Шарман Эпт Рассел

Sharman Apt Russell

  • 4 книги
  • 1 подписчик
  • 21 читатель
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Лучшие книги Шарман Эпт Рассел

  • Роман с бабочками. Как человек влюбился в насекомое Шарман Эпт Рассел
    ISBN: 5-98720-014-8
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: КоЛибри
    Язык: Русский

    "Счастье, если в детстве у нас хороший слух: если мы слышим, как красота, любовь и бесполезность громко славят друг друга каждую минуту, из каждого уголка мира природы", - пишет американская писательница Шарман Эпт Рассел в своем "Романе с бабочками". На страницах этой элегантной книги все персонажи равны и все равно интересны: и коварные паразиты-наездники, подстерегающие гусеницу, и бабочки-королевы, сплетающиеся в восьмичасовом постбрачном полете, и английская натуралистка XVIII столетия Элинор Глэнвилль, которую за ее страсть к чешуекрылым ославили сумасшедшей, и американский профессор Владимир Набоков, читающий лекцию о бабочках…

  • Hunger: An Unnatural History Шарман Эпт Рассел
    ISBN: 978-0465071654
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Basic Books
    Every day, we wake up hungry. Every day, we break our fast. Hunger is both a natural and an unnatural human condition. In Hunger, Sharman Apt Russell explores the range of this primal experience. Step by step, Russell takes us through the physiology of hunger, from eighteen hours without food to thirty-six hours to three days to seven days to thirty days. In quiet, elegant prose, she asks a question as big as history and as everyday as skipping lunch: How does hunger work?
  • Diary of a Citizen Scientist: Chasing Tiger Beetles and Other New Ways of Engaging the World Шарман Эпт Рассел
    ISBN: 0870717529
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    In the exploding world of citizen science, hundreds of thousands of volunteers are monitoring climate change, tracking bird migration, finding stardust for NASA, and excavating mastodons. The sheer number of citizen scientists, combined with new technology, has begun to shape how research is conducted. Non-professionals become acknowledged experts: dentists turn into astronomers and accountants into botanists.

    Diary of a Citizen Scientist is a timely exploration of this phenomenon, told through the lens of nature writer Sharman Apt Russell’s yearlong study of a little-known species, the Western red-bellied tiger beetle. In a voice both humorous and lyrical, Russell recounts her persistent and joyful tracking of an insect she calls “charismatic,” “elegant,” and “fierce.” Patrolling the Gila River in southwestern New Mexico, collector’s net in hand, she negotiates the realities of climate change even as she celebrates the beauty of a still-wild and rural landscape.

    Russell’s self-awareness—of her occasionally-misplaced confidence, her quest to fill in “that blank spot on the map of tiger beetles,” and her desire to become newly engaged in her life—creates a portrait not only of the tiger beetle she tracks, but of the mindset behind self-driven scientific inquiry. Falling in love with the diversity of citizen science, she participates in crowdsourcing programs that range from cataloguing galaxies to monitoring the phenology of native plants, applauds the growing role of citizen science in environmental activism, and marvels at the profusion of projects around the world.

    Diary of a Citizen Scientist offers its readers a glimpse into the transformative properties of citizen science—and documents the transformation of the field as a whole.