Канвон Ким


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Канвон Ким – лучшие книги

  • Queen's Knight, Volume 1 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322579
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    When Yuna Lee's mother moves to Germany to pursue a music degree, she's left to stay with her father, a university professor, and her three older brothers, who are fiercely overprotective of her. During her summer vacation, she visits her mother in Germany, where she falls off a cliff and is rescued by Rieno, an 18-year-old knight living in the land of Phantasma. Rieno makes a deal with Yuna that because he has saved her life, she must marry him and become his queen. Indebted to him for saving her life, Yuna is torn between her normal world back home and life as Phantasma's Queen.

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 11 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322678
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    Disaster and destruction strike Phantasma as Yuna embraces her feelings for Rieno. Torn between her longing for Rieno and her duty as Queen, Yuna spends each day in agony. Meanwhile, Libera is also struggling with a secret love, an unspeakable love that leaves her horrified and humiliated. As thunder and lightning fall from the sky, chaos reigns throughout the land. Will the people ever trust their queen again? And will the knights stray when they learn of Yuna's love for Rieno and not Ehren?

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 14 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322708
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский
    Le mariage se termine bien. Yuna est considérée comme une citoyenne de Phantasma à part entière et sa position en tant que reine devient solide. Mais un évènement survient: la princesse Libera "grandit" à son tour! Kent et ses partisans veulent que Libera prenne le trône car elle est une "vraie" habitante de Phantasma...
  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 15 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595326591
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский
    Le fait que Ribera devient une femme complique les choses. Aux yeux de Kent, comme elle n'est pas amoureuse de Rieno, elle est la seule reine capable de planter le couteau du bois d'hiver dans le coeur de Rieno. Yuna épie la conversation entre Kent et Ehren et entreprend de détruire le couteau avant que le malheur n’arrive. Elle apprend ensuite, par hasard, qu'elle pourrait rentrer dans son monde si elle était encore vierge, mais elle s’est mariée depuis peu avec Ehren…
  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 12 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322685
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    Yuna decides that she loves Phantasma and wishes only for the happiness of its people. For this reason, she requests Ehren to find Rieno so that she can say her last farewells before she fully embraces her duties as Queen. She then throws herself into her work without even stopping for food or sleep in order to rid herself of lingering thoughts of Rieno. Will the strain be too much for Yuna to bear?

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 10 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322661
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    Phantasma's dire situation has brought out a change in Ehren Hwerusute. The once warm and loving person has been replaced by someone consumed by rationale and logic, whose sole goal is to save Phantasma from its long-time curse. But his drive prevents him from seeing that the one thing he needs to help the kingdom, the very principal upon which the kingdom is built, is love. Meanwhile, Libera has her own problems when she learns firsthand about the pain love can bring, especially if it's for someone unexpected! And Reino proves he isn't invincible to love either as he confesses his feelings to an unrequited love...

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 13 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322692
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский
    L’amour que Yuna ressent envers Riéno se fait remarquer malgré les efforts d’Ehren et de Schiller. Yuna doit décider entre ses deux amours : Phantasma ou Riéno. De son côté, Riéno réputé pour avoir un coeur de pierre souffre de son amour pour Yuna. Mais finalement elle décide d’abandonner Riéno et dans ce but, elle espère le voir pour la dernière fois. Lors de ce rendez-vous préparé grâce à Ehren, Yuna lui annonce sa décision. Va-t-il accepter de ne plus la revoir ?
  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 9 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322654
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    As the veil of Queen Freyjaâ's curse upon Phantasma is slowly lifted, Ehren discovers that all he believed to be true regarding the eternal spring may have been fabricated and that the truth may have painful implications for Yuna. Meanwhile, Yuna experiences unusual changes and no one knows who or what is causing this condition, but as time passes, all signs seem to point to Reino.

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 8 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322647
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    The mystery behind Phantasma's long history of eternal spring, determined by the power of the Queen's love, begins to unravel--with Hemel's shocking explanation of the background behind Reino's birth! Through this, Phantasma and Yuna learn that one must be sacrificed at the expense of the other. As Reino's transformation as the Lord of Darkness nears, what will happen in this tragic tale?

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 7 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322630
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    During a vacation in Germany, fifteen-year-old Yuna Lee falls off a cliff and is rescued by Rieno, a knight from the land of Phantasma who asks Yuna to become his queen.

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 5 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322616
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    From the creator of I.N.V.U.Leon and Schiller, still living on the lam, are forced to hide in some rather "unflattering" costumes while accompanying Yuna. Spring is in the air, and the season's early arrival means that Yuna, the Queen, is in love. Yuna denies this, but fate just might say otherwise...

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 6 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322623
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    As Yuna and Kent struggle over control of the government, everyone prepares for the hunt in the Forest of Darkness. Rumors abound that spring will return to Phantasma if the queen falls in love. Can Ehren protect his beloved queen...or will her enemies' schemes doom Phantasma forever?!

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 3 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322593
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    Awakening at Elysian, Queen Yuna doesn't know that the Three Guardian Knights are part of a plot devised by Phantasma's elders. To make matters worse, Reino has accepted Princess Liberia's request to become her knight. Can a jealous Yuna win over Reino, or is it a case of unrequited love?

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 4 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322609
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    After Yuna's coronation, a tournament is held in celebration. The winner of the two-day competition will be awarded the title "Knight of Coronet" and given a floral coronet. Rieno, who has not participated in a tournament in quite some time, joins in. However, behind the scenes Yuna and Libera make a wager on the tournament--and Rieno is the prize!

  • The Queen's Knight, Volume 2 Канвон Ким
    ISBN: 9781595322586
    Издательство: TokyoPop
    Язык: Английский

    *Creator of the top-selling series I.N.V.U. *Kim Kang Won is not only a top creator among girl titles, she also drew quite a sizeable crowd at the 2003 Comic Con Now that Yuna is Queen of Phantasma, the dashing knight Rieno doesn't want her to go back to her home. Yuna's heart is torn between returning to Germany and moving forward with her new life as queen. She attempts to leave...but finds herself drawn to Rieno's castle. Is Phantasma truly her destiny?