Нил Эшер

Neal Asher

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Новинки Нила Эшера

  • Shadow of the Scorpion Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 9781509868483
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: TOR
    Shadow of the Scorpion is a standalone prequel to Neal Asher’s explosive Agent Cormac series.
    Some secrets are too hard to bear . . .
    Following the human vs prador war, Ian Cormac signs up with Earth Central Security. He’s sent out to restore order on worlds devastated by alien bombardment. But he learns humanity can be far more dangerous – even those closest to him.
    Amidst the tragic ruins left by wartime atrocities, Cormac discovers in himself the cold capacity for violence. It’s a quality that’ll make him one of Earth’s top agents. Haunted by childhood memories of a sinister scorpion-shaped war drone, and the burden of losses he doesn’t remember, he’ll discover some hard truths. These will set him on a course of vengeance, where he’ll have to use all his hard-won skills just to stay alive.
  • Infinity Engine Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 9781509868537
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: TOR
    Infinity Engine is the third and final novel in the Transformation trilogy by bestselling science fiction author Neal Asher, following Dark Intelligence and War Factory.
    A man battles for his life, two AIs vie for supremacy and a civilization hangs in the balance…
    Several forces now pursue rogue artificial intelligence Penny Royal, hungry for revenge or redemption. And the Brockle is the most dangerous of all. This criminal swarm-robot AI has escaped confinement and is upgrading itself, becoming ever more powerful in anticipation of a showdown.
    Events also escalate aboard the war factory. Here Thorvald Spear, alien prador, and an assassin drone struggle to stay alive, battling insane AIs and technology gone wild. Then the Weaver arrives - last remnant of a race that died out two million years ago. But what could it contribute to Penny Royal's tortuous plans?
    And beyond the war factory a black hole conceals a tantalizing secret which could destroy the Polity. As AIs, humans and prador clash at its boundary, will anything survive their explosive final confrontation?
  • Двигатель бесконечности Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-344-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский
    На окраинах космоса и в дальних уголках Государства идет сложная игра. Несколько сил продолжают преследовать смертельно опасного и загадочного Пенни Рояла, впрочем, не более опасного, чем Брокл, аналитический ИИ-психопат, преступник, сбежавший из заключения, модернизировавший себя в предвкушении смертельной схватки и ставший еще более могущественным и разумным. На борту завода-станции Цеха 101, гигантской фабрики, давшей жизнь Пенни Роялу, группы людей, чужаков-прадоров и боевых дронов ИИ борются за контроль. Положение усложняется с появлением уткотрепа, известного как Ткач, последнего живого представителя древней и могущественной расы эшетеров. Чего ожидает эшетер от многоходовых сделок с Пенни Роялом? Попадутся ли силы Государства и прадоров на приманку темного ИИ или есть обходной путь? Все части головоломки встают на свои места в изобилующей событиями книге Нила Эшера, последней из трилогии «Трансформация», приводя к порогу черной дыры, внутри которой скрывается страшная тайна, способная уничтожить все Государство.
  • Завод войны Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-272-9
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский
    Торвальд Спир, воскрешенный через сотню лет после гибели, продолжает охотиться на Пенни Рояла, мятежного ИИ и опасного военного преступника, бежавшего от сил Государства. По ту сторону Погоста, где бездействует закон и подстерегает смертельная опасность, Спир идет по следу нескольких враждующих прадоров, крабоподобных чужаков, издавна жестоко конфликтующих с человечеством. Свёрл, генетически модифицированный Пенни Роялом прадор, медленно превращающийся в человека, гонится за другим прадором, питающим глубочайшую ненависть к Государству и ищущим способ возобновить войну с людьми. Блайт, капитан торгового судна и ловец удачи, передает двух пленников и ценные мемпланты, подаренные Пенни Роялом, криминалисту Броклу, опасной сущности, порочному ИИ, имеющему собственные неясные побуждения. Пенни Роял тем временем ищет завод-станцию Цех 101, в военное время производивший вооружение и считавшийся уничтоженным. Что ему там нужно? И найдет ли Спир Пенни Рояла прежде, чем тот доберется до цели?
  • The Warship Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 9781509862511
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: TOR
    Neal Asher takes us on a thrilling ride into interstellar politics and impending war, in this second volume of Rise of the Jain.
    Their nemesis lies in wait . . .
    Orlandine has destroyed the alien Jain super-soldier by deploying an actual black hole. And now that same weapon hoovers up clouds of lethal Jain technology, swarming within the deadly accretion disc's event horizon. All seems just as she planned. Yet behind her back, forces incite rebellion on her home world, planning her assassination.
    Earth Central, humanity's ruling intelligence, knows Orlandine was tricked into releasing her weapon, and fears the Jain are behind it. The prador king knows this too - and both foes gather fleets of warships to surround the disc.
    The alien Client is returning to the accretion disc to save the last of her kind, buried on a ship deep within it. She upgrades her vast weapons platform in preparation, and she'll need it. Her nemesis also waits within the disc's swirling dusts - and the Jain have committed genocide before.
  • The Human Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 9781509862467
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: TOR
    An epic adrenaline-filled space opera, The Human is the final thrilling book in Neal Asher's Rise of the Jain trilogy.
    Their enemy seems unbeatable. But humanity is indomitable…
    A Jain warship has risen from a prison five million years old, wielding a hoard of lethal technology. Its goal is to catch their old enemy, the Client, and it will destroy all who stand in its path.
    Humanity and the prador thought their mutual nemesis - the bane of so many races - was long extinct. But the Jain are back and Orlandine must prepare humanity's defence. She needs the Client's knowledge to counter this ancient threat. But is the enemy of your enemy a friend? Earth Central even looks to the prador for alliance. These old enemies must now learn to trust one another, or face utter annihilation.
    As the Jain warship crosses the galaxy, it seems unstoppable. Human and prador forces alike struggle to withstand its devastating weaponry - far in advance of their own. And Orlandine's life's work has been to neutralize Jain technology, so if she can't triumph, no one can. But could she become what she's vowed to destroy?
  • The Gabble - And Other Stories Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 9781509868506
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: TOR
    An extraordinary collection from the architect of the Polity universe, Neal Asher's The Gabble - And Other Short Stories reveals a universe of unbridled imagination, and each one is a delight in itself.
    Much of Neal Asher's fiction is set in the galactic civilization he calls the Polity, an alliance of human-populated worlds. And in this collection of thirteen marvellously inventive and action-packed short stories, Asher is on top form.
    You can expect conflicted humans, fiendishly clever plot twists, extraordinary technologies and so much more. The discerning reader can also savour tales of alien poisons, the walking dead, the Sea of Death, and the putrefactor symbiont.
    No one does weird, wonderful and downright gruesome aliens better than Neal Asher, so prepare to visit his favourites. Sample the lifestyles of creatures such as the gabbleduck and the hooder, as Asher takes you on a wild ride into his vividly-imagined futures.
  • Prador Moon Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 9781509868469
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: TOR
    Prador Moon is one of Neal Asher's most explosive excursions into the Polity universe - a vivid, visceral, brilliantly intense space opera that you won't forget.
    It takes one encounter to turn peace into war...
    The worlds of the Polity stretch from Earth Central into the unfathomable reaches of the galactic void. And when humanity finally encounters alien life - in the form of massive, hostile carnivores known as the Prador - there can only be one outcome. Total warfare.
    Chaos reigns as, caught unawares, the Polity struggles to regain control. It must try and remake itself into a military society as starships clash, planets fall and space stations are overrun. But for Jebel Krong and Moria Salem, trapped at the centre of the action, this war is far more than a clash of cultures or technology versus brute force. This war is personal.
  • Gridlinked Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 9781509868384
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: TOR
    The hunter becomes the hunted in Gridlinked, the first sci-fi thriller in Neal Asher's compelling Agent Cormac series.
    When a portal to other planets explodes on Samarkand, thousands are killed and a terraforming project is obliterated. Earth Central Security suspects sabotage - and assigns a legendary investigator. But Agent Ian Cormac has his own problems. Years spent mentally linked to the Polity's AI network have eroded his humanity, and this gridlink has to be severed or he'll die. Without it, he has only his wits (and Shuriken, a throwing star with a mind of its own) to rely on.
    Cormac's disastrous last mission also haunts him - as a psychopath and a murderous android track him across the galaxy, seeking revenge. Meanwhile, the ice-bound planet of Samarkand hides deadly secrets beneath its surface... secrets Cormac is about to disturb.
  • Темный разум Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-242-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский

    Он преодолеет смерть ради мести. Она откажется от своей человеческой природы ради власти. Но никому нельзя играть в подобные игры безнаказанно… Торвальд Спир просыпается в больнице и узнает, что был воскрешен из мертвых. Хуже того, он погиб на войне с инопланетянами, которая закончилась столетие назад. Вспоминая ужасные обстоятельства своей гибели, он внезапно обнаруживает смысл жизни. Этот смысл – месть. Изабель Сатоми управляет могущественным преступным синдикатом. Но после атаки конкурентов она понимает: ей нужно еще больше власти. Ради этого она заключает некую сделку, благодаря кот орой отчасти трансформируется в искусственный…

  • The Soldier Neal Asher
    ISBN: 978-1509862399
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Macmillan
    Язык: Английский
    In a far corner of space, on the very borders between humanity’s Polity worlds and the kingdom of the vicious crab-like prador, is an immediate threat to all sentient life: an accretion disc, a solar system designed by the long-dead Jain race and swarming with living technology powerful enough to destroy entire civilizations.

    Neither the Polity or the prador want the other in full control of the disc, so they’ve placed an impartial third party in charge of the weapons platform guarding the technology from escaping into the galaxy: Orlandine, a part-human, part-AI haiman. She’s assisted by Dragon, a mysterious, spaceship-sized alien entity who has long been suspicious of Jain technology and who suspects the disc is a trap lying-in-wait.

    Meanwhile, the android Angel is planning an attack on the Polity, and is searching for a terrible weapon to carry out his plans?a Jain super-soldier. But what exactly the super-soldier is, and what it could be used for if it fell into the wrong hands, will bring Angel and Orlandine’s missions to a head in a way that could forever change the balance of power in the Polity universe.

    In The Soldier, British science fiction writer Neal Asher kicks off another Polity-based trilogy in signature fashion, concocting a mind-melting plot filled with far-future technology, lethal weaponry, and bizarre alien creations.
  • The Soldier Neal Asher
    ISBN: 978-1597809436
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Night Shade Books
    Язык: Английский
    Humanity, artificial intelligences, and monstrous aliens clash over control of deadly technology in this explosive beginning to Neal Asher’s newest Polity series.

    In a far corner of space, on the very borders between humanity’s Polity worlds and the kingdom of the vicious crab-like prador, is an immediate threat to all sentient life: an accretion disc, a solar system designed by the long-dead Jain race and swarming with living technology powerful enough to destroy entire civilizations.

    Neither the Polity or the prador want the other in full control of the disc, so they’ve placed an impartial third party in charge of the weapons platform guarding the technology from escaping into the galaxy: Orlandine, a part-human, part-AI haiman. She’s assisted by Dragon, a mysterious, spaceship-sized alien entity who has long been suspicious of Jain technology and who suspects the disc is a trap lying-in-wait.

    Meanwhile, the android Angel is planning an attack on the Polity, and is searching for a terrible weapon to carry out his plans―a Jain super-soldier. But what exactly the super-soldier is, and what it could be used for if it fell into the wrong hands, will bring Angel and Orlandine’s missions to a head in a way that could forever change the balance of power in the Polity universe.

    In The Soldier, British science fiction writer Neal Asher kicks off another Polity-based trilogy in signature fashion, concocting a mind-melting plot filled with far-future technology, lethal weaponry, and bizarre alien creations.
  • Темный Разум Нил Эшер
    ISBN: 978-5-91878-246-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Фантастика Книжный Клуб
    Язык: Русский

    Он преодолеет смерть ради мести. Она откажется от своей человеческой природы ради власти. Но никому нельзя играть в подобные игры безнаказанно… Торвальд Спир просыпается в больнице и узнает, что был воскрешен из мертвых. Хуже того, он погиб на войне с инопланетянами, которая закончилась столетие назад. Вспоминая ужасные обстоятельства своей гибели, он внезапно обнаруживает смысл жизни. Этот смысл – месть. Изабель Сатоми управляет могущественным преступным синдикатом. Но после атаки конкурентов она понимает: ей нужно еще больше власти. Ради этого она заключает некую сделку, благодаря которой отчасти трансформируется в искусственный…

  • Infinity Engine Neal Asher
    ISBN: 1-5098-4347-7, 978-1-5098-4347-3
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    "Infinity Engine is the third and final novel in the Transformation series, by bestselling science fiction author Neal Asher, following Dark Intelligence and War Factory.

    A man battles for his life, two AIs vie for supremacy and a civilization hangs in the balance . . .

    Several forces now pursue rogue artificial intelligence Penny Royal, hungry for revenge or redemption. And the Brockle is the most dangerous of all. This criminal swarm-robot AI has escaped confinement and is upgrading itself, becoming ever more powerful in anticipation of a showdown.

    Events also escalate aboard the war factory. Here Thorvald Spear, alien prador, and an assassin drone struggle to stay alive, battling insane AIs and technology gone wild. Then the Weaver arrives - last remnant of a race that died out two million years ago. But what could it contribute to Penny Royal's tortuous plans?

    And beyond the war factory a black hole conceals a tantalizing secret which could destroy the Polity. As AIs, humans and prador clash at its boundary, will anything survive their explosive final confrontation?"
  • War Factory Neal Asher
    ISBN: 1-5098-1717-4, 978-1-5098-1717-7
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    Thorvald Spear, resurrected from his death over a hundred years earlier, continues to hunt Penny Royal, the rogue AI and dangerous war criminal on the run from Polity forces. Beyond the Graveyard, a lawless and deadly area in deep space, Spear follows the trail of several enemy Prador, the crab-like alien species with a violent history of conflict with humanity. Sverl, a Prador genetically modified by Penny Royal and slowly becoming human, pursues Cvorn, a Prador harboring deep hatred for the Polity looking to use him and other hybrids to reignite the dormant war with mankind. Blite, captain of a bounty hunting ship, hands over two…

  • Dark Intelligence Neal Asher
    ISBN: 1-4472-6002-3, 978-1-4472-6002-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    One man will transcend death to seek vengeance. One woman will transform herself to gain power. And no one will emerge unscathed... Thorvald Spear wakes in hospital, where he finds he's been brought back from the dead. What's more, he died in a human vs. alien war which ended a whole century ago. But when he relives his traumatic final moments, he finds the spark to keep on living. That spark is vengeance. Trapped and desperate on a world surrounded by alien Prador forces, Spear had seen a rescue ship arriving. But instead of providing backup, Penny Royal, the AI within the destroyer turned rogue. It annihilated friendly forces in a…

  • Dark Intelligence Neal Asher
    ISBN: 0-230-75072-9, 978-0-230-75072-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    One man will transcend death to seek vengeance. One woman will transform herself to gain power. And no one will emerge unscathed... Thorvald Spear wakes in hospital, where he finds he's been brought back from the dead. What's more, he died in a human vs. alien war which ended a whole century ago. But when he relives his traumatic final moments, he finds the spark to keep on living. That spark is vengeance. Trapped and desperate on a world surrounded by alien Prador forces, Spear had seen a rescue ship arriving. But instead of providing backup, Penny Royal, the AI within the destroyer turned rogue. It annihilated friendly forces in a…

  • Dark Intelligence Neal Asher
    ISBN: 1-59780-824-5, 978-1-59780-824-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Night Shade Books
    Язык: Английский

    "Dark Intelligence is the first novel in the Transformation series, a no-holds-barred adventure set in Neal Asher's popular Polity universe. One man will transcend death to seek vengeance. One woman will transform herself to gain power. And no one will emerge unscathed . . . Thorvald Spear wakes in hospital, where he finds he's been brought back from the dead. What's more, he died in a human vs. alien war which ended a whole century ago. But when he relives his traumatic final moments, he finds the spark to keep on living. That spark is vengeance. Trapped and desperate on a world surrounded by alien Prador forces, Spear had seen a…

  • Jupiter War Neal Asher
    ISBN: 0-330-52453-4, 978-0-330-52453-7
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    War threatens to destroy Earth’s last hope in the final installment of the Owner trilogy!

    Alan Saul is now part human and part machine. He craves the stars, yet his human side still controls him; he can’t leave his to sister die. He must leave Argus Station and stage a dangerous rescue. But Saul’s robots make his crew feel increasingly redundant, sowing the seeds of mutiny and betrayal.

    Serene Galahad, Earth’s ruthless dictator, hides her crimes from a cowed populace as she desperately readies a new attack on Saul. She aims to destroy her enemy in a vicious display of violence.

    The Scourge limps back to Earth, its earlier mission to annihilate Saul a failure. Some members of the decimated crew plan to murder Galahad before she has them murdered for their failure, but Clay Ruger plans to negotiate for his life. Events build to a climax as Ruger holds humanity’s greatest asset—seeds to rebuild a dying Earth. This stolen Gene Bank data is offered at a price, but what will Galahad pay for humanity’s future?

    Neal Asher has been thrilling science fiction fans for over a decade with his Polity series. Jupiter War brings his new Owner trilogy to a stunning conclusion.

    Skyhorse Publishing, under our Night Shade and Talos imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of titles for readers interested in science fiction (space opera, time travel, hard SF, alien invasion, near-future dystopia), fantasy (grimdark, sword and sorcery, contemporary urban fantasy, steampunk, alternative history), and horror (zombies, vampires, and the occult and supernatural), and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller, a national bestseller, or a Hugo or Nebula award-winner, we are committed to publishing quality books from a diverse group of authors.
  • Zero Point Neal Asher
    ISBN: 0-330-52452-6, 978-0-330-52452-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Earth's Zero Asset citizens no longer face extermination. Thanks to Alan Saul, the Committee's despotic network is in ruins and its robotic enforcers lie dormant. But the ruthless Serene Galahad sees an opportunity to grab power. On Mars, Var Delex fights for Antares Base's survival, while the Argus Space Station hurtles towards the red planet. And Var knows whomever, or whatever, trashed Earth is still aboard. She must not only save the base, but deal with the first signs of rebellion. And aboard Argus Station, Alan Saul's mind has expanded into the local computer network. In the process, he uncovers the ghastly experiments of the Humanoid Unit Development, the possibility of eternal life, and a madman who may hold the keys to interstellar flight. But Earth's agents are closer than Saul thinks, and the killing will soon begin.
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