Брайан Кристиан

Brian Christian

  • 12 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 75 читателей
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Брайан Кристиан – лучшие книги

  • Математика жизни: Простые алгоритмы принятия верных решений Том Гриффитс
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-3914-4
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский
    Знаете, что общего между выбором новой квартиры, поиском спутника жизни и продажей жилья? Важно не продешевить и жить долго и счастливо. Как это сделать с максимально возможной гарантией успеха? Ответ — «правило 37%», которое позволяет найти оптимальный баланс между временем, потраченным на поиски, и конечной выгодой. А как разобраться с грудой вещей в шкафу или быстро расставить по алфавиту семейную библиотеку после переезда? Алгоритм кеширования данных вам в помощь! Ну а если вы мучаетесь с рассадкой гостей на свадебном банкете, метод релаксации — ваше спасение.

    Даже если ни один из упомянутых выше терминов вам не знаком, не расстраивайтесь и обязательно прочтите книгу журналиста Брайана Кристиана и ученого-когнитивиста Тома Гриффитса. По их мнению, программисты и математики уже давно разработали алгоритмы, которые позволяют компьютерам найти оптимальное решение в заданное время и с минимальными затратами сил и средств. Авторы книги «Алгоритмы для жизни» считают, что нам просто необходимо воспользоваться этими наработками, и популярно объясняют, как именно применять сложные математические алгоритмы для решения повседневных задач, успешно избегая в своих объяснениях наукообразности и излишнего упрощения.
  • The Most Human Human: What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us about Being Alive Брайан Кристиан
    ISBN: 978-0307476708
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Anchor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Each year, the AI community convenes to administer the famous (and famously controversial) Turing test, pitting sophisticated software programs against humans to determine if a computer can “think.” The machine that most often fools the judges wins the Most Human Computer Award. But there is also a prize, strange and intriguing, for the “Most Human Human.”

    Brian Christian—a young poet with degrees in computer science and philosophy—was chosen to participate in a recent competition. This playful, profound book is not only a testament to his efforts to be deemed more human than a computer, but also a rollicking exploration of what it means to be human in the first place.
  • The Most Human Human. What Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive Брайан Кристиан
    ISBN: 9780241956052
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Penguin
    The Most Human Human by Brian Christian is a mind-blowing piece of reportage that will appeal to readers of Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test, and an inspiring riposte to John Gray's classic Straw Dogs - a book that will change your whole understanding of what being human actually means...
    AI is on the brink of a new dawn. And so are we. . .
    Telling the difference between humans and computers used to be easy. But artificial intelligence is now so advanced that it is capable of behaving, and even thinking, in ways that have long been considered exclusive to humankind. The time has come to rethink what being human actually means...
    In The Most Human Human Brian Christian meets the world's leading artificial intelligences, finds out what they're capable of - and what makes us unique. The result is a funny, shocking, inspiring, deeply humane and intelligent book that reaches into every aspect of our lives.
  • The Alignment Problem. How Can Artificial Intelligence Learn Human Values? Брайан Кристиан
    ISBN: 9781786494337
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Atlantic
    Artificial intelligence is rapidly dominating every aspect of our modern lives influencing the news we consume, whether we get a mortgage, and even which friends wish us happy birthday. But as algorithms make ever more decisions on our behalf, how do we ensure they do what we want? And fairly?
    This conundrum – dubbed ‘The Alignment Problem’ by experts – is the subject of this timely and important book. From the AI program which cheats at computer games to the sexist algorithm behind Google Translate, bestselling author Brian Christian explains how, as AI develops, we rapidly approach a collision between artificial intelligence and ethics. If we stand by, we face a future with unregulated algorithms that propagate our biases – and worse – violate our most sacred values. Urgent and fascinating, this is an accessible primer to the most important issue facing AI researchers today.
  • The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values Брайан Кристиан
    ISBN: 9780393635829
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    A jaw-dropping exploration of everything that goes wrong when we build AI systems and the movement to fix them.

    Today’s "machine-learning" systems, trained by data, are so effective that we’ve invited them to see and hear for us?and to make decisions on our behalf. But alarm bells are ringing. Recent years have seen an eruption of concern as the field of machine learning advances. When the systems we attempt to teach will not, in the end, do what we want or what we expect, ethical and potentially existential risks emerge. Researchers call this the alignment problem.

    Systems cull résumés until, years later, we discover that they have inherent gender biases. Algorithms decide bail and parole?and appear to assess Black and White defendants differently. We can no longer assume that our mortgage application, or even our medical tests, will be seen by human eyes. And as autonomous vehicles share our streets, we are increasingly putting our lives in their hands.

    The mathematical and computational models driving these changes range in complexity from something that can fit on a spreadsheet to a complex system that might credibly be called “artificial intelligence.” They are steadily replacing both human judgment and explicitly programmed software.

    In best-selling author Brian Christian’s riveting account, we meet the alignment problem’s “first-responders,” and learn their ambitious plan to solve it before our hands are completely off the wheel. In a masterful blend of history and on-the ground reporting, Christian traces the explosive growth in the field of machine learning and surveys its current, sprawling frontier. Readers encounter a discipline finding its legs amid exhilarating and sometimes terrifying progress. Whether they—and we—succeed or fail in solving the alignment problem will be a defining human story.

    The Alignment Problem offers an unflinching reckoning with humanity’s biases and blind spots, our own unstated assumptions and often contradictory goals. A dazzlingly interdisciplinary work, it takes a hard look not only at our technology but at our culture—and finds a story by turns harrowing and hopeful.