Мицутоси Симабукуро
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Мицутоси Симабукуро – лучшие книги

  • Toriko, Vol. 1 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421535098
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Food tastes better when you have to gather it with your blood, sweat and tears!

    R to L (Japanese Style). In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten!

    While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko and his bottomless stomach travel around the world facing every beast in his way. In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Gourmet Hunter Toriko! This is the great era of gourmet food! And only Toriko can hunt down the ferocious ingredients that supply the world's best restaurants. As a gourmet hunter, Toriko tracks and defeats the tastiest and most dangerous animals with his bare hands. But has he met his match with an eight-legged alligator the size of a tank?
  • Toriko, Vol. 43 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1-4215-9703-4
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    The battle for the fate of the world quickly approaches its climax. The Earth struggles to keep itself from falling apart with Center violently erupting under its crust. Toriko has already consumed Center and has the power he needs to defeat Acacia and Neo! But even with Starjun and Midora helping him, will it be enough to put an end to this earth-shattering battle? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to Toriko!
  • Toriko, Vol. 8 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421539034
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Toriko and Terry succeed in getting their hands on the delicious BB Corn, but a new challenge is just beginning. Next on the menu is a legendary soup that only appears once every one hundred years. But Toriko will have to get by the fiercest enemies he’s ever faced if he hopes to be sipping this soup.
  • Toriko, Vol. 11 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421543086
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Race to Recovery!!

    Toriko’s fight with Gourmet Corp. has left him without an arm. While Komatsu continues the quest for Century Soup, Toriko journeys to Life, the country of healing, where getting some R&R turns into a bigger battle than anyone imagined.
  • Toriko, Vol. 9 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421540658
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.
  • Toriko, Vol. 10 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421542737
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Wild Fight! The battle for the Century Soup continues as Toriko and friends face powerful members of Gourmet Corp.! Toriko will have to overcome the toughest foe of his life in Tommyrod, a diabolical freak who controls powerful insects.
  • Toriko, Vol. 6 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421536941
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Ten-fold!! The battle between the IGO and Gourmet Corp. heats up as Toriko and his friends face off against the powerful GT Robots. In order to find the precious Jewel Meat buried deep inside the enormous Regal Mammoth, Toriko has ventured into the beast's body. But can he locate and eat this delicious treat before it's too late?!
  • Toriko, Vol. 4 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421535128
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Sunny!! The GT Robot sent by the Gourmet Corp. has Toriko seeing red. But can Toriko defeat this bionic brute and protect the injured Battle Wolf? And when the gigantic Regal Mammoth is the next target of the IGO, Toriko’s going to need the help of another old friend.
  • Toriko, Vol. 7 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421537986
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Having survived the battle for the enormous Regal Mammoth, Toriko and Terry head for a new adventure. This time Toriko seeks out the rare king of all corn, BB Corn! But while the corn isn't going to fight back, Toriko and Terry will have to enter a dangerous jungle filled with vicious beasts and man-eating plants in order to locate it!
  • Toriko, Vol. 5 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421536934
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    The Regal Plateau!! Toriko and friends continue their search for the Regal Mammoth and the delicious “jewel meat” found deep in the creature’s body. Toriko can handle the wildest beast that nature has to offer, but the team may be in some serious trouble when more robots from the evil Gourmet Corp. join the party.
  • Toriko, Vol. 3 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421535111
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    Toriko may have succeeded in capturing the Puffer Whale, but removing its poison is a whole other challenge. His friends Coco and Komatsu better use their delicate skills with a knife to remove the poison pouch, or Toriko's never going to get to enjoy the delicious spoils of a successful hunt. But what is the mysterious creature that has appeared to ruin all the fun...?
  • Toriko, Vol. 2 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421535104
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko and his bottomless stomach travel around the world facing every beast in his way. When Toriko is hired to capture the rare and delicious Puffer Whale, he's going to require some help. In order to remove the Puffer Whale's poison Toriko will need to track down his old friend and fellow gourmet hunter, Coco, but will this team be enough to beat the other dangerous hunters to the prized ingredient?
  • Toriko, Vol. 41: The King's Fight Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421595146
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it’s either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    God has appeared and has taken on the form of…a giant frog?! Toriko and Neo must battle it out for a taste of this king of ingredients while God tries to destroy everyone and everything around him! Brunch and Aimaru escape in the confusion to go collect Center—an ingredient that will give Toriko the power he needs to kick Neo's butt! Meanwhile, it's Food Luck vs. Food Luck as Starjun goes toe-to-toe with Joie. Can the Earth hold up through all of these intense fights, or will the strain be too much?!
  • Toriko, Vol. 42 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421596211
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    The battle for the fate of the world rages on as the chefs race to prepare the king of ingredients, God. Meanwhile, Toriko and the other Four Kings, Starjun, Midora and the monstrous Eight Kings take on Neo and Acacia and are felled one by one. Things go from bad to worse when the Blue Nitro assist Acacia with fully reviving Neo! Will Toriko and his friends be able to pull through and save the world from being devoured?
  • Toriko, Vol. 37: Signs of Life Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421590219
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it’s either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Komatsu and the gang dive under the sea and reach Blue Grill, and it’s more intense than any of them could have ever imagined! The underwater civilization is full of master chefs with amazing talents and everyone is eager to put their skills to the test! But this Giant Clam is rotten at its core, with a lot of shady business going on behind the scenes. To enter the Back Channel and reach Another, Komatsu and the gang must defeat the masked rulers of Blue Grill, the Five Ten Shell Masters, to prove their worth—or literally die trying.
  • Toriko, Vol. 40 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421594408
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    In the final moments before the Gourmet Eclipse, Toriko and the gang are finally reunited and partake in the parts of Acacia’s Full-Course Meal that have been captured so far. What sort of power will the Full-Course Meal impart to Toriko and his friends? Meanwhile, things are getting a little too slimy for Don Slime as he goes head-to-head against Neo, who gets more and more powerful with every bite! With the end of the world looming overhead and the coming of God imminent, will everyone be ready for the disasters to come?
  • Toriko, Vol. 38: To the Back Channel Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421591216
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it’s either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Jiro prepares for the most sobering fight of his life after he learns the Nitro’s true plan—reviving Acacia and permanently killing Neo! But for that plan to happen, they need Acacia to eat God. There’s just one problem…Acacia’s incomplete Gourmet Cell Demon splits into seven pieces and scatters all over the Gourmet World, threatening to destroy all life on the planet even before the Gourmet Eclipse begins! Meanwhile, fishiness abounds in Blue Grill, but that won’t stop Komatsu and the gang from acquiring Acacia’s fish dish, Another!
  • Toriko, Vol. 39 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421593364
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it’s either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    The Gourmet Eclipse is quickly approaching and time is of the essence, but the Back Channel is not a forgiving place. The darkness alone is enough to devour any unprepared soul—appetite and all! Will Komatsu be able to find Another and prepare it in time?! Meanwhile, the coming of God is at hand, and Toriko and Starjun gear up for the fight of their lives against the almighty Battle Wolf who guards it. But they are not alone! One of Neo’s spawn is prepared to challenge them for a taste of the mysterious king of ingredients, God!
  • Toriko, Vol. 33: Onward to Area 7 Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421582672
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    Toriko and the gang did it! They captured Acacia’s Salad—Air! However, the victory celebration is cut short when a familiar friend-now-foe, Teppei, steals Komatsu’s heart right out of his chest and disappears into the Back Channel! Now Toriko and the other Four Kings must travel to Area 7 to capture Acacia’s Soup, Pair, to save Komatsu! Ferocious Area 7 won’t be much of a party, but they’ll still have a ball…or two!
  • Toriko, Vol. 36: Deployment!! Мицутоси Симабукуро
    ISBN: 978-1421587059
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: VIZ Media LLC
    Язык: Английский
    In a savage world ruled by the pursuit of the most delicious foods, it's either eat or be eaten! While searching for the tastiest foods imaginable, Gourmet Hunter Toriko travels the world with his bottomless stomach, facing every beast in his way.

    The double-sided drop has plopped and Toriko and the gang drink deep from the fruit of their efforts—they finally get to taste Pair! The party is cut short when the real Kaka appears before them and reveals the turmoil boiling under the surface. The gang must continue on and capture the rest of Acacia's Full Course before the Gourmet Eclipse...which is only one month away!
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