Майкл Роботэм

Michael Robotham

  • 29 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 329 читателей
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3 69
2 8
1 4

Майкл Роботэм - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Подозреваемый Майкл Роботэм
    ISBN: 978-5-352-02045-6
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: АСТ, Азбука
    Язык: Русский
    Двадцать колотых ран в груди молодой красивой женщины...
    Дело рук безжалостного убийцы?
    Таково мнение полиции, и главный подозреваемый - знаменитый психиатр Джозеф О'Лафлин.
    Джозеф понимает: доказать свою невиновность он сможет, только если сам найдет преступника... прежде чем тот нанесет новый удар.
    Но сделать это будет не просто...
  • Пропавшая Майкл Роботэм
    ISBN: 978-5-352-02082-1
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Азбука-классика
    Язык: Русский

    В романе "Пропавшая" читатель вновь встретится с главными героями предыдущей книги Майкла Роботэма "Подозреваемый" - Джозефом О'Лафлином и инспектором полиции Винсентом Руизом, которых опять объединит опасное, чреватое неожиданными поворотами событий, расследование. Холодные темные воды Темзы, пуля в ноге и чужая фотография в кармане - а за ними потеря табельного оружия, амнезия, подозрения коллег по службе и повторяющиеся нападения неизвестного убийцы. Так, проходя через смертельный риск, боль и одиночество, Руиз продолжает поиски маленькой девочки, бесследно пропавшей три года назад - словно растворившейся в недрах ничем не…

  • Shatter Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 9781847441775
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Sphere
    Язык: Английский

    In Michael Robotham’s latest thriller, psychologist Joe O’Loughlin—the appealing hero of Suspect—tries to prevent a suicide and finds himself locked in a deadly duel with a very clever killer. Joe O'Loughlin is on familiar territory—standing on a bridge high above a flooded gorge, trying to stop a distraught woman from jumping. She is naked, wearing only high-heel shoes, sobbing into a cell phone. Suddenly, she turns to him and whispers, “You don’t understand,” and lets go. Joe is shattered by the suicide and haunted by his failure to save the woman, until her teenage daughter finds him and reveals that her mother would never have…

  • Bleed for Me Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 0316126373
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Mulholland Books
    Язык: Английский

    She's standing at the front door. Covered in blood. Is she the victim of a crime? Or the perpetrator? When Sienna Hegarty, a troubled friend of his daughter, comes to Joe O'Loughlin's door terrorized, incoherent, and covered in blood, he vows to unearth the dark secrets her mind has buried. The police find a major piece of the puzzle at Sienna's house: her father, a retired cop, murdered. Tests confirm that it's Mr. Herharty's blood on Sienna. She says she remembers nothing. Investigators take aim at Sienna. O'Loughlin senses something different is happening, something subterranean and terrifying to Sienna. It may be something in her…

  • The Wreckage Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 0316126403
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Mulholland Books
    Язык: Английский

    An international thriller based on one of the biggest bank heists in history. Billions of dollars are missing from Iraqi banks, and journalist Luca Terracini will risk everything to discover where it is. His Iraqi-American background has made it easier for him to infiltrate the darkest corners of the war, but death of his beloved Nicola in a suicide bombing has made him reckless. He has nothing left to lose. In pursuit of the money, he meets UN representative Daniela Garner, who seems to know more about the heist than anyone else. She's a valuable asset in Baghdad where the possibility of an explosion lurks at every checkpoint. Luca's…

  • Sag, es tut dir leid Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 978-3442481934
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Goldmann
    Язык: Немецкий

    Der SPIEGEL-Bestseller jetzt im Taschenbuch! Als Piper Hadley und ihre Freundin Tash McBain spurlos verschwinden, ahnt niemand, dass sie entführt wurden. Erst nach drei Jahren gelingt Tash die Flucht. Doch sie kommt nie zu Hause an. Dann wird eine Leiche in einem zugefrorenen See entdeckt. Handelt es sich um eines der Mädchen? Der Psychologe Joe O’Loughlin soll helfen, den Täter zu finden. Was er nicht weiß: Piper kauert währenddessen in ihrem Verlies und hofft verzweifelt auf Rettung. Denn der Mann, der sie in seiner Gewalt hat, ist in seinem Wahn zu allem fähig.

  • Watching You Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 0316252018
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский

    New York Times bestselling author Michael Robotham brings us face-to-face with a manipulative psychopath who has destroyed countless lives and is about to claim one final victim. Marnie Logan often feels like she's being watched: a warm breath on the back of her neck, or a shadow in the corner of her eye that vanishes when she turns her head. She has reason to be frightened. Her husband Daniel has inexplicably vanished, and the police have no leads in the case. Without proof of death or evidence of foul play, she can't access his bank accounts or his life insurance. Depressed and increasingly desperate, she seeks the help of…

  • Close Your Eyes Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 0316267945
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Mulholland Books
    Язык: Английский

    When a former student bungles a murder investigation, clinical psychologist Joseph O'Loughlin steps in to face a ruthless killer. A mother and her teenage daughter are found murdered in a remote farmhouse, one defiled by multiple stab wounds and the other posed like Sleeping Beauty waiting for her Prince. Joe O'Loughlin is drawn into the investigation when a former student, trading on Joe's reputation by calling himself the "Mindhunter," jeopardizes the police inquiry by leaking details to the media and stirring up public anger. With no shortage of suspects and tempers beginning to fray, Joe discovers a link between these murders…

  • The Other Wife Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 0733637930
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Hachette Australia
    Язык: Английский

    A secret wife. A secret life. A killer who knows. Childhood sweethearts William and Mary have been married for sixty years. William is a celebrated surgeon, Mary a devoted wife. Both have a strong sense of right and wrong. This is what their son, Joe O'Loughlin, has always believed. But when Joe is summoned to the hospital with news that his father has been brutally attacked, his world is turned upside down. Who is the strange woman crying at William's bedside, covered in his blood - a friend, a mistress, a fantasist or a killer? Against the advice of the police, Joe launches his own investigation. As he learns more, he discovers sides…

  • Erlöse mich Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 3442483514, 978-3442483518
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Goldmann
    Язык: Немецкий
    Seit ihr Mann Daniel vor einem Jahr spurlos verschwand, leidet Marnie Logan nicht nur unter der Ungewissheit, was mit Daniel geschehen ist, auch die finanziellen Nöte machen ihr zu schaffen. Immer wieder beschleicht sie die Angst, hat sie das Gefühl, beobachtet zu werden. Deshalb sucht sie den Psychologen Joe O’Loughlin auf, der aber schnell den Verdacht hat, dass Marnie etwas verschweigt. Als ein Album mit Fotos alter Freunde entdeckt wird, das Daniel seiner Frau schenken wollte, kommt die grausame Geschichte dahinter heraus, die Joe zutiefst erschüttert.
  • The Night Ferry Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 9780307275851
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский

    Struggling detective Alisha Barba is trying to get her life back on track after almost being crippled by a murder suspect. Now on her feet again she receives a desperate plea from an old school friend, who is eight months pregnant and in trouble. On the night they arrange to meet, her friend is run down and killed by a car and Alisha discovers the first in a series of haunting and tragic deceptions. Determined to uncover the truth, she embarks upon a dangerous journey that will take her from the East End of London’s to Amsterdam’s murky red light district and into a violent underworld of sex trafficking, slavery and exploitation

  • Ema saladus Майкл Роботэм
    ISBN: 9789949651559
    Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
    K?igil on ettekujutus ideaalsest elust. Agatha arvates elab seda Meghan Shaughnessy. V?hemalt nii ta arvab. Kaugelt vaadates tundub nii …Neil kahel t?iesti erineva taustaga naisel on midagi ?hist: m?lemal on ohtlik saladus, mis v?ib h?vitada k?ik, mida nad kalliks peavad. Nad m?lemad on tugeva emainstinktiga, valmis riskima suurelt.„Ema saladus“ on menukirjanik Michael Robothami m?juv ps?hholoogiline p?nevik, mis hoiab teid enda k?tkes ja murrab s?dame.*Enne romaanikirjanikuks hakkamist oli Michael Robotham uuriv ajakirjanik ja t??tas Ameerikas, Austraalias ja Suurbritannias. Ajakirjaniku ja kirjanikuna on ta uurinud kurikuulsaid juhtumeid, n?iteks sarim?rtsukatest abielupaari Fred ja Rosemary Westi lugu. Ta on teinud koost??d kliiniliste ja kohtups?hholoogidega, kes aidanud politseil uurida ps?hholoogiliselt keerulisi kuritegusid. Robothami sulest on ilmunud 13 ps?hholoogilist p?nevikku, mida on t?lgitud 25 keelde ja avaldatud 50 riigis. Aastal 2015 v?itis ta Suurbritannia krimikirjanike ?henduse maineka auhinna p?nevusromaani „Life or Death“ („Elu v?i surm“) eest. Ta elab Sydneys.
  • Raj nie istnieje Майкл Роботэм
    ISBN: 978-83-276-3052-0
    Издательство: OSDW Azymut
  • The Secrets She Keeps Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 978-1501170317
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    “Two terrific female characters, both with secrets. Add Michael Robotham’s clean prose and whipcrack pacing. The result? A book you won’t be able to put down, although you may occasionally want to hide your eyes.” —Stephen King

    “A premium delivery.” —People

    Meghan doesn’t know Agatha, but Agatha knows Meghan. And the one thing Agatha looks forward to each day is catching a glimpse of her, the effortlessly chic customer at the grocery store where she works stocking shelves. Meghan has it all: two adorable children, a handsome and successful husband, a happy marriage, a beautiful house, and a popular parenting blog that Agatha reads with devotion each night as she waits for her absent boyfriend, the father of the baby growing inside her, to return her calls.

    Yet if Agatha could look beyond the gloss and trappings of Meghan’s “perfect life,” she’d see the flaws and doubts. Meghan has her secrets too, especially one that she dare not ever tell. Soon the lives of these two women will collide in the most spellbinding and intimate of ways, until their secrets are exposed by one shocking act that cannot be undone. From internationally bestselling author Michael Robotham, "The Secrets She Keeps" is a dark, exquisite, and twisted page-turner so full of surprises, you’ll find it impossible to put down.
  • Dein Wille geschehe Michael Robotham
    ISBN: 9783899646139
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Audiobuch Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    Der renommierte Psychotherapeut Joe O'Loughlin wird zu einem erschreckenden Vorfall gerufen: Im strömenden Regen steht eine Frau nackt auf der Clifton Bridge in Bristol, High Heels an den Füßen und ein Handy am Ohr. Auf Joes beschwichtigende Worte reagiert sie nicht, sondern springt direkt in den Tod - ferngesteuert und willenlos. Der erfahrene Psychologe Joe steht vor einem Rätsel. Wurde die Frau tatsächlich von ihrem Anrufer in den Selbstmord getrieben? Als wenige Tage später die Geschäftspartnerin der Toten erfroren aufgefunden wird, an einen Baum gekettet, unbekleidet und mit einem Handy zu ihren Füßen, hat Joe Gewissheit: Hier ist ein gefährlicher Psychopath am Werk, ein Experte für Menschenmanipulation, der die Seele seiner Opfer bricht. Weil der mysteriöse Unbekannte jedoch keine Spuren hinterlässt, bleibt Joe nur eines: Er muss seinen Freund und Vertrauten, den pensionierten Detective Vincent Ruiz um Hilfe bitten. Noch kann Joe nicht ahnen, dass er selbst ins Visier des Täters geraten ist.
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