Кэтлин Тессаро

Kathleen Tessaro

  • 15 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 234 читателя
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Кэтлин Тессаро – лучшие произведения

  • The Debutante Kathleen Tessaro

    Can the secrets of one woman’s past change another woman’s future?Endsleigh House stands, crumbling and gracious, on the south-west coast of England, its rooms shut up and dusty. But what secrets do they hold?Cate, an exile from New York, is sent to help value the contents of the once-grand Georgian house. Cataloguing its' contents with Jack – a man with his own dark past, she comes across a hidden shoebox containing an exquisite pair of dancing shoes from the 1930s, along with a mysterious collection of objects: a photograph, a dance card and a Tiffany bracelet.Returning to London, rather than face the questions lingering in her own life,…

  • Elegance Kathleen Tessaro

    An enchanting novel brimming with poignancy, humour, enchantment and insight, this is a stunning debut. Imagine an Audrey Hepburn film in the present day…It was a slim, grey volume entitled Elegance…Louise Canova is at a crossroads in her life. Her marriage is faltering and the insecurities of adolescence have returned to haunt her. Browsing in a second-hand bookshop, she stumbles across a faded grey volume. Written by the formidable French fashion expert, Madame Genevieve Antoine Dariaux, Elegance is an encyclopedia of style. It promises to transform plain women into creatures of poise at all times. And from Accessories to Zippers, there…

  • Lõhnakoguja Kathleen Tessaro
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The perfume collector
    Дата написания: 2013
    Первая публикация: 2015
    Перевод: Faina Laksberg

    Grace Monroel on põhjust eluga rahul olla. Ta on noor, ilus ja tänu oma vastsele abielule on ta sattunud otse Londoni glamuurse seltskonnaelu keskmesse. Ent naise südant närib kahtlus. Ta tunneb, et ta ei vasta 1950. aastate edukate seltskonnategelaste ootustele, ja ta pole kindel, kas ta seda tahabki. Ühel õhtul saabub talle kiri Prantsusmaalt. Võhivõõras proua Eva d’Orsey on jätnud talle ootamatult päranduse. Grace asub tundmatu heategija jälgi ajama. Lugu, mille ta avastab, viib ta 1920. aastate New Yorki, Monte Carlosse, Pariisi ja Londonisse ning teeb ta tuttavaks ebatavalise naisega, kes pakkus inspiratsiooni Pariisi ühele kuulsamale…

  • The Flirt Kathleen Tessaro

    A delicious romantic comedy from the bestselling author of Elegance‘Unique situation available for attractive, well mannered, reasonably educated young man.Hours irregular. Pay generous. Discretion a must.’In a small office in Half Moon Street, Hughie Venables-Smythe discovers the world of the professional flirt. A timeless art, it can save a marriage or lift a heart faster than any therapy.Letitia Vane runs a bespoke lingerie shop in Belgravia and understands just how to make women feel beautiful. But she cannot let her guard down and fall in love, least of all with Hughie.Olivia Bourgault de Coudray is in an unhappy marriage to a very…

  • Rare Objects Kathleen Tessaro

    The stunning new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Perfume Collector.‘Beautifully written… wonderfully absorbing with a clever twist in the tale’ Isabel Wolff, author of GhostwrittenMae Fanning seizes on a job at a tiny, exclusive Boston antiques shop as the fresh start she desperately needs. It opens a window to new world, one peopled with rare and rich characters. But the day that enigmatic socialite Diana van der Laar walks in, Mae’s hidden past returns.As a moth to a flame, Mae is unable to resist Diana’s heady, seductive glamour and glittering life. Yet, like the rare objects in the shop, very little is what it…

  • Haruldased esemed Kathleen Tessaro
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Rare Objects
    Перевод: Tiiu Kraut

    Kathleen Tessaro, New York Timesi menuki „Lõhnakoguja“ autori uue kaasahaarava ajaloolise romaani „Haruldased esemed“ peategelasteks on kaks väga erinevat sõbrannat, keda ühendab ohtlik saladus. Maeve Fanning on Bostoni iiri immigrant, kes elab koos lesest emaga linna vaesemas piirkonnas North Endis. Nutikas ja südikas punapea on otsustanud keerulistest oludest kiuste välja rabeleda, ent kahjuks on Maeve’il paar ohtlikku nõrkust – juhusuhted võõraste meestega ja alkohol –, mis viivad ta õige pea peadpööritavale allakäiguteele. Kui pinged viimaks üle pea kasvavad, leiab Maeve end vaimuhaiglast, kus ta kohtub salapärase noore naisega, kes…
