Рецензии на книги — John Ramsden
По популярности
13 февраля 2020 г. 14:04
4.5 Awesome, Sir!
Good, interesting enough biography of the legendary man who was the hero and the prophet of XX century. While I was reading this biography I wanted to practice everything Winston tried.
Concerning Winston's charisma: 1) He was born in aristocratic family, his father was British, his mother was American – it was unusual mixture for the future. 2) The terrible habit of drinking – His father, Winston himself, the son... It's hard to imagine that the person with such a habit could reach something in the life. Or, maybe, it's the opposite side of the coin of genius? 3) Military education and adventurous youths. He was real knight of fortune and noone can blame him for being sneaky coward. And he is a real example of self-educated person. 4) His desire to write, write, write. 5) His hobbies:…