Луиза Кэндлиш

Louise Candlish

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Новинки Луизы Кэндлиш

  • The Heights Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9781471183515
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love. But how far will Ellen go to protect her son?
    From the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Other Passenger and Our House – now a major ITV series – comes a nail-biting story about a mother’s obsession with revenge.
    Ellen Saint is just your average mum. Devoted to her family, she’s no different from any other mother who wants the best for her kids. But when her teenage son Lucas brings a new friend home, cracks start to appear in Ellen’s perfect family life.
    Kieran Watts isn’t like Lucas. He’s rude, obnoxious and reckless, and Ellen can only watch in despair as her son falls deeper under his influence.
    Then Ellen’s whole world implodes and she embarks on an obsessive need to get revenge.
    There is nothing you won’t do for your children – even murder . . .
  • The Other Passenger Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9781471183478
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский

    It all happens so quickly. One day you're living the dream, commuting to work by riverbus with your charismatic neighbour Kit in the seat beside you. The next, Kit hasn't turned up for the boat and his wife Melia has reported him missing. When you get off at your stop, the police are waiting. Another passenger saw you and Kit arguing on the boat home the night before and the police say that you had a reason to want him dead. You protest. You and Kit are friends - ask Melia, she'll vouch for you. And who exactly is this other passenger pointing the finger? What do they know about your lives? No, whatever danger followed you home last…

  • The Only Suspect Louise Candlish
    ISBN: 9781398509733
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Audio UK
    Язык: Английский
    There’s the obvious story. And then there’s the truth.

    Alex lives a comfortable life with his wife Beth in the leafy suburb of Silver Vale. Fine, so he’s not the most outgoing guy on the street, he prefers to keep himself to himself, but he’s a good husband and an easy-going neighbour.

    That’s until Beth announces the creation of a nature trail on a local site that’s been disused for decades and suddenly Alex is a changed man. Now he’s always watching. Questioning. Struggling to hide his dread...

    As the landscapers get to work, a secret threatens to surface from years ago, back in Alex’s twenties when he got entangled with a seductive young woman called Marina, who threw both their lives into turmoil.

    And who sparked a police hunt for a murder suspect that was never quite what it seemed.

    And it still isn’t.
  • The Disappearance of Emily Marr Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9780751543568
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Sphere
    Some secrets are too dangerous to share . . .
    When Emily Marr begins an affair with her married neighbour, the celebrated surgeon Arthur Woodhall, she has no idea of the tragedy and scandal their actions will cause. With shattering speed, she becomes the object of a media witchhunt, her only choice to change her identity and vanish.
    Soon after, Tabby Dewhurst arrives on the Ile de Re in France, estranged from her family and unable to afford even a room for the night. By chance, she meets Emmie Mason, whose offer of friendship is at odds with her obsession with privacy. As Tabby sinks deeper into Emmie's strange, hidden world, she begins to form suspicions - suspicions that will lead her back to England and to a revelation so shocking she must question everything she knows.
  • Наш дом Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 978-5-17-147434-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Сколько нужно времени, чтобы привычная жизнь разделилась на "до" и "после"? Сколько нужно времени, чтобы реальность разлетелась на осколки?Еще недавно Фиона Лоусон была обычной разведенной женщиной, жившей в собственном доме с детьми, над которыми они с бывшим мужем Брамом получили совместное опекунство. Теперь же в ее дом пытаются въехать незнакомые люди, а Брам бесследно исчез.Очевидно, что за мошеннической сделкой стоит Брам. Но что вынудило его внезапно пойти на такое преступление? И где он скрывается? Фиона начинает собственное расследование. Она все еще надеется, что произошла какая-то ужасная ошибка, и даже не подозревает, что уже…

  • The Sudden Departure of the Frasers Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9781405919845
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    My name is Amber Fraser. I've just moved in at Number 40, Lime Park Road. You'll think of me as a loving wife, a thoughtful neighbour and a trusted friend. But this is a lie. When Christy and Joe Davenport are handed the keys to Number 40 on picture-perfect Lime Park Road, it should be a dream come true. But it's strange that the house was on the market for such a low price. And that the previous owners, the Frasers, had renovated the entire property yet moved out within a year. And that none of the neighbours will talk to Christy. As her curiosity begins to give way to obsession, Christy finds herself drawn deeper into the mystery of…

  • The Skylight Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9781471198410
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster UK
    They can't see her, but she can see them…
    Simone has a secret. She likes to stand at her bathroom window and spy on the couple downstairs through their kitchen skylight. She knows what they eat for breakfast and who they've got over for dinner. She knows what mood they're in before they even step out the door. There's nothing wrong with looking, is there?
    Until one day Simone sees something through the skylight she is not expecting. Something that upsets her so much she begins to plot a terrible crime…
  • Tuż za ścianą Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9788328716599
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: MUZA
    Язык: Польский
    Trzymający w napięciu domestic thriller o przewrotnej fabule, po którym zadacie sobie pytanie: Czy można tak bardzo znienawidzić sąsiada, żeby posunąć się do zabójstwa?

    Podmiejska ulica Lowland Way to spełnienie idyllicznego snu. Przepiękne rezydencje, życzliwi sąsiedzi, wspólne zabawy dla dzieci w każdą niedzielę. Ale Darren i Jodie, którzy wprowadzają się do jednego z domów, z nikim się nie liczą. Puszczają w nocy głośną muzykę, zaczynają nieudolny remont i handlują na swojej posesji używanymi samochodami. Wkrótce atmosfera staje się napięta i konflikt wisi w powietrzu. A potem pewnego sobotniego ranka dochodzi do tragedii, która wstrząsa lokalną społecznością. Podczas gdy policja szuka przyczyny śmiertelnego wypadku, zaczynają padać oskarżenia i okazuje się, że każdy ma coś do ukrycia. Detektywi po kolei przesłuchują mieszkańców, którzy zwierają szyki i zgodnie twierdzą, że winny jest Darren Booth. Ale jest pewien problem. Policja im nie wierzy.
  • Tuż za ścianą Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 978-83-287-1496-0
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: MUZA
    Язык: Польский
    Trzymający w napięciu domestic thriller o przewrotnej fabule, po którym zadacie sobie pytanie: Czy można tak bardzo znienawidzić sąsiada, żeby posunąć się do zabójstwa?

    Podmiejska ulica Lowland Way to spełnienie idyllicznego snu. Przepiękne rezydencje, życzliwi sąsiedzi, wspólne zabawy dla dzieci w każdą niedzielę. Ale Darren i Jodie, którzy wprowadzają się do jednego z domów, z nikim się nie liczą. Puszczają w nocy głośną muzykę, zaczynają nieudolny remont i handlują na swojej posesji używanymi samochodami. Wkrótce atmosfera staje się napięta i konflikt wisi w powietrzu. A potem pewnego sobotniego ranka dochodzi do tragedii, która wstrząsa lokalną społecznością. Podczas gdy policja szuka przyczyny śmiertelnego wypadku, zaczynają padać oskarżenia i okazuje się, że każdy ma coś do ukrycia. Detektywi po kolei przesłuchują mieszkańców, którzy zwierają szyki i zgodnie twierdzą, że winny jest Darren Booth. Ale jest pewien problem. Policja im nie wierzy.
  • The Day You Saved My Life Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9780751543551
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Sphere
    A child falls into the river. A stranger jumps in to rescue him. And four lives are changed for ever...
    On a perfect summer's day in Paris, tourists on the river watch in shock as a small boy falls into the Seine and disappears below the surface. As his mother stands frozen, a stranger takes a breath and leaps...
    From the internationally bestselling author of Since I Don't Have You comes a spellbinding story of passion, heartbreak and destiny - an unforgettable novel about mothers and daughters, husbands and wives and the extraordinary ways that life and love intersect.
  • A Fresh Start Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9781409191957
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Orion
    From wronged wives to nosy neighbours, from distant dads to new-found family, from secrets to lies, fresh starts to false endings - and everything in between...
    A collection of brilliant short stories from the best writers around.
    This collections contains original stories from Fanny Blake, Louise Candlish, Mike Gayle, Mari Hannah, Sophie Kinsella, Jojo Moyes, Adele Parks, Ian Rankin, Mahsuda Snaith and Keith Stuart.
  • The Other Passenger Луиза Кэндлиш
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Simon Schuster Audio UK
    Язык: Английский
    You’re feeling pretty smug about your commute to work by riverboat. No more traffic gridlock or getting stuck on the tube in tunnels (you’re claustrophobic); now you’ve got an iconic Thames view, fresh air ?— a whole lifestyle upgrade. You’ve made new friends onboard — led by your hedonistic young neighbour, Kit ?— and just had your first ‘water rats’ Christmas drinks.

    But the first day back after Christmas, Kit isn’t on the morning boat. The river landmarks are all the same, but something’s off. You disembark to find the police waiting. Kit’s wife, Melia, has reported him missing and another passenger witnessed the two of you arguing on the last boat home after your drinks. Police say you had a reason to lash out at him. To kill him.

    You protest. You and Kit are friends ?— ask Melia, she’ll vouch for you. And who exactly is this other passenger pointing the finger? What do they know about your private lives? No, whatever coincidences might have occurred that night, you are innocent, totally innocent.
  • Наш дом Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 978-5-17-120940-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Сколько нужно времени, чтобы привычная жизнь, разделилась на "до" и "после"? Сколько нужно времени, чтобы реальность разлетелась на осколки? Еще недавно Фиона Лоусон была обычной разведенной женщиной, жившей в собственном доме с детьми, над которыми они с бывшим мужем Брамом получили совместное опекунство. Теперь же в ее дом пытаются въехать незнакомые люди, а дети... бесследно исчезли. Очевидно, что и за мошеннической сделкой, и за похищением детей стоит Брам. Но что вынудило его внезапно пойти на двойное преступление? Где он скрывается? И как вернуть детей? Фиона начинает собственное расследование. Она все еще надеется, что…

  • Those People Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9781471168086
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster UK
    Язык: Английский
    Until Darren and Jodie move in, Lowland Way is a suburban paradise. Beautiful homes. Friendly neighbours. Kids playing out in the street. But Darren and Jodie don't follow the rules and soon disputes over loud music and parking rights escalate to threats of violence.
    Then, early one Sunday, a horrific crime shocks the street. As the police go house-to-house, the residents close ranks and everyone's story is the same: They did it.
  • The Second Husband Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9780751544459
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Sphere
    Be careful who you let into your heart - and your home
    When Davis Calder moves in next door to Kate Easton and her two children, no one has any idea of the devastation about to be unleashed. With Kate struggling to accept her teenage daughter Roxy's independence and with tensions between Kate and her ex-husband Alistair still very much alive, there's enough family drama to go around already.
    Before they know it, clever, charismatic Davis is the only one who seems able to keep the peace. Soon Kate has fallen in love and agreed to be his wife. At last she can come to terms with the betrayals of her first marriage. At last she dares hope she has the happy ending she deserves…
  • Other People's Secrets Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9780751543544
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Sphere
    Ginny and Adam Trustlove arrive on holiday in Italy torn apart by personal tragedy. Two weeks in a boathouse on the edge of peaceful Lake Orta is exactly what they need to restore their faith in life - and each other.
    Twenty-four hours later, the silence is broken. The Sale family have arrived at the main villa: wealthy, high-flying Marty, his beautiful wife Bea, and their privileged, confident offspring. It doesn't take long for Ginny and Adam to be drawn in, especially when the teenage Pippi introduces a new friend into the circle. For there is something about Zach that has everyone instantly beguiled, something that loosens old secrets - and creates shocking new ones.
    And, yet, not one of them suspects that his arrival in their lives might be anything other than accidental . . .
  • Our House Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 9780451489111
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    On a bright January morning in the London suburbs, a family moves into the house they’ve just bought in Trinity Avenue. Nothing strange about that. Except it is your house. And you didn’t sell it. When Fiona Lawson comes home to find strangers moving into her house, she's sure there's been a mistake. She and her estranged husband, Bram, have a modern co-parenting arrangement: bird's nest custody, where each parent spends a few nights a week with their two sons at the prized family home to maintain stability for their children. But the system built to protect their family ends up putting them in terrible jeopardy. In a domino effect…

  • The Swimming Pool Луиза Кэндлиш
    ISBN: 978-1405919876
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Michael Joseph
    Язык: Английский
    'I can't take my eyes off the water. Can you?' It's summer when Elm Hill lido opens, having stood empty for years. For Natalie Steele - wife, mother, teacher - it offers freedom from the tightly controlled routines of work and family. Especially when it leads her to Lara Channing, a charismatic former actress with a lavish bohemian lifestyle, who seems all too happy to invite Natalie into her elite circle. Soon Natalie is spending long days at the pool, socializing with new friends and basking in a popularity she didn't know she'd been missing. Real life, and the person she used to be, begins to feel very far away. But is such a change in fortunes too good to be true? Why are dark memories of a summer long ago now threatening to surface? And, without realizing, could Natalie have been swept dangerously out of her depth? Praise for The Swimming Pool 'Exquisitely written and addictively dark, The Swimming Pool is sheer perfection' Clare Mackintosh, author of I Let You Go 'Gripping from start to finish, it wrapped itself around me and swept me along in its wake. I loved it and simply did not want it to end' Rosanna Ley 'Clever, atmospheric and ridiculously addictive' Kate Riordan 'As languidly seductive as summer itself, this is a tense, unsettling tale about the secrets and lies submerged beneath the smooth surface of a leafy London neighbourhood lido. Bravo, Louise Candlish!' Tammy Cohen 'Smart and gripping from start to finish - I didn't see any of the twists coming. I loved it!' Isabelle Broom, author and Heat Books Reviews Editor 'The Swimming Pool' is a slow-burning and thought-provoking read, and the last few gripping pages had me immediately reaching for the beginning.' Love Reading Praise for Louise Candlish 'A master of her craft' Rosamund Lupton 'A thriller novel meets soap opera with hints of Rear Window . . . addictive and fun . . . it will keep you guessing until the end' Stylist 'Absorbing, perceptive and gripping' Daily Mail 'Louise Candlish's stories don't shy away from life's more painful and emotional moments' Glamour 'Tense, twisty and completely addictive, will keep you guessing right until the end' Good Housekeeping ' Louise Candlish excels in looking at the darker side of relationships, she discovers thoughts and feelings that are recognisable but at the same time feel dangerously untouched' Love Reading
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