Алисия Бак — о писателе
- Родилась: Солт-Лейк-Сити, штат Юта, США
Биография — Алисия Бак
Alicia Buck was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on a cold November day and has hated the cold ever since. Luckily, she lives in the desert now with her husband, Jason, and three children. Alicia loves to read, and goes through stages where she reads a book a day despite the difficulty of kids always wanting attention. She graduated from Brigham Young Universtiy with a bachelors in English and had to constantly defend her major when she had absolutely no desire to teach. "Flecks of Gold" is Alicia's first novel.
Смотреть 1Библиография
• Flecks of Gold (2010) / Вспышки золота [ЛП]
• Out of the Ashes (2015)