John Russell
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John Russell – лучшие книги

  • Francis Bacon John Russell
    ISBN: 978-0500202715
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: Thames & Hudson
    Based on conversations with Bacon that extended over several years, John Russell's original study revealed much about the man and the artist. On Bacon's death in 1992, the unique vision and accomplishment of one of the greatest artists of the century could be appreciated in their totality. In a new final chapter, Russell does just that, as well as discussing Bacon's late work, Bacon's intentions and his achievements, both frequently misunderstood, are here set in perspective. John Russell was chief art critic of the "New York Times" from 1982 to 1990 and is the author of many books on the arts, including "The Meanings of Modern Art" (Thames and Hudson, revised edition, 1992).
  • Seurat John Russell
    ISBN: 0-19-519954-5
    Год издания: 1974
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Русский
    Книга искусствоведа Джона Рассела посвящена французскому живописцу и графику Жоржу Пьеру Сера (1859 - 1891), основателю течения неоимпрессионизма (дивизионизма, пуантилизма). Жорж Сёра писал большие фигурные композиции и пейзажи. Изучая законы цвета и света, оптические эффекты, Сера пытался создать научную основу для решения колористических, световоздушных и пространственных задач. Изящная по рисунку, тонкая по цветовым сочетаниям, живопись Сера, с её мозаически-дробной структурой, в целом носит несколько рассудочный, отвлечённый характер. Сёра изучал научные аспекты восприятия света и цвета и разработал на их основе живописную технику дивизионизма, письма мелкими точечными мазками чистого цвета. Для его пейзажей, многофигурных картин-панно со сценами парижской жизни характерны четкое, рационалистическое построение композиции, светлая, мерцающая цветовая гамма, орнаментальная плоскостность, близкая стилю модерн.
  • Theirs the Strife. The Forgotten Battles of British Second Army and Armeegruppe Blumentritt, April 1945 John Russell
    ISBN: 9781914059391
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    Theirs the Strife tells the story of a series of bitter actions fought 75 years ago between the British and the Germans during the closing days of the North-West Europe campaign; a time when the war’s result was no longer in doubt and, for the Allies, the race nearly won. The many short but intense engagements of the final weeks have, however, been uncelebrated by historians. The few British narratives covering the period make at best only passing reference to the engagements and rarely do they mention the courage required of the exhausted men of British Second Army to prosecute the war to its end.

    The book’s narrative concentrates on the battles fought by VIII and XII Corps to cross the rivers Weser and Aller, as it was on these rivers that the British advance crashed into the raw but young and well-motivated troops of a recently-raised naval infantry division and a Waffen-SS battalion of Hitler Youth, organisations whose soldiers were determined to fight to the best of their ability in their first and probably last battle. Although the outcome was never in doubt, the resilience and courage of the Germans came as a most unpleasant surprise to the British and checked them in their advance to the Elbe. The narrative is studded with first-hand accounts and photographs and supported by some 100 maps and figures, giving the reader unparalleled understanding of the action. The author provides detailed information on the organisations, weapons and equipment of the participating German and British formations and units, and in the epilogue there is in-depth analysis of the Second Army’s strengths and weaknesses and the reasons why the German units were prepared to fight on when all was so obviously lost.

    Theirs the Strife fills a significant gap in our knowledge of this period and, in the 75th anniversary year of the actions it describes, is a fitting and long overdue testament to the men of both sides who had to fight in sight of peace.
  • Marc Klionsky John Russell
    ISBN: 155595216X
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionIn this richly illustrated volume, the artist's work and life are explored in depth and his renowned achievements in portraiture demonstrated in full.