Лучшие книги Дональда Робертсона
- 5 изданий на 2 языках
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Думай как римский император: стоическая философия Марка Аврелия Дональд Робертсон
ISBN: 978-5-04-113134-0 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Эксмо, Бомбора Язык: Русский "Думай как римский император" – вдохновляющая история жизни Марка Аврелия, сопровождающаяся практическими примерами стратегий и техник стоиков. Когнитивный психотерапевт, Дональд Робертсон, рассказывает о конкретных способах достичь душевной гармонии. Преодолеть тревогу, злость и утрату. Обрести осознанность и следовать истинным добродетелям. -
Stoicism and the Art of Happiness: Practical wisdom for everyday life: embrace perseverance, strength and happiness with stoic philosophy Дональд Робертсон
ISBN: 978-1473674783 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Teach Yourself Язык: Английский The stoics lived a long time ago, but they had some startling insights into the human condition - insights which endure to this day. The philosophical tradition, founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in 301 BC, endured as an active movement for almost 500 years, and contributions from dazzling minds such as Cicero, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius helped create a body of thought with an extraordinary goal - to provide a rational, healthy way of living in harmony with the nature of the universe and in respect of our relationships with each other.
In many ways a precursor to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Stoicism provides an armamentarium of strategies and techniques for developing psychological resilience, while celebrating all in life which is beautiful and important. By learning what stoicism is, you can revolutionise your life and learn how to seize the day, live happily and be a better person.
This simple, empowering book shows how to use this ancient wisdom to make practical, positive changes to your life. Using thought-provoking case studies, highlighting key ideas and things to remember and providing tools for self-assessment, it demonstrates that Stoicism is a proven, profound pathway to happiness.