Kaitlyn Oruska – лучшие книги
- 5 произведений
- 5 изданий на 2 языках
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Before You Say Goodbye Kaitlyn Oruska
ISBN: 1495313964, 9781495313967 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform “The truth about life is that sometimes your plans don’t matter. You can spend all the time in the world agonizing over your decisions, your next step, who you want to be, and one moment can change all of that. The truth about forever is that it doesn’t actually exist.”
Lainey Winslow and Adam Montgomery have always found a way to make things work. And then they couldn’t.
Soon they find themselves at a crossroads with everything to lose and everything to gain. Lainey tries to move forward, creating a new future with Declan, while Adam explores his past to find out where it all went wrong. It doesn’t take long for things to come to a head, a decision made – but is it the right one?
'Before You Say Goodbye' is the fourth and final novel in the Haven series. -
Endless Kaitlyn Oruska
ISBN: B00IP69PY8 Год издания: 2014 It’s been eleven years since Lainey’s story began.
It’s Harper Montgomery’s tenth birthday and everyone is coming together to celebrate. New relationships have formed, old relationships have broken off, new babies have been born. It’s the characters you grew to love (and hate) all grown and (mostly) wiser.
'Endless' is the Haven epilogue novella, set seven years after the final scenes of Before You Say Goodbye. Return to Haven, North Carolina and see where all of your favorite (and least favorite) characters ended up, told in alternating points of view. -
The Edge of Everything Kaitlyn Oruska
ISBN: 1493794418 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform On the surface, Lainey Winslow has everything she could ever want. The love of her daughter’s father, a happy two year old, and a brand-new rental house right on the beach.
But things aren’t always as they appear. Deep down, Lainey worries that what she has isn’t what she needs. While everyone in her life is moving forward, exploring new options and still discovering themselves, Lainey is left feeling like she’s running in place, waiting for fate to intervene.
When it does, is it what she’s expecting?
‘The Edge of Everything’ is the third book in a series of five. It picks up more than a year after ‘The Heart of a Girl’ left off. -
The Consequences of Forever Kaitlyn Oruska
ISBN: 1492704385 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Getting pregnant two months shy of her sixteenth birthday was never part of Lainey Winslow's plan. Then again, meeting Adam Montgomery on a cool summer night wasn't either.
Faced with the hardest decision of her life, Lainey chooses Adam and their baby. But motherhood in high school isn't something that can ever be handled with ease and Adam's promises of forever only do so much to help. With summer long behind them and an uncertain future looming ahead of them, will Lainey and Adam figure out how to make it work?
'The Consequences of Forever' is a story about first love, friendship and the meaning of family. -
The Heart of a Girl Kaitlyn Oruska
ISBN: 1492704741 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Lainey Winslow is adjusting to motherhood the best she can. It's never easy, but the love she feels for her daughter makes it worthwhile.
As summer fades to fall and then winter, Lainey realizes there are more changes in her life than she thought. Things begin to fall apart with Adam and she finds friendship with someone she never thought she had anything in common with.
But when tragedy strikes Lainey is forced to make a few more life-altering decisions. Will the devotion she has for her daughter help guide her in the right direction?
'The Heart of a Girl' is the second in a series and follows Lainey's life in the year after having her daughter.