Джоанна Рут Мейер

Joanna Ruth Meyer

  • 6 книг
  • 7 подписчиков
  • 1261 читателей
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Новинки Джоанны Рут Мейер

  • Wind Daughter Джоанна Рут Мейер
    ISBN: 9781645674368
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Page Street Kids
    In the dark, cold reaches of the north lives a storyteller and his daughter. He told his daughter, Satu, many stories--romances like the girl who loved a star and changed herself into a nightingale so she could always see him shining--but the most important story he told her was his own. This storyteller was once the formidable North Wind, but he lost his power by trading it away in exchange for mortality--he loved her mother too much to live without her. The loss of his magic impacted more than just their family, however, and now the world is unraveling in the wake of this imbalance.

    To save the North, Satu embarks on a perilous journey to reclaim her father's magic, but she isn't the only one searching for it. In the snow-laden mountains, she finds herself in a deadly race with the Winter Lord who wants the North Wind's destructive powers for himself.

    Satu has the chance to be the heroine of her own fairy tale, only this one has an ending she never could have imagined.
  • В бессердечном лесу Джоанна Рут Мейер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-121289-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Глупец тот, кто попытается пройти сквозь Гвиденский лес. Здесь поют смертоносные сирены, обрекая каждого на смерть. Души несчастных кормят бессердечное дерево, даруя злой ведьме, что правит лесом, непобедимую силу. СЕРЕНА Я родилась деревом. Ни страха, ни желаний. Только сияние звезд. Мать пожелала, чтобы я стала монстром. Песнями я заманивала людей в лес и ломала их как мертвые ветки. И его сломала бы. Но он дал мне имя. Серена, что значит Звезда. ОУЭН Мы живем на границе леса. Только здесь отец видит звезды. Музыка заманила в лес мою мать. Восемь дочерей Гвиден растерзали ее на кусочки. Теперь погибнем и мы с…

  • Into the Heartless Wood Джоанна Рут Мейер
    ISBN: 9781645671701
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Page Street Kids
    Язык: Английский
    Epic, heartbreaking, and darkly atmospheric, Into the Heartless Wood is the story of impossible love between a monstrous tree siren and a boy who lives at the edge of her wood.

    The forest is a dangerous place, where siren song lures men and women to their deaths. For centuries, a witch has harvested souls to feed the heartless tree, using its power to grow her domain.

    When Owen Merrick is lured into the witch’s wood, one of her tree-siren daughters, Seren, saves his life instead of ending it. Every night, he climbs over the garden wall to see her, and every night her longing to become human deepens. But a shift in the stars foretells a dangerous curse, and Seren’s quest to become human will lead them into an ancient war raging between the witch and the king who is trying to stop her.
  • Эхо Севера Джоанна Рут Мейер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-102476-5
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Ее зовут Эхо. Она девушка-изгой, чью красоту отнял безжалостный хищник. Но никакие невзгоды не способны ожесточить девушку. Ради спасения отца она готова пожертвовать свободой, став пленницей того самого белого волка, который когда-то на нее напал. Теперь Эхо живет в лесу, в зачарованном доме, став его хранительницей. Она собирает лунный и солнечный свет, кормит животных и следит за зеркальной библиотекой. Вот только проклятие этого необычного места сильнее, а тайна волка куда мрачнее, чем Эхо могла себе представить. Теперь девушке предстоит встретиться с древними силами, что управляют лесом, и воспользоваться самым сильным…

  • Echo North Джоанна Рут Мейер
    ISBN: 978-1624147159
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Page Street Kids
    Язык: Английский
    Echo Alkaev’s safe and carefully structured world falls apart when her father leaves for the city and mysteriously disappears. Believing he is lost forever, Echo is shocked to find him half-frozen in the winter forest six months later, guarded by a strange talking wolf―the same creature who attacked her as a child. The wolf presents Echo with an ultimatum: if she lives with him for one year, he will ensure her father makes it home safely. But there is more to the wolf than Echo realizes.
    In his enchanted house beneath a mountain, each room must be sewn together to keep the home from unraveling, and something new and dark and strange lies behind every door. When centuries-old secrets unfold, Echo discovers a magical library full of books- turned-mirrors, and a young man named Hal who is trapped inside of them. As the year ticks by, the rooms begin to disappear and Echo must solve the mystery of the wolf’s enchantment before her time is up otherwise Echo, the wolf, and Hal will be lost forever.
  • Beneath the Haunting Sea Джоанна Рут Мейер
    ISBN: 9781624145346
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Page Street
    Язык: Английский
    Sixteen-year-old Talia was born to a life of certainty and luxury, destined to become Empress of half the world. But when an ambitious rival seizes power, she and her mother are banished to a nowhere province on the far edge of the Northern Sea.

    It is here, in the drafty halls of the Ruen-Dahr, that Talia discovers family secrets, a melancholy boy with a troubling vision of her future, and a relic that holds the power of an ancient Star. On these shores, the eerie melody of the sea is stronger than ever, revealing long-forgotten tales of the Goddess Rahn. The more dark truths that Talia unravels about the gods' history--and her own--the more the waves call to her, and it may be her destiny to answer.