Paul Sutton
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Paul Sutton – лучшие книги

  • Exotron & Urban Myths Paul Sutton
    Год издания: 2007
    The episode is set on an Earth colony in the future. Terraformers suffer frequent attacks from a native species, the Farakosh, and rely on robots to protect them. Ultimately the Doctor discovers that the robots are cyborgs, using the minds of soldiers presumed dead, connected together telepathically, and that their presence is what had been disturbing the Farakosh in the first place.
  • Appropriation Paul Sutton
    ISBN: 1-84435-206-4
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    "Didn't take the temporal powers long to realise that Pandora's war was over and come here to start a new one."

    In the wake of civil war, Gallifrey stands more vulnerable than at any time in its controversial history. The other temporal powers orbit the ancient Time Lord society, poised and ready to take power.

    And then, as a terrifying legacy, the residual traces of the Pandora virus bring down the transduction barriers...

    While Romana lies exhausted and powerless in the medical station, Lord Matthias fights desperately to negotiate a peace. But Gallifreyans are dying. Can Leela find K9? Is retribution about to be visited upon the oldest race in the universe for untold millennia of manipulation and interference?
  • Thicker than Water Paul Sutton
    Год издания: 2005
    It is three years since the Sixth Doctor helped repel the Killoran invasion of Világ, and he brings a new friend, Mel, to meet an old one. Evelyn Smythe, his former companion is now married to Principal Triumvir Rossiter. But Evelyn has made political enemies, among them her own stepdaughter Sofia, and the reunion takes a deadly turn when Evelyn and Mel are kidnapped.
  • Doctor Who: A Town Called Fortune Paul Sutton
    ISBN: 1844354873, 9781844354870
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    “Wanted dead or alive for the murder of… William Donovan!”

    Problems beset the Doctor and Evelyn Smythe as they travel by train to the Wild West town of Fortune. A young woman is investigating the murder of her father nine years earlier, and a wanted poster indicates that the Doctor is the killer!

    With the TARDIS lost to them and the law on their tail, can the travellers unravel the mystery – or will Rachel Ann Donovan take her revenge first?
  • Doctor Who: No More Lies Paul Sutton
    ISBN: 978-1-84435-260-9
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Big Finish Productions
    What links a disintegrating spaceship to a posh garden party, where a wealthy couple are celebrating their love for each other in style? Gatecrashers the Doctor and Lucie think they know the answer. But they're not the only uninvited guests - ferocious alien warriors riding pterodactyl-like Vortisaurs are about to make their entrance!
  • The City Horse: London’s militia cavalry during the English Civil War, 1642-1660 Paul Sutton
    ISBN: 9781804511992
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Throughout the English Civil War numerous militia and auxiliary cavalry formations were raised at the behest of Parliament in and around the City of London, which have been collectively called the City Horse. Using an extensive array of primary sources this book describes in detail the raising, equipping, maintenance and deployment of these units and analyses how effective they were in the Parliamentary war effort. The book follows the various units from their baptism of fire at Winchester in 1642, the main campaigns of 1643 & 1644, through to their peripheral role in the Parliamentary victory in 1645/46. It then describes the important role they played during the heady summer of 1647 as the New Model Army marched on the nation’s capital to seek redress, as well as the part they played in the political turmoil in London during the Second Civil War in 1648. It further describes their reorganisation under the Commonwealth, their participation at the Battle of Worcester in 1651, how some of the senior officers sought to prolong the English Republic and finally, how the City Horse welcomed the entry of Charles II into London in 1660. Uniquely amongst the units raised during the wars, the City Horse served throughout the conflict.

    The book demonstrates clearly how political imperatives created and moulded this body of troops and how it was used as a pawn in the greater game of chess that was the English Revolution. It is a story of zealous political and religious individuals, of greed, avarice, treachery and naked ambition. It is a story of individuals, brought together by the political maelstrom of their times and how they endeavoured to do what they considered to be right. The book recounts bravery and also not a small amount of cowardice.

    Finally, the book is a testimony to those Londoner’s who served, and to those who died, in the City Horse, a military formation until now that has been sadly neglected by military historians.
  • The Anglo-Spanish War 1655-1660. Volume 1: The War in the West Indies Paul Sutton
    ISBN: 9781913336639
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    In 1655 Oliver Cromwell, England’s Lord Protector, sent a fleet to attack and seize Spanish possessions in South America. The English were flexing their muscles on the international stage and for political, religious and commercial reasons chose to attack a weakened Spain in the West Indies believing it a soft target. In late 1654 possibly the largest military force to date ever to leave English shores set sail from Portsmouth under the command of General Robert Venables and Admiral William Penn.

    This is the first of two volumes about the English attack on the Spanish West Indies. This volume extensively analyses the reasons for the English attack, its preparations and plans, and the composition of their army and navy. It describes first the voyage to the West Indies and the expedition’s delay in Barbados and then the attack on Hispaniola, including the many reasons for its dramatic failure. The book then describes the occupation of Jamaica, the beginnings of the Spanish resistance as well as initial English naval operations in the Caribbean in 1655. The English forces were quickly abandoned by their two commanders and left to fend for themselves, facing rampant disease, near starvation and an undefeated enemy. The second volume will continue the story from late 1655 up to the establishment of English civilian government in Jamaica in 1662.

    This work draws upon extensive primary source material from England and Spain including a copious quantity of letters and narratives of soldiers and sailors present, from both sides. It is the first detailed account of this important campaign from a military perspective, one that laid the foundations for the state-sponsored expansion of the English empire.
  • The Anglo-Spanish War 1655-1660. Volume 2: War in Jamaica Paul Sutton
    ISBN: 9781914059711
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    In 1655 Oliver Cromwell, England’s Lord Protector, sent a fleet to attack and seize Spanish possessions in South America. After initial failure on Hispaniola the English occupied Jamaica and in so doing started a five year war with Spain in the West Indies, but one that was also to spread to Europe. This is the second of a two book series that describes the military campaign from late 1655 until 1660. It also puts the events that occurred in the West Indies into context with the wider European political situation and explains how the war spread to Europe.

    Utilising numerous English and Spanish sources the early years of the Jamaican colony are described in detail, whilst extensive previously unpublished Spanish maps of the island are reproduced . The book charts the course of the Spanish resistance and how challenging they were to English settlement but it also illustrates the division between the fractious Spanish government . Under the indomitable leadership of Edward Doyley the English faced high mortality from disease and famine along with Spanish invasion attempts but persevered to establish the jewel in the crown of the British colonial possessions in the Caribbean. The changing nature of the English forces are examined, as is the development of the nascent economy developed as are the roles that privateering and slavery played in this development. The book concludes with the transition from a Commonwealth to a Crown colony and the advent of civilian rule. Appendices also describe the occupation by the English of both Tortuga and the Cayman Islands as they gradually expanded the empire in the northern Caribbean.
  • If... : Turner Classic Movies British Film Guide (Turner Classic Movies British Film Guides) Paul Sutton
    ISBN: 185043672X
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book Description Lindsay Anderson's provocative, savage and wickedly funny 1968 masterpiece, If... , deals fundamentally--and controversially--with England and quintessential "Englishness." If... was the first film ever with a