Виктория Мас

Victoria Mas

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Новинки Виктории Мас

  • The Mad Women's Ball Виктория Мас
    ISBN: 9781529176773
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Penguin
    The Salpetriere asylum, 1885. All of Paris is in thrall to Doctor Charcot and his displays of hypnotism on women who have been deemed mad or hysterical, outcasts from society. But the truth is much more complicated - for these women are often simply inconvenient, unwanted wives or strong-willed daughters. Once a year a grand ball is held at the hospital. For the Parisian elite, the Mad Women's Ball is the highlight of the social season; for the women themselves, it is a rare moment of hope.
    Genevieve is a senior nurse. After the childhood death of her sister, she has shunned religion and placed her faith in Doctor Charcot and his new science. But everything begins to change when she meets Eugenie, the 19-year-old daughter of a bourgeois family. Because Eugenie has a secret, and she needs Genevieve's help. Their fates will collide on the night of the Mad Women's Ball...
  • The Mad Women's Ball Виктория Мас
    ISBN: 9780857527028
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Doubleday
    Язык: Английский
    The Salpetriere asylum, 1885. All of Paris is in thrall to Doctor Charcot and his displays of hypnotism on women who have been deemed mad or hysterical, outcasts from society. But the truth is much more complicated - for these women are often simply inconvenient, unwanted wives or strong-willed daughters. Once a year a grand ball is held at the hospital. For the Parisian elite, the Mad Women's Ball is the highlight of the social season; for the women themselves, it is a rare moment of hope.
    Genevieve is a senior nurse. After the childhood death of her sister, she has shunned religion and placed her faith in Doctor Charcot and his new science. But everything begins to change when she meets Eugenie, the 19-year-old daughter of a bourgeois family. Because Eugenie has a secret, and she needs Genevieve's help. Their fates will collide on the night of the Mad Women's Ball...
  • The Mad Women's Ball Виктория Мас
    ISBN: 1419757598, 9781419757594
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: The Overlook Press
    Язык: Английский

    A literary historical novel detailing the horrors faced by institutionalized women in 19th century Paris—soon to be a major film with Amazon Studios The Salpetriere Asylum: Paris, 1885. Dr. Charcot holds all of Paris in thrall with his displays of hypnotism on women who have been deemed mad and cast out from society. But the truth is much more complicated—these women are often simply inconvenient, unwanted wives, those who have lost something precious, wayward daughters, or girls born from adulterous relationships. For Parisian society, the highlight of the year is the Lenten ball—the Madwomen’s Ball—when the great and good come to gawk…

  • Бал безумцев Виктория Мас
    ISBN: 978-5-17-121895-9
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Действие романа происходит в Париже конца XIX века, когда обычным делом было отправлять непокорных женщин в психиатрические клиники. Каждый год знаменитый невролог Жан-Мартен Шарко устраивает в больнице Сальпетриер странный костюмированный бал с участием своих пациенток. Посмотреть на это зрелище стекается весь парижский бомонд. На этом страшном и диком торжестве пересекаются судьбы женщин: старой проститутки Терезы, маленькой жертвы насилия Луизы, Женевьева и беседующей с душами умерших Эжени Клери. Чем для них закончится этот Бал безумцев? Роман Виктории Мас рассказывает о судьбах женщин XIX века, несправедливости, глупости и…

  • Le Bal des folles Виктория Мас
    ISBN: 2226442103, 9782226442109
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Albin Michel
    Язык: Французский

    Chaque année, à la mi-carême, se tient un très étrange Bal des Folles. Le temps d'une soirée, le Tout-Paris s'encanaille sur des airs de valse et de polka en compagnie de femmes déguisées en colombines, gitanes, zouaves et autres mousquetaires. Réparti sur deux salles - d'un côté les idiotes et les épileptiques ; de l'autre les hystériques, les folles et les maniaques - ce bal est en réalité l'une des dernières expérimentations de Charcot, désireux de faire des malades de la Salpêtrière des femmes comme les autres. Parmi elles, Eugénie, Louise et Geneviève, dont Victoria Mas retrace le parcours heurté, dans ce premier roman qui met à nu la…
