Мэри Бэлоу

Mary Balogh

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Мэри Бэлоу - циклы книг | Бумажные издания

  • Someone to Hold Mary Balogh
    Год издания: 2017

    With her parent's marriage declared bigamous, Camille Westcott is now illegitimate and without a title. Looking to eschew the trappings of her old life, she leaves London to teach at the Bath orphanage where her newly-discovered half-sister lived. But

  • Someone to Love Mary Balogh
    ISBN: 0451477790
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    New York Times bestselling author Mary Blaogh presents the first historical romance in the Westcott series, where the death of an earl reveals a most scandalous secret. Humphrey Westcott, Earl of Riverdale, has died, leaving behind a fortune that will forever alter the lives of everyone in his family—including the daughter no one knew he had... Anna Snow grew up in an orphanage in Bath knowing nothing of the family she came from. Now she discovers that the late Earl of Riverdale was her father and that she has inherited his fortune. She is also overjoyed to learn she has siblings. However, they want nothing to do with her or her…

  • Снежный ангел Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 5-237-01901-3
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Джастин Холлидей, граф Уэзерби, не мог выбросить из своей памяти прекрасное приключение - несколько полных пылкой страсти дней, проведенных в заснеженном охотничьем домике с очаровательной незнакомкой. Однако красавица исчезла так же внезапно, как и появилась. Джастин решил женится на молоденькой аристократке, даже не подозревая, что лукавая судьба готовит ему невероятную встречу с женщиной его мечты…
  • Любовная соната Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 978-5-17-056795-9, 978-5-9713-9844-8
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва
    Язык: Русский
    Никогда не предполагала мисс Присцилла Уэнтуорт, девушка из богатой, достойной семьи, что в один момент лишится всего - родителей, поместья, положения в свете... Что ее ждет? Жалкая участь содержанки? Мисс Уэнтуорт готова смириться со своей судьбой. Но готова ли она отказаться от любви к благородному и великодушному сэру Джеральду Стейплтону? Нет! Даже если любовь спалит дотла ее сердце...
  • Бессердечный Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 5-300-01663-2
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Азбука, Терра-Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский
    Может ли любовь устоять, если на нее обрушатся низость, вероломство, предательство и ложь? «Да, если это настоящая любовь», — утверждает Мэри Бэлоу.
  • Просто волшебство Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 978-5-17-063066-0, 978-5-403-02671-0, 978-5-4215-0161-9
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Полиграфиздат
    Язык: Русский
    Красивый и остроумный Питер Эджуорт, виконт Уитлиф, свыкся с ролью покорителя женщин. Но сердце этого завидного жениха оставалось холодным... пока однажды его официально не представили Сюзанне Осборн. В тот же миг он понял, что любовь с первого взгляда далеко не вымысел поэтов.
    Мисс Осборн разделяет его чувства - в этом опытный Питер уверен. Но чем настойчивее он ухаживает за девушкой, тем упорнее она его отвергает!
    Сюзанна словно чего-то боится - но чего? Или кого?
    Прежде чем покорить сердце любимой, виконт должен разгадать ее тайну. Тайну, ради сохранения которой Сюзанна готова пожертвовать собственным счастьем...
  • Просто совершенство Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 978-5-17-068940-8, 978-5-271-30797-3, 978-5-226-02800-7
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, ВКТ
    Язык: Русский
    Клодия Мартин не нуждается в мужчинах. К чему ей муж, а тем более любовник? Она открыла привилегированную частную школу, и теперь для нее любовь и брак - непозволительная роскошь!
    Однако маркиз Аттингсборо, красавец и опытный соблазнитель, совершенно иного мнения. С первого же взгляда на Клодию он понимает, что встретил, наконец, женщину, способную стать для него не развлечением от скуки, а настоящей любовью.
    И ни скандал, который вот-вот разразится в свете, ни необходимость жениться по расчету, ни даже смертельная угроза не в силах заставить маркиза покинуть ту, что зажгла в его сердце пламя страсти...
  • A Matter of Class Mary Balogh
    ISBN: 1593155549, 9781593155544
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Vanguard Press
    Язык: Английский
    Just in time for Valentine's Day, from New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh comes yet another classic historical tale that sizzles with romance and unforgettable drama. Reginald Mason is wealthy, refined, and, by all accounts, a gentleman. However, he is not a gentleman by title, a factor that pains him and his father within the Regency society that upholds station over all else. That is, until an opportunity for social advancement arises, namely, Lady Annabelle Ashton. Daughter of the Earl of Havercroft, a neighbor and enemy of the Mason family, Annabelle finds herself disgraced by a scandal, one that has left her branded as damaged goods. Besmirched by shame, the earl is only too happy to marry Annabelle off to anyone willing to have her.Though Reginald Mason, Senior, wishes to use Annabelle to propel his family up the social ladder, his son does not wish to marry her, preferring instead to live the wild, single life he is accustomed to. With this, Reginald Senior serves his son an ultimatum: marry Annabelle, or make do without family funds. Having no choice, Reginald consents, and enters into a hostile engagement in which the prospective bride and groom are openly antagonistic, each one resenting the other for their current state of affairs while their respective fathers revel in their suffering.

    So begins an intoxicating tale rife with dark secrets, deception, and the trials of love—a story in which very little is as it seems.
  • Simply Love Mary Balogh
    ISBN: 9780440241973
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Dell
    Язык: Английский
    New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh returns to the elegance and sensuality of Regency England, weaving a captivating tale of four remarkable women—friends and teachers at the exclusive Miss Martin's School for Girls ...

    Anne first spied him in the deepening dusk of a Wales evening—a lone figure of breathtaking strength, his handsome face branded by a secret pain. For teacher and single mother Anne Jewell, Sydnam Butler is a man whose sorrows—and passions—run deeper than she could have ever imagined. As steward of a remote seaside manor, Sydnam lives a reclusive existence. Yet he senses in Anne a kindred soul, and between these two wary hearts, desire stirs. Unable to resist the passion that has rescued them both, Anne and Sydnam share an afternoon of exquisite lovemaking. As scandal looms, suddenly the unwed mother and the war-scarred veteran must make a decision that could forever alter their lives ...
  • Мелодия души Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 5-17-032418-9, 5-9713-3162-0
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва
    Язык: Русский
    Кем могла стать немая красавица Эмили, леди Марлоу, для своего тщеславного мужа? Драгоценной безделушкой, украшающей его роскошную гостиную, - и безмолвной слушательницей его болтовни. Но - кем была она для лорда Эшли Кендрика, что стал ее любовью еще в детстве и навсегда остался смыслом жизни? Очаровательной юной женщиной, к которой он испытывает непреодолимую жгучую страсть.
    Однако Эмили принадлежит другому мужчине, и Эшли, увы, остается надеяться лишь на чудо...
  • Only A Kiss MARY BALOGH
    ISBN: 9780451469687
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский

    ONLY A KISS is set in Wales and tells the story of Imogen, the one woman in the Survivor's Club. As was common practice at the time, she went to war with her husband, never imagining she would be kidnapped along with him on the Peninsula by the enemy. What she and her husband suffered there was more than she could bear, and when she returned to Hardford Hall alone, she was broken. She has lived ever since on her late husband's lonely estate, isolating herself enough to go on. Until the estate's heir, Percival Hayes, the new Earl of Hardford, Viscount Barclay, finally takes enough interest in his property to visit it. Percy is a big man,…

  • Only Beloved Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 9780451477781
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский
    From the legendary New York Times bestselling author of Only a Kiss and Only a Promise comes the final book in the rapturous Survivor’s Club series—as the future of one man lies within the heart of a lost but never-forgotten love...

    For the first time since the death of his wife, the Duke of Stanbrook is considering remarrying and finally embracing happiness for himself. With that thought comes the treasured image of a woman he met briefly a year ago and never saw again.

    Dora Debbins relinquished all hope to marry when a family scandal left her in charge of her younger sister. Earning a modest living as a music teacher, she’s left with only an unfulfilled dream. Then one afternoon, an unexpected visitor makes it come true.

    For both George and Dora that brief first encounter was as fleeting as it was unforgettable. Now is the time for a second chance. And while even true love comes with a risk, who are two dreamers to argue with destiny?

    About the Author:
    Mary Balogh grew up in Wales and now lives with her husband, Robert, in Saskatchewan, Canada. She has written more than one hundred historical novels and novellas, more than thirty of which have been New York Times bestsellers. They include the Bedwyn saga, the Simply quartet, the Huxtable quintet, the seven-part Survivors’ Club series and the Westcott series.
  • The Escape Mary Balogh
    ISBN: 9780345536068
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Escape
  • The Proposal Mary Balogh
    ISBN: 9780440245308
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Proposal
  • The Arrangement Mary Balogh
    ISBN: 9780345535870
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Arrangement
  • A Secret Affair Mary Balogh
    ISBN: 9780440245285
    Год издания: 2015

    A Secret Affair

  • Someone to Care Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 9780399586088
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Berkley
    Язык: Английский

    Once the Countess of Riverdale, Viola Kingsley throws all caution to the wind when adventure calls in the form of a handsome aristocrat. . . . Two years after the death of the Earl of Riverdale, his family has overcome the shame of being stripped of their titles and fortune--except for his onetime countess, Viola. With her children grown and herself no longer part of the social whirl of the ton, she is uncertain where to look for happiness--until quite by accident her path crosses once again with that of the Marquess of Dorchester, Marcel Lamarr. Marcel Lamarr has been a notorious womanizer since the death of his wife nearly twenty…

  • Someone to Remember Мэри Бэлоу
    ISBN: 0593099737
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Berkley

    It’s never too late to fall in love in this enchanting new story, a novella in the Westcott series from New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh. Matilda Westcott has spent her life tending to the needs of her mother, the Dowager Countess of Riverdale, never questioning the web of solitude she has spun herself. To Matilda, who considers herself an aging spinster daughter, marriage is laughable—love is a game for the young, after all. But her quiet, ordered life unravels when a dashing gentleman from her past reappears, threatening to charm his way into her heart yet again. Charles Sawyer, Viscount Dirkson, does not expect to face…

  • Someone to Trust Мэри Бэлоу
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Berkley

    During a rare white Christmas at Brambledean Court, the widow Elizabeth, Lady Overfield, defies convention by falling in love with a younger man in this historical romance novel in the Westcott series. After her husband's passing, Elizabeth Overfield decides that she must enter into another suitable marriage. That, however, is the last thing on her mind when she meets Colin Handrich, Lord Hodges, at the Westcott Christmas house party. She simply enjoys his company as they listen to carolers on Christmas Eve, walk home from church together on Christmas morning, and engage in a spirited snowball fight in the afternoon. Both are surprised…

  • Only A Promise MARY BALOGH
    ISBN: 9780451469670
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский

    Ralph Stockwood always prided himself on being a leader, but he never envisioned he would become the sole survivor when he convinced his friends to join in the Napoleonic War. Now wracked with guilt over the deaths of his friends, Ralph is reminded that he must pick up and move on... and find a wife so he can secure an heir to his family's fortune. Since she has little family money of her own, Chloe Muirhead has resigned herself to a life of spinsterhood. But when she finds out that she needs to escape her family, she's determined to marry. That's when she accidentally meets Ralph. He needs a wife. She needs a husband. So Chloe makes an…

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