years since its first publiction, New Directions publishes this facsimile of the original 1923 Contact Press edition, featuring a new introduction by C. D. Wright.
  • Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems: Collected Poems, 1950-1962 William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 0811202348
    Год издания: 1967
    Издательство: New Directions Publishing Corporation
    Williams: ?pictures? From Brueghel (paper Only)
  • Paterson William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 081121298X, 978-0811212984
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: New Directions
    Язык: Английский
    Paterson is both a place—the New Jersey city in whom the person (the poet's own life) and the public (the history of the region) are combined. Originally four books (published individually between 1946 and 1951), the structure of Paterson (in Dr. Williams' words) "follows the course of teh Passaic River" from above the great falls to its entrance into the sea. The unexpected Book Five, published in 1958, affirms the triumphant life of the imagination, in spite of age and death. This revised edition has been meticulously re-edited by Christopher MacGowan, who has supplied a wealth of notes and explanatory material.
  • Sour grapes William Carlos Williams
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Nabu Press
    A book of poems is an early work by William Carlos Williams. Published in 1921, it includes some of his best early poems: "A Widow's Lament in Springtime," "The Great Figure," "Complaint," and "Queen-Ann's-Lace."

    Williams was still struggling to find his audience at the time of Sour Grapes' publication and was forced to pay for some, if not all, of the publishing expenses himself. As a book, it is highly indicative of Williams' early writing. It is filled out with improvisational pieces that Williams seems to have thrown together in the spare moments that he stole from his medical practice. However, this poetic improvisation produced stunningly beautiful language, which is evident in "A Widow's Lament in Springtime," and "Complaint."

    Like most of Williams' early works, Sour Grapes was ignored by most critics at the time, but it was well received by Kenneth Burke in The Dial in February 1922.
  • Kora In Hell: Improvisations (1920) William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 978-1168962317
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Kessinger Publishing
    Язык: Английский
  • Imaginations: Kora in Hell / Spring and All / The Descent of Winter / The Great American Novel / A Novelette & Other Prose William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 978-0811202299
    Год издания: 1971
    Издательство: New Directions
    Язык: Английский
    Written between 1920 and 1932, all five were first published in small editions, three of them in France. These are pivotal and seminal works, books in which a great writer was charting the course he later would follow, experimenting freely, boldly searching for a new kind of prose style to express "the power of the imagination to hold human beings to life and propel them onward.”

    The prose-poem improvisations (Kora in Hell) . . . the interweaving of prose and poetry in alternating passages (Spring and All and The Descent of Winter) . . . an antinovel whose subject is the impossibility of writing "The Great American Novel" in America . . . automatic writing (A Novelette) . . . these are the challenges which Williams accepted and brilliantly met in his early work.
  • Imaginations William Carlos. Williams
    ISBN: 9780811202299
    Год издания: 1971
    Язык: Русский
  • The Desert Music and Other Poems William Carlos Williams
    Год издания: 1954
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
  • Беднота Уильям Карлос Уильямс
    Язык: Русский
    Меня так восхищает
    независимость бедности, старый
    деревянный домик желтеет зарубкой на память
    среди новых многоэтажных домов.
  • Death the Barber William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 9780241339824
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    'The alphabet of
    the trees

    is fading in the
    song of the leaves'

    Filled with bright, unforgettable images, the deceptively simple work of William Carlos Williams revolutionized American verse, and made him one of the greatest twentieth-century poets.

    Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.
  • William Carlos Williams: Selected Poems William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 9781931082716
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Library of America
    Язык: Английский
    "No poetry is more fresh, more immediate, more deftly challenging," writes editor Robert Pinsky. "William Carlos Williams is at the center of one of poetry's greatest historical flowerings." A poet of astonishing range and inventiveness, Williams was at once a daring formal innovator, one of the band of modernists who transformed American poetry, and an intimate, sometimes savagely frank chronicler of the life and landscape of his native New Jersey.

    From the beginning he pursued an independent course, creating a diverse and unfailingly vital body of work, from the hard-edged experiments of Spring and All to the fluent lyricism of "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower." His influence on generations of poets has been indelible, and as this masterful new selection demonstrates, his poems retain their capacity to astonish and delight.
  • In the American Grain William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 081121849X
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: New Directions
    Although admired by D. H. Lawrence, this modern classic went generally unnoticed during the years after its publication in 1925. Yet it is “a fundamental book, essential if one proposes to come to terms with American literature” (Times Literary Supplement). William Carlos Williams was not a historian, but he was fascinated by the texture of American history. Beginning with Columbus’s discovery of the Indies and moving on through Sir Walter Raleigh, Cotton Mather, Daniel Boone, George Washington, Ben Franklin, Aaron Burr, Edgar Allan Poe, and Abraham Lincoln, Williams found in the fabric of familiar episodes new shades of meaning and configurations of character. He brought a poetic imagination to the task of reconstructing a live tradition for Americans, and what results is one of the finest works of prose to have been penned by any writer of the twentieth century.
  • The Humane Particulars: The Collected Letters of William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burke (Studies in Rhetoric/Communication) William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 1570035075
    Год издания: 2003
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionSignificantly deepening our understanding of two key figures from the modernist period, The Humane Particulars collects the letters between William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burke. Written during forty-two years of close friendship
  • Pound/ Williams: Selected Correspondence of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams Ezra Pound
    ISBN: 9780811213011
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: New Directions
    Язык: Английский
    Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams, two towering figures in American poetry, began their lifelong, and often contentious, friendship as students at the University of Pennsylvania. Their correspondence ran from 1907, the year Pound took up his virtually permanent residence in Europe, until Williams' death in 1963. The letters contribute an unparalleled documentary record of modern culture - a wealth of information about the lives and works of the two poets themselves; the literary and political movements in which they became involved and the impact of public events upon the arts; the activities of other writers and artists; and the world of small presses and little magazines that nourished the growth of modernism.
    Pound/Williams contains 169 letters selected from the poets' surviving correspondence, each letter reproduced in full and accompanied by explanatory notes. Historical introductions place each of the live chronological groupings of letters into context, and a biographical glossary identifies persons prominently mentioned.
  • The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams William Carlos Williams
    ISBN: 9780811202268
    Год издания: 1967
    Издательство: New Directions
    Язык: Английский
    William Carlos Williams’s medical practice and his literary career formed an undivided life. For forty years he was a busy doctor in the town of Rutherford, New Jersey, and yet he was able to write more than thirty books. One of the finest chapters in the Autobiography tells how each of his two roles stimulated and supported the other.
  • Los relatos de m?dicos Уильям Карлос Уильямс
    ISBN: 9788417617868
    Издательство: Bookwire
    Язык: Испанский
    "M?gicamente observador y mim?tico del mundo real, los detalles emergen en su escritura con sorprendente frescura, claridad y econom?a. Williams ve las formas de la tierra y ve el esp?ritu que se agita detr?s de las letras. Cada uno de sus trazos veloces y transparentes tiene la energ?a nerviosa y concentrada del vuelo de un p?jaro, asciende brusca e intensamente como un p?jaro". —Randall Jarrell
    William Carlos Williams, que ejerci? durante toda su vida como m?dico de cabecera y pediatra —practicaba la medicina de d?a y escrib?a de noche, hasta caer rendido—, dedic? una serie de textos a su profesi?n que son considerados hoy una obra fundamental de la literatura anglosajona. Convertido en un emblema de la vanguardia literaria americana, son el sustrato ?ntimo de sus personajes y la insondable honestidad de su mirada los que, unidos a un estilo conciso y sugerente, nutrido de im?genes imborrables, lo han convertido en un cl?sico y en un autor poderosamente vivo para los c?nones contempor?neos.
    Si para Williams el espa?ol fue el idioma de su ni?ez, esta edici?n cuenta en la traducci?n con Eduardo Halfon, tan amante de la concisi?n como Williams y un autor para quien tambi?n el espa?ol fue lenguaje de infancia, casi olvidado tras su traslado a los Estados Unidos y recuperado en su espl?ndida madurez como narrador.
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