Джил Хессон
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Джил Хессон – лучшие книги

  • Кишенькова книжка емоційного інтелекту. Невеличкі вправи для інтуїтивного життя Джил Хессон
    ISBN: 978-617-09-6075-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Фабула
    Язык: Украинский
    У книжці вміщено теоретичні відомості та практичні поради щодо розвитку емоційного інтелекту та керування своїми почуттями. Ознайомившись із ними, ви навчитеся співіснувати з усіма своїми емоціями та обертати їх собі на користь у будь-якій ситуації, а також розвинете емоційну чутливість та емпатію.

    «Кишенькова книга емоційного інтелекту» Джила Хессона — дуже практична книжка, сповнена ідеями та прийомами, які допоможуть вам зрозуміти та навчитися керувати емоціями.
  • Emotional Intelligence Pocketbook. Little Exercises for an Intuitive Life Джил Хессон
    ISBN: 9780857087324
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    A practical «how-to» guide to changing the way you think about your emotions Bestselling personal development author Gill Hasson is back with this pocket sized guide to dealing with your emotions. Learn how to understand yourself and those around you with practical tips and tricks that will help you be more assertive, forge stronger relationships and manage anxiety. Did you know that the way you approach your own thoughts and feelings determines your happiness and success in every area of your life? Just think about it for a second, it's not necessarily the smartest people that are the most successful or the most fulfilled in life, being clever or highly skilled isn't enough. Your ability to manage your feelings, other people and your interactions with them are what makes all the difference. This highly practical book is full of advice, tips and techniques to help you: Understand and manage your emotions Become more assertive and confident Develop your social skills and your interactions with others Handle difficult situations, events and other people The Emotional Intelligence Pocketbook is your practical «how-to» guide for understanding yourself and those around you.
  • Happiness. How to Get Into the Habit of Being Happy Джил Хессон
    ISBN: 9780857087621
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Get into the habit of being happy! We may all have different abilities, interests, beliefs and lifestyles, beliefs but there is one thing that we all have in common: We want to be happy! Happiness shows you how to be happy by adopting lifelong “happiness habits” that bring and fulfilment and pleasure to your days. These habits will help you manage life’s inevitable ups and downs; consistent practice will develop your happiness abilities and help you live the happy life you want. Aristotle believed that happiness was comprised of pleasure and a sense of life well-lived. Today’s research agrees, suggesting that “happiness” is defined by your overall satisfaction with your life as well as how you feel from day to day. This book shows you that happiness is a skill made up of a particular set of habits that you can bring in your life starting today. Identify your own, personal definition of “happiness” Learn why we need to be happy and what often gets in the way Develop habits that help you create and maintain happiness long-term Learn how to be happy when you’re stuck in an unhappy situation Discover the often-overlooked happiness that surrounds you every day While happiness is not feeling good all the time you do have the ability to control how you feel Happiness gives you the skills and perspective to recognise happiness and pursue a happy life—whatever that may mean for you.
  • Positive Thinking Pocketbook. Little Exercises for a happy and successful life Джил Хессон
    ISBN: 9780857087515
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Think your way to a more positive life Positive thinking is an approach and a set of skills that we can all learn. But it’s not just about how and what you think; you’ve got to do something! In a range of situations, positive thinking needs to be followed by positive action. The good news is that whatever life has thrown at you in the past and whatever is you want to achieve in the future, the Positive Thinking Pocketbook will help you think and behave more positively. Inside, you’ll find out how to use tips, techniques and advice on creating a positive mindset and developing your positive thinking. Next, you’ll find out how to apply that positive thinking to a range of potentially difficult situations. • Little approachable exercises make it easy to get started • Full of scenarios, ideas, advice, tips and techniques • Learn how to overcome negative thinking, get motivated and stay motivated • Discover how to make positive thinking a habit Whenever you want a shot of positivity, simply pick out a few ideas, tips and techniques that appeal to you and give them a try!
  • Mindfulness. Be mindful. Live in the moment. Джил Хессон
    ISBN: 9780857084415
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Be calm, collected and in the moment Too often, life just races by. You don’t fully experience what’s happening now, because you’re too busy thinking about what needs doing tomorrow, or distracted by what happened yesterday. And all the time your mind is chattering with commentary or judgement. Mindfulness allows you to experience the moment instead of just rushing through it. Being mindful opens you up to new ideas and new ways of doing things, reducing stress and increasing your enjoyment of life. With ideas, tips and techniques to help you enjoy a more mindful approach to life, you’ll learn how to: • Adopt more positive ways of thinking and behaving • Become calmer and more confident • Break free from unhelpful thoughts and thinking patterns • Bring about positive changes in your relationships • Achieve a new level of self-awareness and understanding Life is happening right now; mindfulness will help you live in the moment, so it doesn’t pass you by!
  • Kindness Джил Хессон
    ISBN: 9780857087676
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Rediscover kindness and rediscover your worth Have you ever helped someone out of instinct, because not helping never even occurred to you? Remember how surprised you were at their gratitude? It is easy to feel like kindness and gratitude are becoming rare in the world today, but the truth is that it is all around you – you just need to learn how to see it. Kindness shows you how to do just that, and inspires you to take part with tips, ideas, recommendations and advice. You will learn to see yourself and your surroundings in a kinder, happier way. Kindness is not people-pleasing; people-pleasing comes from a place of anxiety, while kindness is borne out of empathy. Kindness expects no reward or recognition, and is just as beneficial to the giver as the receiver. Kindness can be a grand gesture, or something as simple as a smile. It can be quiet or loud, simple or complex. This book helps you internalise the fundamental truth that kindness does not require wealth or possessions, or material giving at all – whatever you have to offer is enough, and it may just change someone’s life. Learn how to: See the silver lining and take care of yourself in difficult times. Do and say kind things when you're not feeling very kindly. Sustain the warm feelings that come from helping others. Express kindness even when other people are rude or critical. Enjoy self-care and treating yourself. Opportunities to be kind present themselves every day, and here you’ll learn how to notice them. Your self-esteem and confidence will grow as you discover the pure joy of helping others, and you’ll feel more comfortable allowing others to help you. In a world where kindness seems to get lost in the shuffle of worry, anxiety, aggression and worse, Kindness shows you how to bring it back into the light.