Элис Макдермот

Alice McDermott

  • 14 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 117 читателей
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Лучшие книги Элис Макдермот

  • Девятый час Элис Макдермот
    ISBN: 978-5-04-103992-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Блеклым февральским вечером в одну из бедных иммигрантских квартир Бруклина пришло тихое отчаяние – муж Энни, Джим, закрыл за беременной женой дверь, открыл газ и уснул навсегда. К ночи, когда пожар потушили, молодую вдову уже взяли под крыло бруклинские монахини из католического ордена. С этого дня судьбы Энни, ее дочери Салли и сестер-монахинь переплелись на много лет. Как переплелись они и с жизнью молочника, мистера Костелло, вдовца при живой жене – калеке, страдающей слабоумием. Неторопливый роман, постепенно разгорающийся между Энни и мистером Костелло ставит всех героев перед непростым выбором. Что есть грех? Что есть милосердие? И…

  • Absolution Элис Макдермот
    ISBN: 9780374610487
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar
    Язык: Английский
    In Saigon in 1963, two young American wives form a wary alliance. Tricia is a starry-eyed newlywed, married to a rising oil engineer “on loan” to US Navy Intelligence. Charlene is a practiced corporate spouse and mother of three, a talented hostess and determined altruist, on a mission to relieve the “wretchedness” she sees all around her.

    When Tricia miscarries, Charlene sweeps her into a cabal of well-dressed do-gooder American wives. Armed with baskets filled with candy and toys, they descend on hospitals, orphanages, and a leper colony on the coast, determined to relieve suffering, no matter the cost.

    Sixty years later, Charlene’s daughter reaches out to Tricia, now widowed and living in Washington. As the two relive their shared experience in Saigon, they are forced to come to terms with the ways their own lives have been shaped and stunted by Charlene’s pursuit of “inconsequential good.”
  • Someone Элис Макдермот
    ISBN: 978-0374281090
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Farrar Straus Giroux
    Язык: Английский
    'At seven, I was a shy child, and comical-looking, with a round flat face and black slits for eyes, thick glasses, black bangs, a straight and serious mouth - a little girl cartoon.
    With my heart pinned to my father's sleeve'

    Someone begins on the stoop of a Brooklyn apartment building where Marie is waiting for her father to come home from work. It is the 1920s and in her Irish-American enclave the stories of her neighbours unfold before her short-sighted eyes. There is war-blinded Billy Corrigan and foolish, ill-fated Pegeen - and her parents' legendary Syrian-Irish marriage - the terrifying Big Lucy, and the ever-present Sisters of Charity from the convent down the road.

    As the years pass Marie's own history plays out against the backdrop of a changing world. Her older brother Gabe leaves for the seminary to study for the priesthood, his faith destined to be tested to breaking point. Marie experiences first love - and first heartbreak - marriage and motherhood, and discovers how time can reveal us all to be fools and dreamers, blinded in one way or another by hope, loss or the exigencies of life and love.

    One life in all its devastating pains and unexpected joys; its bursts of brilliant clarity and moments of profound confusion. Fragments of a curious childhood, of adolescent sexual awakenings, of motherhood and, finally, old age are pieced together in this resonant story of an unremarkable, unforgettable woman.
  • Charming Billy Элис Макдермот
    ISBN: 978-0312429423
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    Alice McDermott tells the story of Billy Lynch within the complex matrix of a tightly knit Irish American community, in a voice that is resonant and full of deep feeling. Charming Billy is a masterpiece about the unbreakable bonds of memory and desire.

    Charming Billy is the winner of the 1998 National Book Award for Fiction.
  • After This Элис Макдермот
    ISBN: 0747593213
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Bloomsbury UK
    A vivid portrait of an American family in the middle decades of the twentieth century.

    Alice McDermott’s powerful novel is a vivid portrait of an American family in the middle decades of the twentieth century. Witty, compassionate, and wry, it captures the social, political, and spiritual upheavals of those decades through the experiences of a middle-class couple, their four children, and the changing worlds in which they live.

    While Michael and Annie Keane taste the alternately intoxicating and bitter first fruits of the sexual revolution, their older, more tentative brother, Jacob, lags behind, until he finds himself on the way to Vietnam. Meanwhile, Clare, the youngest child of their aging parents, seeks to maintain an almost saintly innocence. After This, alive with the passions and tragedies of a determining era in our history, portrays the clash of traditional, faith-bound life and modern freedom, while also capturing, with McDermott’s inimitable understanding and grace, the joy, sorrow, anger, and love that underpin, and undermine, what it is to be a family.
  • At Weddings and Wakes Элис Макдермот
    ISBN: 0374106746, 9780374106744
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Farrar Straus Giroux
    Язык: Английский
    Slipping effortlessly between past and present, between memory and observation, Alice McDermott's critically acclaimed "At Weddings and Wakes" tells the story of three generations of an Irish-Catholic family through the eyes of its youngest members.
  • That Night Элис Макдермот
    ISBN: 0374273618, 9780374273613
    Год издания: 1987
    Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar
    Язык: Английский
    On a warm suburban night, the sound of lawn sprinklers is drowned out by the rumble of hot rods. Suddenly a car careens onto a family’s neat front yard, teenage boys spill out brandishing chains and leather, and a young man cries out for the girl he loves. Tonight fathers will pick up snow shovels and rakes to defend their turf, and children will witness a battle fueled by fierce, true love. This is the night they will talk about and remember as the moment everything changed forever.