Барбара Блэк Колтув

Barbara Black Koltuv

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Лучшие книги Барбару Блэк Колтув

  • Nights by the Wall: A Guide to Dreams, Dreamwork, and Profound Self-Knowing Барбара Блэк Колтув
    ISBN: 0-89254-151-2
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Nicolas-Hays
    In this engaging book, Barbara Black Koltuv, Ph.D, shares her wisdom, knowledge, and her insightful approach to dreamwork to illuminate how each of us can find the way to Self-knowing, renewal, and healing. Dr. Koltuv evokes the image of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem as a place of dreams and soulful dreamwork. At the Wall, we offer up our prayers to God, and at the Wall, if we listen closely, we can hear the voice of God within us. Dr. Koltuv uses this metaphor of the Wall as the conduit, the listening heart between the dreamer and the hidden voice waiting to be heard within the soul. In Nights by the Wall, Koltuv leads us through the realm of dreamwork to show how, through our dreams, we can come to know our Self in a complete and truthful way. Simply writing down dreams, and allowing them to matter, opens a sacred pathway to healing, wholeness, and joy.

    Dreams are the heart's knowledge and the guiding words of the soul. They give us a symbol system and a personal soul language by which we can know and become our most authentic Self.
  • Amulets, Talismans, And Magical Jewelry: A Way To The Unseen, Everpresent, Almighty God Барбара Блэк Колтув
    ISBN: 0-89254-117-2
    Год издания: 2005
    The Second Commandment of the Old Testament forbids the making of idols to represent God. However, since human beings have always needed a direct and personal connection to the divine, a way is provided in Exodus, when God says, Make a sanctuary for me and I will come to dwell among you. God goes on to give instructions for building the ark of the covenant-the first tribal amulet, not yet personal but still representing the presence of God. From there, amulets, talismans, and magical jewelry evolved to provide a personal connection to God.

    The book is lavishly illustrated, in full color throughout, with many examples from the author's own collection. It's all here: glass beads for protection against the evil eye; the mezuzah found on door frames; the hamsa, or upraised hand; engraved pendants and tiny boxes containing special prayers; Aaron's breastplate; the prayer shawl and teffilin; henna hand and foot painting; and amulets from the Sepher Raziel that protect newborn infants from evil forces.

    As visually fascinating as these objects are, how they came into use is even more so. This is where Dr. Koltuv's love of Hebrew scripture comes into play, as she tracks the development of the use of talismans and amulets in ancient texts. Koltuv revives an awareness of how many of the objects we wear and carry with us without a second thought are actually bridges between heaven and earth. We also come to realize just how much spirit and magic is infused in our everyday lives.
  • Solomon & Sheba: Inner Marriage and Individuation Барбара Блэк Колтув
    ISBN: 0-89254-024-9
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: Nicolas-Hays
    Dr. Barbara Koltuv shows how the process of individuation described by C.G. Jung is personalized in this love story—a great love story—the King and Queen—lovers meeting, testing each other, knowing each other, connecting with each other, and parting. The story of Solomon and Sheba can be understood on many levels. It is a love story, but it is also the splendid account of the soul's journey toward individuation and inner marriage; it is a coniunctio of the masculine and feminine principles that exist in every human psyche—male and female. The end of the journey results in a new birth—and the transformation is unmistakably a story of mystical love—and the love of God.

    Dr. Barbara Koltuv is a storyteller. She retells the story of Solomon and Sheba so that we can all share in the dreams and images and meaning that this ancient tale holds for each of us.
  • Weaving Woman: Musings and Meditations on the Feminine Mythos Барбара Блэк Колтув
    ISBN: 0-89254-019-2
    Год издания: 1990
    Издательство: Nicolas-Hays
    Well done! So strong and wise...
    - Alix Kates Shulman
    Author of Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen, Burning Questions, In Every Woman's Life, On the Stroll, Drinking The Rain, A Good Enough Daughter, To Love What is

    Dr. Koltuv covers succinctly in her inimitable style, of cutting through the fat of psychological terms, women's own history in a well constructed, concise, fascinating treatise that can help women in their own understanding of their animus complex. Highly recommended.
    - SSC, Booknews

    ...A re-affirmation of women as weavers and witches, and a celebration of the re-emergence of feminine values, feminine talents, and feminine psychology... Enlightening and compelling.
    - Ocular

    This book is a call -----a call back to our nature, back to ourselves. Weaving Woman is valuable for every woman who is working towards reclaiming her own power.
    - Children of the Moon