The_Jesus_s_Follower 7 августа 2021 г., 00:44 Пожаловаться Nothing is too great for Him to bear, for He holds up the worlds and rules the universe. Nothing that happens to us is too small for Him to notice. Nothing in our lives is too sinful for Him to know about. No problem is so great He cannot solve it. He shares our joys and our worries. He hears every sincere prayer and is… Развернуть Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 7 августа 2021 г., 00:53 Пожаловаться We do not give thanks enough. STJ 102.3 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 7 августа 2021 г., 00:52 Пожаловаться Let us look to heaven, where the glory of God shines from the face of Christ. "He is able, now and always, to save those who come to God through him." Hebrews 7:25. STJ 102.2 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 7 августа 2021 г., 00:48 Пожаловаться We would daily learn more about our heavenly Father and receive more of His grace. STJ 101.4 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 7 августа 2021 г., 00:46 Пожаловаться We must work as well as pray. STJ 101.1 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 7 августа 2021 г., 00:45 Пожаловаться Jesus tells us to pray in His name. But to pray in His name means more than saying His name at the beginning of the prayer and again at the end. It means to pray in the mind and spirit of Jesus. It means that we believe His promises, depend upon His grace, and do His work. STJ 100.3 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 6 августа 2021 г., 07:09 Пожаловаться Our minds should turn to God so that we may breathe the air of heaven. We may keep so near to God that no matter what happens, our thoughts will turn to Him. They will turn as easily as the flower turns to the sun. STJ 99.5 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 6 августа 2021 г., 07:08 Пожаловаться When our hearts are open to receive the blessings of God, our thoughts will be about heavenly things, and we will feel close to God all the time. STJ 99.3 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 6 августа 2021 г., 07:07 Пожаловаться We may pray as did the prophet Nehemiah. While he was standing before the king, he asked God to guide him. Any place we are can be a place of prayer. We can keep the door of the heart open all the time, inviting Jesus in as a heavenly guest. STJ 99.2 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 6 августа 2021 г., 07:06 Пожаловаться At any time or any place it is proper to offer a silent prayer to God. Nothing can keep us from lifting our hearts in prayer. We can pray when we are on a crowded street and when we are carrying on our business. STJ 99.1 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0
The_Jesus_s_Follower 6 августа 2021 г., 07:06 Пожаловаться We should lift our hearts to God in our homes and as we go about our daily work. This is the way Enoch walked with God. Silent prayers rise to God like smoke from sweet incense. Satan cannot overcome a person who keeps hold of God in prayer. STJ 98.4 Steps To Christ Ellen Gould White 5,0