Элеанор Эстес

Eleanor Ruth Rosenfeld Estes

  • 8 книг
  • 7 читателей
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Элеанор Эстес – лучшие книги

  • Ginger Pye Eleanor Estes
    ISBN: 978-0152025052
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: HMH Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский

    Meet Ginger Pye, the smartest dog you'll ever know. Jerry Pye and his sister, Rachel, feel pretty smart themselves for buying Ginger. It was the best dollar they ever spent. Ginger steals everybody's heart . . . until someone steals him!

  • The Moffats Eleanor Estes
    Год издания: 1941
    Язык: Английский

    Four Moffat children and a hard-working widowed mother live on New Dollar Street in Cranbury village. During kindergarten recess, one accidentally hitches a ride out of town on a boxcar. One winds up trapped in the breadbox outside the deli. One offers to escort a Salvation Army man to his destination - and accidentally bumps him from his horse-drawn wagon.

  • Rufus M. Eleanor Estes
    Год издания: 1943
    Издательство: Harcourt, Brace & World
    Язык: Английский

    You've never met anyone quite like Rufus Moffat. He gets things done, but he gets them done his way. When he wants to check out library books, Rufus teaches himself to write...even though he doesn't yet know how to read. When food is scarce, he plants some special "Rufus beans" that actually grow...despite his digging them up every day to check on them. And Rufus has friends that other people don't even know exist! He discovers the only invisible piano player in town, has his own personal flying horse for a day, and tours town with the Cardboard Boy, his dearest friend-and enemy. Rufus isn't just the youngest Moffat, he's also the…

  • The Middle Moffat Eleanor Estes
    Год издания: 1942
    Издательство: Harcourt, Brace & World
    Язык: Английский

    The Middle Moffat by Eleanor Estes is the second novel in the children's series known as The Moffats. Published in 1942, it was a Newbery Honor book. The title comes from Janey Moffat, who feels a little lost among her three siblings. Being neither the oldest or youngest, she decides to become the 'Middle Moffat' to help herself feel more important. The Moffats is set in small town Cranbury, Connecticut during World War I.

  • The Moffat Museum Eleanor Estes
    Год издания: 1983
    Издательство: Harcourt, Brace & World
    Язык: Английский
    There has never been a museum in Cranbury...until now.
    Among its treasures are the first bike each of the Moffat kids rode, stardust from a meteor that fell to earth, a beautiful painting made by Sylvie, and-most spectacularly-Rufus, the Waxworks Boy, who is as funny as he is waxy. The museum is so interesting that Mr. Pennypepper even brings tourists to visit.
    But the museum is really for Jane, Joey, and Rufus themselves, so they can remember all the good times they've had. Because life is changing for the Moffats.
    Yet even if Sylvie gets married, or Joey goes off to work, or Rufus grows up, one thing will never change: The Moffats are still the sort to hilariously fill even the most ordinary day with extraordinary fun.
  • The Hundred Dresses Элеанор Эстес
    ISBN: 9780152052607
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Clarion Books
    Язык: Английский
    This Newbery Honor classic, illustrated by a Caldecott Medalist, is a beautifully written tribute to the power of kindness, acceptance, and standing up for what's right.

    Wanda Petronski is ridiculed by her classmates for wearing the same faded blue dress every day. She claims she has one hundred dresses at home, but everyone knows she doesn’t. When Wanda is pulled out of school one day, the class feels terrible, and classmate Maddie decides that she is "never going to stand by and say nothing again." A gentle tale about bullies, bystanders, and having the courage to speak up.
  • The Curious Adventures of Jimmy McGee Eleanor Estes
    ISBN: 0152055177
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description Jimmy McGee is a tiny, leprechaun-like man whose peaceful life is disrupted when he rescues Amy's doll Little Lydia from a monstrous wave that sweeps her off the beach. Can Jimmy find a way to restore Little Lydia to her
  • The Tunnel of Hugsy Goode Eleanor Estes
    ISBN: 0152049169
    Год издания: 2003
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description Nobody believed Hugsy Goode when he prophesied that a tunnel lay beneath the alley until--generations later--Nicholas (alias Copin) and Timothy (alias Tornid) decide to explore. And lo and behold, right under the vine-covered