Wolfram Schnabel
  • 2 книги
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Wolfram Schnabel – лучшие книги

  • Polymers and Electromagnetic Radiation. Fundamentals and Practical Applications Wolfram Schnabel
    ISBN: 9783527677740
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    This first book to cover the interaction of polymers with radiation from the entire electromagnetic spectrum adopts a multidisciplinary approach to bridge polymer chemistry and physics, photochemistry, photophysics and materials science. The text is equally unique in its scope, devoting equal amounts of attention to the three aspects of synthesis, characterization, and applications. The first part deals with the interaction of polymers with non-ionizing radiation in the frequency-range from sub-terahertz via infrared radiation to visible and ultraviolet light, while the second covers interaction with ionizing radiation from the extreme ultraviolet to ?-ray photons. The result is a systematic overview of how both types of radiation can be used for different polymerization approaches, spectroscopy methods and lithography techniques. Authored by a world-renowned researcher and teacher with over 40 years of experience in the field, this is a highly practical and authoritative guide.
  • Polymers and Light Wolfram Schnabel
    ISBN: 9783527611034
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    This first book to focus on the important and topical effect of light on polymeric materials reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the topic, building a bridge between polymer chemistry and physics, photochemistry and photophysics, and materials science. Written by one experienced author, a consistent approach is maintained throughout, covering such applications as nonlinear optical materials, core materials for optical waveguides, photoresists in the production of computer chips, photoswitches and optical memories. Advanced reading for polymer, physical and organic chemists, manufacturers of optoelectronic devices, chemical engineers, and materials scientists.