К. Трап Джонс

K. Trap Jones

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Лучшие книги К. Трапа Джонса

  • The Sinner К. Трап Джонс
    ISBN: 978-0984978212
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Blood Bound Books
    Язык: Английский
    A lone farmer is chosen by God to test the boundaries of sin. Isolated in a cave with only a candle, quill and parchment, the farmer is burdened by awakening each day within a predetermined encounter with one of the seven deadly sins and their associated demons. The folowing are his translated entries.
  • The Harvester К. Трап Джонс
    ISBN: 978-1940250182
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Blood Bound Books
    Язык: Английский
    Armed with the knowledge of his true identity and the seven demons by his side, the lone farmer is released from his isolation and enters the world with a mission: deliver sin to mankind. It’s the greatest story ever told, by the most unlikely of narrators.

    In this sequel to The Sinner, K. Trap Jones takes us back to the tormented crossroads between good and evil while exposing another view behind the creation of Hell and civilization’s first encounters with sin.

    When all hope is gone, who can be trusted? This isn't the devil you know, it’s… The Harvester.