Джеймс Гриппандо

James Grippando

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Лучшие книги Джеймса Гриппандо

  • Тот, кто умрет последним Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 5-17-036653-1, 5-9713-2213-3, 5-9578-3990-6
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига
    Язык: Русский
    Красавица Салли, умирая от неизлечимой болезни, завещала их ШЕСТИ СВОИМ ВРАГАМ – детективу, не нашедшему убийцу ее дочери, жестокому бывшему мужу, продажному адвокату, лживой журналистке, таинственному преследователю, превратившему ее жизнь в ад, и... КИЛЛЕРУ, отказавшемуся избавить ее от мучительной медленной смерти.
    Единственное условие: ВСЕ СОРОК ШЕСТЬ МИЛЛИОНОВ ДОЛЛАРОВ достанутся ОДНОМУ человеку – тому, кто ПЕРЕЖИВЕТ ОСТАЛЬНЫХ!
    Потенциальные наследники начинают гибнуть – их убивают одного за другим.
    И единственный, кто способен прекратить бойню, – это опытный адвокат, защищающий интересы несостоявшеюся киллера Салли.
  • Губительная ложь Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 978-5-9910-0060-4
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков, Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Белгород
    Язык: Русский

    Ложь губительна. Она убивает - не в переносном, а в прямом смысле слова. К такому выводу подводит читателя Джеймс Гриппандо. Герои книги, адвокат Кевин Стоукс и преуспевающий детский врач Пейтон Шиддс, - любящая счастливая пара. На их супружеском небосклоне - ни облачка. Но однажды вынужденная ложь мужа едва не приводит к гибели жены. За ней тянется другая ложь, корни которой - в давней, тщательно оберегаемой тайне родителей Пейтон... Ложь плетет свою паутину, рождая чудовищ и угрожая жизни героев. Удастся ли им без потерь выпутаться из этих тонко сплетенных сетей?

  • Вне подозрений Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 5-17-028945-6, 5-9660-1223-7
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: АСТ, Люкс
    Язык: Русский
    Джек Свайтек — звезда уголовного, а не гражданского права… но он согласен представлять в суде интересы бывшей возлюбленной, требующей целого состояния по страховке.
    Чистое дело, в котором юрист обречен победить!
    Но когда клиентка Джека внезапно погибает, ему приходится вновь воспользоваться своим талантом детектива.
    Очень уж подозрительно выглядят обстоятельства ее смерти.
    И что самое неприятное — труп несчастной найден в ванной комнате… самого Джека.
    Он может доказать свою невиновность только одним способом — найти настоящего убийцу…
  • Под покровом тьмы Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 5-17-042107-9, 5-9713-4307-6, 5-9762-2504-7, 978-985-13-9972-3
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский
    Жизнь удачливого молодого юриста Гаса Уитли шла по восходящей — блестящая карьера, высокие доходы, прекрасная семья. И вдруг его мир, всегда такой надежный, в одночасье рухнул — БЕССЛЕДНО ИСЧЕЗЛА его жена. Агенты ФБР и полицейские, ведущие дело, поначалу уверены: она — очередная жертва беспощадного маньяка, орудующего в городе. Но очень скоро появляются обстоятельства, позволяющие им принять другую версию: пропавшая — не жертва, а СОУЧАСТНИЦА преступлений неуловимого убийцы… Кто, кроме Гаса, может защитить женщину, которую он любит? Гас начинает собственное расследование, и теперь его самого все чаще мучает вопрос: ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО ЛИ ОНА НЕВИНОВНА?! Слишком много роковых совпадений и слишком мало женщина, портрет которой вырисовывается, напоминает ему жену, о которой он знал, казалось бы, все…
  • Не вижу зла Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 966-343-381-7
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков, Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Белгород
    Язык: Русский
    Короткие рубленые фразы, скупые описания, максимально нагруженный драматургией текст. Уже на нескольких первых страницах столько сюжетных поворотов, что их вполне хватило бы на роман тетушки Агаты. Только у нее все выяснилось бы в конце. Гриппандо, как и его литературных учителей, интересует не процесс вождения читателя за нос со всеми его ловушками, ложными подсказками, умолчаниями, а психология героев и социология общества. Конечно, здесь не обошлось без отца жанра «правового детектива» Эрла Стенли Гарднера с его знаменитыми, растянутыми на весь роман, судебными поединками и неизменным победителем в них адвокатом Перри Мейсоном. Впрочем, удивляться тут нечему — Джеймс Гриппандо двенадцать лет работал адвокатом в судах первой инстанции.
  • Смерть в кредит Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 978-5-17-055372-3
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    «Заплати столько, сколько стоит ее жизнь!». Вот требование Оценщика – таинственного преступника, похищающего жен, дочерей и невест богачей. Если сумма не устроит Оценщика, женщину ждет мучительная смерть. Но миллиардер Салазар, чья жена Мия стала очередной жертвой Оценщика, отказывается идти на сделку с похитителем… И теперь Мие угрожает смертельная опасность. Полиция и ФБР пытаются схватить Оценщика – но пока безуспешно. Влюбленный в Мию адвокат Джек Свайтек понимает: пока не поздно, он сам должен найти убийцу и спасти любимую…

  • Легкие деньги Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 5-17-034526-7, 5-9713-1599-4, 5-9578-3322-3
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига
    Язык: Русский
    Легкие деньги...
    Двести тысяч долларов однажды получила по почте Эми Паркенс, экономящая каждый цент...
    Два миллиона долларов завещал скромный электрик из захолустного городка своему сыну Райану Даффи.
    Откуда взялись такие огромные деньги?!
    Эми и Райан пытаются выяснить это и неожиданно узнают о темном прошлом своих родителей - о кошмаре, где были не только ложь и шантаж, но даже изнасилование и убийство...
    Чем ближе они подходят к истине, тем яснее понимают - прошлое возвращается, а легкие деньги могут стоить жизни им обоим...
  • Когда сгущается тьма Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 978-5-17-050647-7, 978-5-403-01129-7
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, АCТ
    Язык: Русский
    Человек, зовущий себя Фэлконом, захватил заложников, заперся с ними в номере мотеля и выдвинул невероятные условия: во-первых, он требует, чтобы с его счета на Багамах сняли двести тысяч долларов; во-вторых, хочет без свидетелей поговорить с дочерью мэра Алисией.
    Откуда у нищего бродяги счет в банке?
    Что может связывать его с дочерью самого влиятельного человека в городе?
    Полиция уверена - Фэлкон просто сошел с ума.
    Однако адвокат Джеймс Свайтек, которого хранители закона привлекли к участию в переговорах, уверен: Фэлкон вовсе не безумен.
    Он настаивает на приостановке операции спецназа по ликвидации преступника - и начинает собственное расследование.
    Выводы, к которым приходит опытный юрист, устанавливая обстоятельства жизни Фэлкона, шокируют даже его...
  • The Pardon James Grippando
    ISBN: 006109286X
    Год издания: 1995
    Язык: Английский
    Jack Swyteck, a brilliant Miami defense attorney has spent years rebelling against his father, Harry, now Florida's governor. Their estrangement seems complete when Harry allows one of Jack's clients -- a man Jack believes is innocent -- to die in the electric chair.

    But when a psychopath bent on serving his own twisted version of justice places both Jack and Harry in extreme jeopardy, the two have nowhere to turn but to each other. Together they must find a way to overcome their cunning tormentor's manipulation . . . even as the stakes are being raised to far more perilous heights.
  • Goodbye Girl Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 9780063223844
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    A contentious intellectual piracy case leads to an unsolved murder, and Jack Swyteck’s client—a pop music icon—is the accused killer.

    Piracy costs the movie and music industry billions. No one has been able to stop it. But that won’t stop Miami criminal defense lawyer Jack Swyteck. His latest client, Imani Nichols, is a Grammy-winning popstar whose career has skyrocketed. Despite her success, she’s the most underpaid superstar on the planet because of an onerous record contract she signed as a teenager with her now ex-husband Shaky Nichols, who has made himself rich off her royalties.

    Preferring to see thieves profit from her music than let her ex-husband pocket one more dime, Imani takes to social media and tells her millions of fans to “go pirate” and download her music illegally. Her hardball tactic leads to scorched-earth litigation, and now she needs Jack’s help.

    The case takes a deadly turn when salacious allegations of infidelity send Imani and Shaky down a path of mutual assured destruction, each implicating the other in the unsolved murder of Imani’s extra-marital lover twelve years ago. Tyler McCormick died of asphyxiation, and his body was found in Biscayne Bay, chained to a piling with the words "goodbye girl" impressed on his chest. Despite their fierce denials, Imani and Shakey are both indicted for murder, leading to a sensational trial that exposes shocking secrets about their failed marriage, their cut-throat business partnership, and Imani’s astonishing success.

    Yet as Jack discovers, uncovering the truth about the killing and the cryptic “goodbye girl” won’t just exonerate or convict his client, her ex, and their music empire. It may shape the future of the entire recording industry.
  • The Big Lie James Grippando
    ISBN: 0-06-291504-5, 978-0-06-291504-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    As the Electoral College battle for the White House lands in a Florida courtroom, Miami attorney Jack Swyteck has never felt farther from the truth, fighting for a "faithless elector," caught between a corrupt president and his manipulative opponent - with each revelation more explosive than the next.The country is reeling. For the sixth time in American history, the winner of the popular vote will not occupy the Oval Office. President Malcolm MacLeod, the Machiavellian incumbent, was spared from impeachment only because his political foes were certain they would oust him at the ballot box. Now, he appears to have secured a second term, thanks to a narrow victory in the Electoral College.

    His opponent, Florida Senator Evan Stahl, saw his campaign rocked by allegations of an extramarital affair - with another man. Despite the salacious headline-making scandal and the surrounding media frenzy, most Americans chose Stahl to lead the politically polarized nation. But Stahl is refusing to concede. Backed by millions of supporters, he looks to individual members of the Electoral College to cross party lines.

    Gun lobbyist Charlotte Holmes is one of Floridas twenty-nine electors who is bound by law and by oath to cast her vote for MacLeod, who won Florida by the thinnest of margins. When Charlotte announces that she intends to vote her conscience and throw the Electoral College to Stahl, the president and his Florida machine haul her into court on felony charges - which, for some, isn't nearly punishment enough.

    Miami attorney Jack Swyteck is going to use every legal maneuver he can to keep his new client free - and alive. MacLeod's hand-picked prosecutor is determined to prove Charlotte is unfit to cast a vote. Dredging through her past, he's looking for skeletons to humiliate and discredit her, while others with far deadlier intentions have begun acting on their threats.

    As the pressure mounts, Charlotte and Jack must decide how far they'll go to stand their ground in the stand-your-ground state.
  • The Girl in the Glass Box James Grippando
    ISBN: 0-06-265783-6, 978-0-06-265783-1
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    Miami attorney Jack Swyteck lands in the heart of the contentious immigration debate when he takes on the heart-wrenching case of an undocumented immigrant who fled to America to protect her daughter and save herself, in this timely and pulse-pounding thriller that explores the stories behind the headlines from New York Times bestselling author James Grippando, winner of the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction.

    Julia Rodriguez and her teenage daughter Beatriz escaped bloodthirsty gangs, random violence and, Julia's abusive husband back in El Salvador. Arriving in Miami, mother and daughter struggled to carve their own piece of the American dream. While life in the States is hard, it is safer, until Julia's rejects her boss's unwanted sexual advances. Suddenly - thanks to an "anonymous" tip to U. S. immigration authorities - she is arrested, locked in detention with criminals, and slated for deportation. Jack's only viable legal move to save her is asylum - a long shot that's become nearly impossible in today's charged political climate.

    When Julia and Beatriz made the perilous trek north to freedom, they thought they'd left the danger behind them. But now, even Miami isn't safe. A ruthless enemy may have tracked them to south Florida and is biding time, patiently waiting to strike.

    In a case where the stakes have never been higher, Jack Sywteck may not be able to save his client - even if he wins.
  • A Death in Live Oak Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 0062657828
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    From the 2017 winner of the Harper Lee Prize for legal fiction comes a powerful and timely story of race, politics, injustice, and murder as shocking and incendiary as today’s headlines.

    When the body of Jamal Cousin, president of the pre-eminent black fraternity at the Florida's flagship university, is discovered hogtied in the Stygian water swamps of the Suwanee River Valley, the death sets off a firestorm that threatens to rage out of control when a fellow student, Mark Towson, the president of a prominent white fraternity, is accused of the crime.

    Contending with rising political tensions, racial unrest, and a sensational media, Towson’s defense attorney, Jack Swyteck, knows that the stakes could not be higher—inside or outside the old Suwanee County Couthouse. The evidence against his client, which includes a threatening text message referencing "strange fruit" on the river, seems overwhelming. Then Jack gets a break that could turn the case. Jamal's gruesome murder bears disturbing similarities to another lynching that occurred back in the Jim Crow days of 1944. Are the chilling parallels purely coincidental? With a community in chaos and a young man’s life in jeopardy, Jack will use every resource to find out.

    As he navigates each twist and turn of the search, Jack becomes increasingly convinced that his client may himself be the victim of a criminal plan more sinister than the case presented by the state attorney. Risking his own reputation, this principled man who has devoted his life to the law plunges headfirst into the darkest recesses of the South’s past, and its murky present, to uncover answers.

    For Jack, it's about the truth. Traversing time, from the days of strict segregation to the present, he’ll find it—no matter what the cost—and bring much-needed justice to Suwanee County.
  • Most Dangerous Place Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 0062440578
    Год издания: 2017
    Язык: Английский
    Defending a woman accused of murdering the man who sexually assaulted her, Miami lawyer Jack Swyteck must uncover where the truth lies between innocence, vengeance, and justice in this spellbinding tale of suspense—based on shocking true-life events—from the New York Times bestselling author of Gone Again.

    According to the FBI, the most dangerous place for a woman between the ages of twenty and thirty is in a relationship with a man. Those statistics become all too personal when Jack Swyteck takes on a new client tied to his past.

    It begins at the airport, where Jack is waiting to meet his old high school buddy, Keith Ingraham, a high-powered banker based in Hong Kong, coming to Miami for his young daughter’s surgery. But their long-awaited reunion is abruptly derailed when the police arrest Keith’s wife, Isabelle, in the terminal, accusing her of conspiring to kill the man who raped her in college. Jack quickly agrees to represent Isa, but soon discovers that to see justice done, he must separate truth from lies—an undertaking that proves more complicated than the seasoned attorney expects.

    Inspired by an actual case involving a victim of sexual assault sent to prison for the death of her attacker, James Grippando’s twisty thriller brilliantly explores the fine line between victim and perpetrator, innocence and guilt, and cold-blooded revenge and rightful retribution.
  • Gone Again Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 0062368729
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    Sashi Burgette vanished three years ago on her way to school. The night after the teenager’s disappearance, ex-con Dylan Reeves was stopped for drunk driving. An article of Sashi’s clothing was found in his truck, and a police videotape of his drunken explanation under interrogation sealed his fate at trial. Now, just days from Kyle’s execution, Sashi’s mother visits Jack Swyteck, doing pro bono work at the Freedom Institute, and delivers shocking news: “Sashi called me.”

    The police dismiss the call as a cruel hoax. The State Attorney refuses to consider the new evidence, insisting the case is closed. The governor has already signed the death warrant. An innocent man may be executed and time is running out—unless his lawyers can locate Sashi.

    A man of principle who believes in justice, Jack jumps into the investigation. But the deeper he digs the more he discovers that nothing is what it appears to be. Not the victim. Not her alleged killer. And definitely not Sashi’s parents, whose grief ruptured their marriage, each openly blaming the other for what happened to their daughter.

    As their gut-wrenching and hopelessly conflicting version of events unfolds in a Miami courtroom, it becomes clear there is something even more difficult to find than a long-missing girl . . .

    The truth.
  • Black Horizon Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 0062109898
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    In Black Horizon, a riveting and timely thriller drawn from tomorrow's headlines, New York Times bestselling author James Grippando brings back popular Miami criminal defense attorney Jack Swyteck in an international case involving a devastating oil spill that pits him against his most villainous adversaries yet.

    Three summers after the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe, oil is again spewing into the ocean—from a drilling explosion in Cuban waters sixty miles off the Florida Keys, creating a politically complex and volatile situation. Representing an American woman whose Cuban husband was killed on the rig, Jack finds himself in dangerous waters when he discovers that his incendiary case may be lethally connected to his new wife Andi's undercover assignment for the FBI . . . and that the looming environmental catastrophe may have been no "accident" at all.
  • Blood Money James Grippando
    ISBN: 0-06-223973-2, 978-0-06-223973-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    New York Times bestselling author James Grippando delivers a powerful, nonstop thrill ride ripped from the headlines. Miami criminal defense attorney Jack Swyteck is back in his most frightening case yet, and this time the price of victory is measured in blood.

    It is the most sensational murder trial since O. J. Simpson's. The nation is obsessed with Sydney Bennett, a sexy nightclub waitress and good-time girl accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter for cramping her party life. When he had agreed to defend Sydney, Jack Swyteck knew he'd be taking on the toughest and most controversial case of his career.

    Millions of "TV jurors" have convicted Sydney in the court of public opinion.

    When the shocking verdict of not guilty is announced, citizens across the country are outraged, and Jack is bombarded by the fallout: angry, profanity-laced phone calls and even outright threats. Media-fed rumors of "blood money"—purported seven-figure book and movie deals—ratchet up the hysteria, putting Jack's client and everyone around her at risk.

    On the night of Sydney's release, an angry mob outside the jail has gathered to serve its own justice. In the frenzy, an innocent young woman bearing a striking resemblance to the reviled Sydney Bennett ends up in a coma. While the media blame Jack and his defense team, the victim's parents reach out to him, requesting his help. They don't believe the attack was the tragic result of random mob violence.

    Searching for the truth about what happened that night, Jack makes a frightening discovery. Larger and much more powerful forces are working in the shadows, and what happened outside the jail is a symptom of an evil that infected the show-stopping trial and media-spun phenomenon of Sydney Bennett.
  • Afraid Of The Dark James Grippando
    ISBN: 0061840289, 9780061840289
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    The New York Times bestselling author's ever-popular hero, Jack Swyteck, is on his most dangerous case yet, uncovering a sinister underground world that has him racing across the globe.

    Then: Sergeant Vince Paulo held his best friend's daughter, McKenna, bleeding in his arms as she uttered the name of her murderer and ex-boyfriend, Jamal. That was minutes before a blast made everything go black for Vince—forever.

    Now: Miami criminal defense lawyer Jack Swyteck has been called in to save Jamal from the death penalty for terrorist activity. Despite urgent warnings from his fiancée, undercover FBI agent Andie Henning, to stay away from the case, Jack finds himself inextricably drawn to Jamal's past—even believing his alibi that he was abducted and held in a black site in Prague at the time of McKenna's death. But if Jamal is innocent, then the man who murdered McKenna and took Vince's sight is still out there . . . free.

    Soon bodies begin to pile up and ghosts from the past reappear very much alive, confirmed by ominous threats from a faceless man known only as "the Dark." Vince and Jack must confront a mortal danger that goes beyond McKenna's death, across international waters—a journey to piece together the past that leads through the back alleys of London, onto illegal Internet sites, and straight into the mind of pure evil.
  • Born to Run Джеймс Гриппандо
    ISBN: 0061556114
    Год издания: 2008
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling author James Grippando is back with another innovative and action-packed thriller featuring his ever-popular hero.

    Jack Swyteck gets caught in a dangerous web of intrigue and murder at the top levels of the United States government in his most high-profile and disturbing case yet.

    Miami criminal defense lawyer Jack Swyteck guards his own family secrets closely, after his father's two terms as Florida's governor made some personal rifts public. Things between the two men are finally better, and whenever Harry Swyteck asks for Jack's help he gets it. Suddenly, Harry needs it more than ever before.

    When Harry's friend, the vice president of the United States, goes hunting for alligators in the Everglades and winds up dead, the president positions Harry to be his new VP. Harry immediately asks Jack to be his lawyer. The prestige that comes from the job turns lethal, however, when Jack finds himself at the heart of a complicated cover-up that spans nearly fifty years and the globe. Before hostages can be released, an old secret must be revealed, one that could threaten the life of the president of the United States himself.
  • Last Call James Grippando
    ISBN: 0-06-083116-2, 978-0-06-083116-5
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    Many years ago, Jack Swyteck saved Theo Knight's life.

    Theo grew up on the streets of Miami's roughest neighborhood and lost his mother to a violent crime. Although his uncle Cy tried his best to raise him right, by the time he was a teenager, Theo was on death row for a murder he didn't commit. Jack was the lawyer who proved him innocent.

    Now a successful bar owner, Theo has turned things around. But he needs Jack's help again, this time more than ever.

    An escaped convict from the old neighborhood shows up at Theo's back door, asking for help. In return, he'll finger the man who murdered Theo's mother. But the answers aren't so simple, and soon Theo's own life is in danger.

    Jack and Theo must piece together a twenty-year-old conspiracy of greed and corruption that leads to the very top of Miami's elite, while revisiting a past that Theo has tried hard to forget. But Theo also has the opportunity to seek the revenge that has fueled him since the day he found his mother dead in the street on a hot Miami night.

    Last Call

    is a brilliant and bullet-fast thriller, complete with revelations that no reader will ever forget.
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