Лучшие книги Эрнеста Брамы
- 45 произведений
- 9 изданий на 3 языках
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Мое любимое убийство. Лучший мировой детектив (сборник) Марк Твен, Джек Лондон, Оскар Уайльд, Роберт Говард, О. Генри , Эдгар Аллан По, Джером К. Джером, Амброз Бирс, Брэм Стокер, Гилберт Кит Честертон, Саки , Артур Конан Дойл, Эдит Несбит, Эдгар Уоллес, Эрнест Брама, Натаниель Готорн, Редьярд Киплинг, Уильям Хоуп Ходжсон, Бертрам Флетчер Робинсон, Грант Аллен, Эдгар Джепсон, Роберт Юстас , Эрнест Уильям Хорнунг, Роберт Барр, Жак Фатрелл, Уильям Дж. Уинтл, Малькольм Кларк Дэй, Говард Четт, Саймон Брентли
ISBN: 978-5-9910-2924-7 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Клуб семейного досуга Язык: Русский Настоящий подарок всем поклонникам жанра! Захватывающие детективы от лучших авторов! Здесь вы найдете как произведения всемирно известных писателей – А. Конан Дойла, Г. К. Честертона, Р. Говарда, Э. Уоллеса, Э. А. По, так и рассказы редко издаваемых, но не менее интересных авторов. Если вы хотите прочесть классические истории любимых авторов или открыть новые имена – этот сборник именно то, что нужно! Многие рассказы, вошедшие в него, впервые издаются на русском! Классические детективы, интригующие мистические истории, погони, расследования, противостояние злодеев и сыщиков, из которых последние не всегда выходят победителями – в этой книге…
Привидение в доходном доме Эрнест Брама
Язык: Русский Очередная история с участием слепого детектива Макса Каррадоса. -
Загадка миссис Дикинсон (сборник) Олдос Хаксли, Агата Кристи, Гилберт Кит Честертон, Артур Конан Дойл, Морис Леблан, Эдгар Уоллес, Эрнест Брама, Н. Картер
ISBN: 5-253-00221-9 Год издания: 1992 Издательство: Пресса Язык: Русский В 1991 году жанру детективного рассказа исполнилось 150 лет. Родоначальником его был Эдгар По, а стремительное развитие жанра в конце XIX - начале XX в. привело к появлению таких замечательных мастеров детектива, как А. Конан Дойл и Агата Кристи. В сборник "Загадка миссис Дикинсон" наряду с рассказами этих писателей вошли произведения Николаса Картера, Мориса Лебланка, Олдоса Хаксли и другие.
Монета Дионисия Эрнест Брама
Язык: Русский Отчаянная необходимость узнать, подлинник монета Дионисия или же фальшивка, приводит частного детектива Карлайла в дом нумизмата-любителя Каррадоса. Но чем ему может помочь слепец? -
The Tales of Max Carrados Эрнест Брама
Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Audible Studios Язык: Английский Max Carrados, a fictional detective series, was first introduced to the literary world by Ernest Bramah in 1914. In the Edwardian era, Carrados' stories often outsold Sherlock Holmes, with the blind detective sharing top billing with his fictional rival.
George Orwell wrote that together with those of Conan Doyle, they were "the only detective stories since Poe that are worth rereading".
Recorded by national treasure Stephen Fry, 'The Coin of Dionysius' and 'The Game Played in the Dark' are two short stories from the collection.
In 'The Coin of Dionysius' we first meet the suave sleuth Max Carrados, as he is called on by old friend Louis Carlyle to help determine whether an old coin is real or a clever fake.
In 'The Game Played in the Dark', Max Carrados is contacted by the British Museum about a horde of stolen ancient coins. On the lookout for the coins, he is intrigued by the approach of an Italian lady who takes him from the safety of his study to a meeting with some recognisable former adversaries....
Stephen Fry is an English actor, screenwriter, author, playwright, journalist, poet, comedian, television presenter, film director and all round national treasure.
Fry has written and presented several documentary series, contributed columns and articles for newspapers and magazines, appears frequently on radio, reads for voice-overs and has written four novels and three volumes of autobiography, Moab Is My Washpot, The Fry Chronicles and his latest, More Fool Me. -
Max Carrados Эрнест Брама
ISBN: 0883552000 Год издания: 1975 Язык: Русский That-s how the Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection hails the adventures of Max Carrados. Ellery Queen calls this first volume of his adventures, "One of the ten best volumes of detective shorts ever written!" Blinded in an accident, Carrados developed remarkable abilities. He can read newspaper headlines with a touch of his fingers, recognize a friend he has not seen in twenty-five years by his voice, and detect a man wearing a false moustache because "he carries a five-yard aura of spirit gum." Nor did his loss of sight affect his sense of humor, his compassion, or a sense of justice which forces him to skirt the law to see the innocent is protected and the guilty punished. As the author puts it, Carrados' blindness "-but so far from crippling his interests in life or his energies, it has merely impelled him to develop those senses which in most of us lie dormant and practically unused. Thus you will understand that while he may be at a disadvantage while you are at an advantage, he is at an advantage while you are at a disadvantage." Working with his old friend, Louis Carlyle, a private investigator, the wealthy Carrados pursues his talent for detection whenever he pleases without accepting a fee. The exchanges between the humorless Carlyle, eager for Carrados help but unwilling to admit his bafflement, and the gentle malice of the perceptive Carrados are among the high spots of the stories. -
The Bravo of London Эрнест Брама
ISBN: 9780008297435 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: HarperCollins The classic crime novel featuring blind detective Max Carrados, whose popularity rivalled that of Sherlock Holmes, complete with a new introduction and an extra short story.
In his dark little curio shop Julian Joolby is weaving an extravagant scheme to smash the financial machinery of the world by flooding the Oriental market with forged banknotes. But this monster of wickedness has not reckoned on Max Carrados, the suave and resourceful investigator whose visual impairment gives him heightened powers of perception that ordinary detectives overlook.
Max Carrados was a blind detective whose stories by Ernest Bramah appeared from 1914 alongside Sherlock Holmes in the Strand Magazine, in which they often had top billing. Described by George Orwell as among ‘the only detective stories since Poe that are worth re-reading’, the 25 stories were collected in three hugely popular volumes, culminating in a full-length novel, The Bravo of London (1934), in which Carrados engages in a battle of wits against a fiendish plot that threatens to overthrow civilisation itself.
This Detective Club classic is introduced by Tony Medawar, who investigates the impact on the genre of Bramah’s blind detective and the relative obscurity of this, the only Max Carrados novel. This edition also includes the sole uncollected short story ‘The Bunch of Violets’.
As well as on the page, the Max Carrados stories have been a firm favourite on television and film, played over the years by (among others) Robert Stephens, Simon Callow and Pip Torrens, and read on audio by Arthur Darvill and Stephen Fry. -
Kai Lung's Golden Hours Эрнест Брама
ISBN: 1587152096 Год издания: 2003 Язык: Русский Book DescriptionA Wildside Fantasy Classic. Download DescriptionKai Lung is an itinerant story-teller in ancient China. "I spread my mat," he says, "wherever my uplifted voice can entice together a company to listen," and his powers of -
The Wallet of Kai Lung Эрнест Брама
ISBN: 1587152088 Год издания: 2003 Язык: Русский Book DescriptionA Wildside Fantasy Classic. More tales of the clever Chinese storyteller. Download DescriptionFirst in the Kai Lung series.