Мэри МакКарти

Mary Therese McCarthy

  • 10 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 16 читателей
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Мэри МакКарти - циклы книг | Бумажные издания

  • The Group Mary McCarthy
    ISBN: 978-0156372084
    Год издания: 1991
    Издательство: Mariner Books
    Язык: Английский

    Mary McCarthy's The Group is a sharply-pointed satire of upper-class New England society which follows the post-college lives of eight Vassar graduates, class of '33. Helena was registered for Vassar at birth; Pokey forged her mother's signature on her college application in defiance of the family tradition of "being dim-witted and vain of it." Out in the "real" world, Dottie loses her virginity to a "bad sort" but discovers that she enjoys sex, while Kay subsumes her own talent to the artistic "genius" of her egocentric and philandering husband. Libby writes book reviews that are almost as long as the original material and Polly works as a…

  • A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays Mary McCarthy
    ISBN: 978-1590170106
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: New York Review Books
    Язык: Английский
    Mary McCarthy was one of the leading literary figures of her time. In addition to the novels and memoirs for which she is best remembered, she was also a tireless literary and social critic. Starting out as a theater reviewer for Partisan Review in 1937, she quickly distinguished herself for her witty and fearless commentary on topics ranging from McCarthyism to the French New Novel to women’s fashion magazines. McCarthy was an eager controversialist, unsparing in her dissection of anything she found phony or hypocritical. Her reviews are sharp, sometimes malicious, and often very funny, but her criticism is also informed by deep erudition and enlivened by an inexhaustible capacity for enthusiasm. Her political writings, critical in equal measure of the Cold War consensus and of its critics, are less concerned with finding correct positions than with exploring the often absurd circumstances in which agonizing moral decisions are made.

    While the soundness of McCarthy’s judgments can sometimes be doubted, her curiosity and intelligence cannot. The intellectual brio and acute judgment that characterizes her best fiction is vividly displayed in this selection of essays, which span McCarthy’s career from the late 1930s to the late 1970s. It includes her writings on topics such as fashion magazines, Eugene O’Neill, A Streetcar Named Desire, Look Back in Anger, Pale Fire, J.D. Salinger, Madame Bovary, Italo Calvino, and Watergate. The volume constitutes not only a valuable record of the ideological and cultural controversies that dominated American intellectual life from the Moscow trials to the Watergate hearings, but will also introduce a new generation of readers to a uniquely forthright and vibrant critical voice.
  • Окинь холодным взглядом Мэри МакКарти
    Год издания: 1970
    Издательство: Молодая гвардия
    Язык: Русский
    Принцип художественного видения писательницы хорошо схвачен в названии сборника "Окинь холодным взглядом" (Cast a Cold Eye, 1950), где Маккарти в очередной раз трезво препарирует своего современника, создавая ряд запоминающихся сатирических портретов, в основе которых - парадоксальное столкновение "видимого" и "сущностного". Пессимизм Маккарти в обязательной победе "видимого": ее героини могут взбунтоваться, но в конце концов переходят на позиции конформизма.
  • Камни Флоренции Мэри МакКарти
    ISBN: 978-5-93381-256-1
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Б.С.Г.-Пресс
    Язык: Русский
    Книгу "Камни Флоренции" американская писательница, публицист и театральный критик Мэри Маккарти (1912-1989) опубликовала в 1956 году. Это полный живых зарисовок путеводитель по Флоренции, и очерк ее бурной истории, и увлекательный рассказ об искусстве и художественной жизни этого овеянного легендами города. К счастью, великие города, подобные Флоренции, меняются медленно, а потому книга Мэри Маккарти и сегодня удивительно актуальна и интересна.
  • Memories of a Catholic Girlhood Mary McCarthy
    ISBN: 9780099283454
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Index Books Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Blending memories and family myths, Mary McCarthy takes us back to the twenties, when she was orphaned in a world of relations as colourful, potent and mysterious as the Catholic religion. There were her grandmothers: one was a blood-curdling Catholic who combined piousness and pugnacity; the other was Jewish and wore a veil to hide the disastrous effects of a face-lift. There was wicked Uncle Myers who beat her for the good of her soul and Aunt Margaret who laced her orange juice with castor oil and taped her lips at night to prevent unhealthy 'mouth-breathing'. 'Many a time in the course of doing these memoirs,' Mary McCarthy says, 'I have wished that I were writing fiction.' But these were the people, along with the ladies of the Sacred Heart convent school, who helped to inspire her devastating sense of the sublime and ridiculous and her witty, novelist's imagination.
  • The Groves of Academe Mary McCarthy
    ISBN: 1412812623
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Русский

    Henry Mulcahy, a literature instructor at progressive Jocelyn College, is informed that his appointment will not be continued. Convinced he is disliked by the president of Jocelyn because of his abilities as a teacher and his independence of mass opinion, Mulcahy believes he is being made the victim of a witch-hunt. Plotting vengeance, Mulcahy battles to fight for justice and, in the process, reveals his true ethical nature.