Публий Тацит

Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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Публий Тацит — библиография

  • Anales. Libros XI-XVI Публий Тацит
    T?cito atrajo la atenci?n de muchos de los mejores fil?logos y pensadores de los siglos XV y XVI, no s?lo por su estilo, sino porque sus opiniones parec?an relevantes para la pol?tica del tiempo. Los libros de este volumen abarcan los reinados de Claudio desde el a?o 47 –con los excesos de Mesalina, la boda del emperador con su sobrina Agripina, hija de Germ?nico y madre de Ner?n, a quien Claudio adopta y casa con su hija Octavia, la muerte de Claudio envenenado por Agripina– y de Ner?n hasta el 66: la inicial influencia ben?fica de sus consejeros S?neca y Burro, el brutal asesinato de Agripina, la represi?n de la gran revuelta del 61 en Britania, el asesinato de Octavia, el incendio y la reconstrucci?n de Roma, la persecuci?n de los cristianos, a quienes Ner?n acusa de haberlo causado, la condena a muerte contra S?neca y Lucano y una larga cadena de hechos violentos, que T?cito deplora en uno de los ?ltimos fragmentos conservados. T?cito concibe que la historia debe ser moral e instructiva, por lo que no se abstiene de elogiar o censurar acciones. Sin embargo, tambi?n aspira a entretener, y persigue siempre la variedad en los asuntos y su tratamiento, con una exhibici?n de habilidad ret?rica. Su estilo es original, distinto de todo el resto de la literatura latina. Adopt? muchos rasgos estil?sticos de Salustio (sobre todo la brevedad) y rechaz? el ornato ciceroniano. Sus concisas sententiae se tienen por las mejores de la prosa latina, debido a su excelencia tanto en la forma como en el contenido.
  • Agr?cola. Germania. Di?logo sobre los oradores Публий Тацит
    Las tres obras de este volumen expresan sendas admiraciones de T?cito: por el general romano Agr?cola, con sus campa?as en Britania, por los germanos, adversarios de la grandeza de Roma, y por la oratoria de la era republicana. Agr?cola es la primera obra de ?ndole historiogr?fica de T?cito, tras su inicial cultivo de la ret?rica. Este estudio que dedica a su suegro, Julio Agr?cola, a?na los g?neros de la biograf?a y el tratado hist?rico: pues si la parte inicial consiste en una laudatoria semblanza de Agr?cola, paradigma de virtus romana, el grueso de la obra est? dedicado a sus logros militares y administrativos en Britania. El relato de estas actividades se enriquece con descripciones etnogr?ficas y geogr?ficas, y contiene varias denuncias m?s o menos veladas de la tiran?a de Domiciano. La manifiesta simpat?a de T?cito por los germanos y su conocimiento de este pueblo septentrional adversario de la grandeza de Roma se manifiesta en Germania, estudio etnogr?fico que, por la multitud de datos que ofrece, constituye el documento m?s valioso para su conocimiento. Una primera parte se ocupa de aspectos como la geograf?a f?sica, las instituciones, la vida privada y el ej?rcito; despu?s se describen las peculiaridades de cada etnia por separado. T?cito concluye que los germanos, a pesar de su car?cter primitivo y sus debilidades, aventajan a los romanos en valores que ?stos han ido perdiendo, como la entrega y el compromiso con la patria. Por ello, adem?s de un estudio serio, este breve escrito es una cr?tica indirecta a la sociedad de su tiempo. El Di?logo sobre los oradores refleja el inter?s que T?cito sinti? por la oratoria en su juventud. De raigambre ciceroniana , consiste en el di?logo, situado en el a?o 75, entre Curiacio Materno, poeta, el orador y abogado Aper y Mesala, experto en ret?rica, acerca de la decadencia de este arte, que en la era imperial se hab?a tornado muy inferior al de la Rep?blica; al tiempo que se lamenta esta merma, se aducen posibles causas pol?tica e hist?ricas.
  • The Complete Works of Tacitus Публий Тацит
    Ancient Roman senator and historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus is known throughout Western history as one of the greatest historical writers of the Silver Age of Latin literature. He lived during the first century AD and was the son of a wealthy aristocratic family. Not much is known about his personal life; however, it is clear that both Tacitus and Pliny the Elder were acquaintances and even possibly childhood friends, though there is no substantial evidence to support this. Tacitus studied rhetoric in order to create a career in law and politics. He steadily rose throughout the ranks due to his strong speaking style and oration skills. However, his language skills did not stop with verbal speeches. He was also an accomplished writer who focused on the history of the Roman Empire. He created five works, «The Annals,» «The Histories,» «The Agricola,» «The Germania,» and «A Dialogue on Oratory.» His works delve deep into the facts as he knew them, rarely ever embellishing history to create a story. He also stayed true to chronological order and laid history out in visible steps. It is also notable that Tacitus knew that his fellow politicians were corrupt; he believed that they gave up their strong voice in order to please a usually corrupt emperor. These five great works are brought together in this collection of «The Complete Works of Tacitus.»
  • Arguments of Celsus, Porphyry, and the Emperor Julian, Against the Christians Публий Тацит
    "Arguments of Celsus, Porphyry, and the Emperor Julian, Against the Christians" by Flavius Josephus, active 180 Celsus, Emperor of Rome Julian, Cornelius Tacitus, Siculus Diodorus, Porphyry. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • Tacitus: The Histories, Volumes I and II Публий Тацит
    "Tacitus: The Histories, Volumes I and II" by Cornelius Tacitus (translated by W. Hamilton Fyfe). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • Tacitus on Germany Публий Тацит
    "Tacitus on Germany" by Cornelius Tacitus (translated by Thomas Gordon). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • Agricola und Germania Публий Тацит
    Agricola und Germania, zwei kleine Werke zur Geschichte bzw. zur Ethnographie des r?mischen Schriftstellers P. Cornelius Tacitus (um 58 bis ca. 120 n. Chr.), sind in diesem B?ndchen versammelt und ausf?hrlich erl?utert. Die Biographie seines Schwiegervaters Julius Agricola war f?r Tacitus die erste Schrift eines umfassenden Werkes ?ber die (aus seiner Sicht) neuere und neueste Geschichte. Zu den nie an Aktualit?t verlierenden Themen des Werkes geh?rt die Auseinandersetzung mit dem (r?mischen) Imperialismus ebenso wie die mit den 15 Jahren der Gewaltherrschaft Kaiser Domitians, nach der die ?berlebenden Politiker und Schriftsteller Rechenschaft geben mussten ?ber ihre Rolle w?hrend des Staatsterrors. Wie schwer dies war, fasst Tacitus so zusammen: Die Erinnerung daran h?tten wir freilich mit der Stimme verloren, wenn es so in unserer Macht gestanden h?tte, zu vergessen, wie zu schweigen. &t;br/&t; Die Schrift De origine et situ Germanorum ist die einzige aus der Antike erhaltene Monographie, die ein einzelnes Volk beschreibt. Die ?beraus positive Darstellung der Bewohner Germaniens hat manche Historiker im Zeitalter ?bersteigerten Nationalismus dazu verf?hrt, die Germania vor allem als Best?tigung traditioneller deutscher ?berlegenheit aufzufassen, doch gab es auch im 19. Jahrhundert schon viele Wissenschaftler, die in der hier aufschimmernden Kritik an der r?mischen Gesellschaft eine wichtige Absicht des Autors erkannten. Auch in diesem Fall aber bleibt das Buch eine wichtige historische Quelle, denn mit falschen Behauptungen oder durchschaubaren ?bertreibungen h?tte der Autor wohl kaum erwarten k?nnen, in der ?ffentlichkeit ernst genommen zu werden.
  • The Origin and Situation of the Germans Публий Тацит
    "The Origin and Situation of the Germans" by Tacitus (translated by William Jackson Brodribb, Alfred John Church). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • The Life and Death of Julius Agricola Публий Тацит
    "The Life and Death of Julius Agricola" by Tacitus (translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • Dialogue on Orators Публий Тацит
    "Dialogue on Orators" by Tacitus. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • Moeurs des anciens Germains Публий Тацит
    "Moeurs des anciens Germains", de Cornelius Tacitus, traduit par Louis Le Gendre. Publi? par Good Press. Good Press publie un large ?ventail d'ouvrages, o? sont inclus tous les genres litt?raires. Les choix ?ditoriaux des ?ditions Good Press ne se limitent pas aux grands classiques, ? la fiction et ? la non-fiction litt?raire. Ils englobent ?galement les tr?sors, oubli?s ou ? d?couvrir, de la litt?rature mondiale. Nous publions les livres qu'il faut avoir lu. Chaque ouvrage publi? par Good Press a ?t? ?dit? et mis en forme avec soin, afin d'optimiser le confort de lecture, sur liseuse ou tablette. Notre mission est d'?laborer des e-books faciles ? utiliser, accessibles au plus grand nombre, dans un format num?rique de qualit? sup?rieure.
  • Tacitus: The Histories, Volumes I and II Публий Тацит
    "Tacitus: The Histories, Volumes I and II" by Cornelius Tacitus (translated by W. Hamilton Fyfe). Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.
  • The Histories of Tacitus Публий Тацит
    Cornelius Tacitus, a Roman Senator during the first century A.D., is considered to be one of the greatest historians from antiquity. His «Histories» is a classic chronicle of the turbulent transition that occurred following the suicide of Roman Emperor Nero and the Flavian dynasty. During the course of a single year, 69 A.D., Rome was catapulted into a period of chaos and civil war. Cornelius Tacitus's «Histories» is the story of this year and the four successive Roman Emperors of the period. Written just thirty years following the occurrence, Tacitus's work is praised for its authenticity and detailed accuracy.
  • The Complete Works of Tacitus Публий Тацит
    Ancient Roman senator and historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus is known throughout Western history as one of the greatest historical writers of the Silver Age of Latin literature. He lived during the first century AD and was the son of a wealthy aristocratic family. Not much is known about his personal life; however, it is clear that both Tacitus and Pliny the Elder were acquaintances and even possibly childhood friends, though there is no substantial evidence to support this. Tacitus studied rhetoric in order to create a career in law and politics. He steadily rose throughout the ranks due to his strong speaking style and oration skills. However, his language skills did not stop with verbal speeches. He was also an accomplished writer who focused on the history of the Roman Empire. He created five works, «The Annals,» «The Histories,» «The Agricola,» «The Germania,» and «A Dialogue on Oratory.» His works delve deep into the facts as he knew them, rarely ever embellishing history to create a story. He also stayed true to chronological order and laid history out in visible steps. It is also notable that Tacitus knew that his fellow politicians were corrupt; he believed that they gave up their strong voice in order to please a usually corrupt emperor. These five great works are brought together in this collection of «The Complete Works of Tacitus.»
  • The Annals of Imperial Rome Публий Тацит
    One of the most important historical records from classical antiquity, «The Annals of Imperial Rome» chronicles the history of the Roman Empire from the reign of Tiberius beginning in 14 A.D. to the reign of Nero ending in 66 A.D. Written by Cornelius Tacitus, Roman Senator during the second century A.D., «The Annals of Imperial Rome» is a detailed first-hand account of the early Roman Empire. Presented in this volume is the classic translation of Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb.
  • The Agricola and The Germania Публий Тацит
    “The Agricola” and “The Germania” are two important historical works by Cornelius Tacitus, an ancient Roman Senator and historian who lived from 56 AD to 120 AD. Tacitus lived in what historians call the Silver Age of Latin literature and his contributions to the histories of these tumultuous times are considered significant and illuminating. “The Agricola” is a biography of the Roman general Gnaeus Julius Agricola, who was Tacitus’s father-in-law. It is also a geographic and ethnographic history of Ancient Britain. Tacitus draws an unfavorable comparison between the liberty enjoyed by the Britons to the corruption and cruelty of Rome and offers a biting and insightful commentary on the Roman greed that justified the oppression and exploitation of the British people. “The Germania” is an ethnographic study of the peoples believed by Tacitus to be part of the ancient Germanic tribes, including their laws, lands and customs. While these works are not as well-known as Tacitus’ other classics, such as the “Annals”, or the “Histories”, “The Agricola” and “The Germania” remain important first-hand documents of ancient history and people lost to time.
  • Tacitus on Germany Публий Тацит
    Tacitus on Germany by Cornelius Tacitus. Translated by Thomas Gordon libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
  • Tacitus on Germany Публий Тацит
    Tacitus on Germany by Cornelius Tacitus. Translated by Thomas Gordon libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
  • Tacitus on Germany Публий Тацит
    Tacitus on Germany by Cornelius Tacitus. Translated by Thomas Gordon libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
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