Стеф Ча

Steph Cha

  • 2 книги
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  • 1 читатель
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Лучшие книги Steph Cha

  • Your House Will Pay Steph Cha
    ISBN: 0062868853
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Ecco
    Язык: Английский
    A powerful and taut novel about racial tensions in LA, following two families—one Korean-American, one African-American—grappling with the effects of a decades-old crime

    In the wake of the police shooting of a black teenager, Los Angeles is as tense as it’s been since the unrest of the early 1990s. Protests and vigils are being staged all over the city. It’s in this dangerous tinderbox that two families must finally confront their pasts.

    Grace Park lives a sheltered existence: living at home with her Korean-immigrant parents, working at the family pharmacy, and trying her best to understand why her sister Miriam hasn’t spoken to their mother in years. The chasm in her family is growing wider by the day and Grace is desperate for reconciliation, and frustrated by the feeling that her sister and parents are shielding her from the true cause of the falling out.

    Shawn Matthews is dealing with a fractured family of his own. His sister, Ava, was murdered as a teenager back in 1991, and this new shooting is bringing up painful memories. Plus, his cousin Ray is just released from prison and needs to reconnect with their family after so many years away. While Shawn is trying his best to keep his demons at bay, he’s not sure Ray can do the same.

    When another shocking crime hits LA, the Parks and the Matthewses collide in ways they never could have expected. After decades of loss, violence, and injustice, tensions come to a head and force a reckoning that could clear the air or lead to more violence.
  • Brands?tze Steph Cha
    Als die Polizei einen unbewaffneten schwarzen Teenager erschie?t, brechen in Los Angeles Unruhen aus, die Erinnerungen an den Fall Rodney King wachrufen. Inmitten dieser aufgeheizten Atmosph?re m?ssen sich zwei Familien ihrer Vergangenheit stellen. Grace Park, 27, arbeitet in der familieneigenen Apotheke, ihre aus Korea eingewanderten Eltern haben ihr immer ein beh?tetes Leben geboten. Doch dann erf?hrt Grace, dass ihre Mutter vor drei?ig Jahren Ava Matthews erschoss – sie hatte die junge Schwarze f?lschlicherweise f?r eine Ladendiebin gehalten und kam vor Gericht mit einem sehr milden Urteil davon. Shawn Matthews, Avas Bruder, hat Politik und Protest inzwischen abgeschworen, doch die aktuellen Ereignisse brechen alte Wunden auf. Als ein weiteres schockierendes Verbrechen die Stadt ersch?ttert, wird Shawn mit der Frage konfrontiert, ob wirklich alle in seiner Familie ihre D?monen im Griff haben …