ptytca 24 апреля 2019 г., 21:23 Пожаловаться I never tire of praising Armin and all that I learnt from him. Whatever I, Jensen, have accomplished, compared to what Armin accomplished, it is, if you will excude the expression, nothing but a "piss a Mississippi". Evolution, Cognition, and the History of Religion: A New Synthesis Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Ingvild Salid Gilhus, Luther H. Martin, Jeppe Sinding Jensen, Jesper Sorensen 0,0
ptytca 24 апреля 2019 г., 18:05 Пожаловаться Based on Armin's huge corpus of texts, we have applied a digital approach that clearly demonstrates an unequivocal pattern evidenced by the three letter combination: PhD. But there is an enigmatic aspect to this. Formally, Armin does not hold a PhD. He holds the higher Danish doctoral degree. Yet, we contend that Armin is… Развернуть Evolution, Cognition, and the History of Religion: A New Synthesis Anders Klostergaard Petersen, Ingvild Salid Gilhus, Luther H. Martin, Jeppe Sinding Jensen, Jesper Sorensen 0,0